How to get rid of cockroaches in the apartment forever. Mechanical, chemical agents and other rid of cockroaches forever


Each of us at least once encountered in our apartment such an unpleasant phenomenon as cockroaches, especially with regard to multi-storey buildings.

These not too pleasant insects appear in your apartment from where it is not clear and immediately begin to feel at home.

Cockroaches are ubiquitous, you can see them anywhere in the apartment, it does not have to be a bathroom or kitchen, they can appear everywhere.

Perhaps there is not a single person in the world who would be very happy with such unexpected neighbors.

How to get rid of cockroaches in the apartment forever: is it possible?

Cockroaches live next door to humans for many centuries, but, despite this, the problem of getting rid of them remains relevant to our times. The trouble is that they are dangerous to human health, as they can carry many infectious diseases. If they have already chosen your home, smoking them out of here is a difficult task, but solvable.

Over the many years of fighting these insects, people have come up with many different ways to get rid of them, and the methods improve over time and become more effective. There are a lot of such methods, consider the most popular and effective ones.

How to get rid of cockroaches in the apartment forever: boric acid

Perhaps the most famous and popular means of combating these unpleasant insects is boric acid. This powder can be purchased without problems in any pharmacy, it is very inexpensive, and to process the most ordinary apartment, only 100-150 g are enough.

However, this tool has a very serious advantage over modern chemicals - it is absolutely safe for people and pets, it has no smell, and it works very effectively, since cockroaches simply hate this poison. Let's look at a couple of the most famous methods of getting rid of these insects using boric acid.

1 method

It is quite commonplace, but effective enough: sprinkle this powder on all approaches to the water. The fact is that cockroaches cannot live without water, and if you sprinkle boric acid powder near it, the insects, in search of moisture, will probably touch it with their paws or antennae, which will mean their death. In addition, when an infected insect comes into contact with other uninfected cockroaches, the latter will also become infected and begin to die.

2 way

However, cockroaches are pretty intelligent insects, and can quickly sense the danger. Therefore, it is better for them to prepare a special bait.

This method has already been tested by many people, and gives very good results. It looks like this:

1) Take a few yolks of raw eggs and mix them with boric acid powder to a pulp state with a consistency that allows us to give our mixture the desired shape;

2) Roll up small round balls from this mixture and leave them to dry;

3) Then we lay out these balls in places where unwanted guests most often appear;

4) Cockroaches are innately curious insects, so they probably come in to taste appetizing-smelling balls, which means that their death is inevitable.

However, it is not worth waiting for an instant result from this method, insects will not begin to die at the same moment, this takes several weeks. But they will have time to infect other contacting insects, which means that the effect will be very strong.

How to get rid of cockroaches in the apartment forever: storefronts

Today, the chemical industry is taking leaps and bounds, and new effective means of combating annoying insects are appearing.

Poison gels

Today, special gels with poison are very popular among the population, which can be purchased immediately in large syringes, completely ready for use. To use them, you need to take a poisonous gel and apply it in small drops on the baseboard at a distance of 10 cm around the entire perimeter of the room. This method also does not begin to act immediately, but after 4-7 days there will be no trace of insects.

The most famous and effective are the gels of the following manufacturers:

  • Raptor

  • Killer;

  • Dohlox;

  • Liquidator and others.

Mechanical methods

Many people prefer not to use chemicals to deal with unwanted neighbors, but are limited to the standard "found-suppressed-assembled with a vacuum cleaner", and cover the revealed holes in the walls and floors. Of course, this method will give a certain result: a certain number of insects will surely die. At the same time, you must be fully aware that this method will never completely get rid of cockroaches, you can only slightly reduce their numbers, but the rest will always remain in places inaccessible to people.

A far more reasonable option would be to use a variety of traps for cockroaches. Before using them, you need to determine the places where cockroaches appear most often. It is in such places that you need to arrange them. Such traps operate according to the following principle:

We attract insects to the shelter with some goodies with a strong aroma - they will begin to hide there for a day, and to destroy them it will be enough to shake out the trap with the cockroaches gathered in it overnight in the toilet once a day.

There are also traps with Velcro inside: insects fall into them, but can no longer exit, their paws are glued. This method is often practiced in villages: they use jars in which oil is spread from the inside.

There is another way to prepare a sticky trap - a small cardboard house, sticky inside. To attract insects into it, in the very middle of such a house an attractive bait for insects is exposed. Cockroaches run down to its smell, fall into the house, and they can already leave it, since they have firmly stuck to its walls.

To date, such cardboard houses can be purchased without problems in specialized stores or on thematic sites on the Internet. Each of them is quite effective, and also completely harmless to humans and pets.

There are also so-called electric traps. Such devices are no less effective than chemical agents, and work on approximately the same principle as other traps. There is only one difference: instead of poisons, a special conductive bottom is located inside the device. Cockroaches that fall into it die from the discharge of electricity. The bait needs to be changed from time to time, and clean the dead insects with a brush.

Each of the above traps for work should attract insects with their favorite treat with sweet aromas. The most effective bait feed is a piece of biscuit or bread soaked in vegetable oil.

How to get rid of cockroaches in the apartment forever: freezing rooms

Many people probably know about this method, but not everyone will be able to use it effectively, moreover, it is relevant only in frosty winters. Insects cannot tolerate low temperatures, so on any frosty day you need to open all the windows and leave to cool the room for several hours. It is very important that there is a very hard frost on the street, since the zero temperature of the insects is unlikely to kill. But the frost to -10-15 ° C - that's it.

Important! Before you start to freeze the room, do not forget to drain all the water from the boiler, pipes and radiator, so they can simply burst.

Of course, not all people will like this method, since in an apartment this will be quite problematic. In any case, this method is very effective and should not be discounted.

On a note. For people living in apartments, and not having the opportunity to freeze their homes so there is an alternative. It consists in the removal to the frost of separate furniture - a sofa, table, cabinet. But do not forget that cockroaches are ubiquitous insects, and they never live in any one place. Therefore, freezing individual pieces of furniture will give a certain effect, but it is unlikely that you can completely get rid of these insects.

Here, perhaps, are all the most popular methods of combating cockroaches. Choose the most suitable way for yourself and remember that the sooner you start to fight these insects, the faster you will get rid of them, so do not put this problem in the long drawer.


Watch the video: Diatomaceous Earth Test with a Cockroach (June 2024).