Calathea - species, cultivation, care, transplantation and reproduction


Homeland calatheas Central and South America is from the marathon family, however, it feels great in our apartments and offices. This is a very numerous genus, which ranks first in the family in the number of species (there are about 150). First of all, this plant attracts the attention of flower growers for its beautiful and unusual in appearance patterned leaves, decorated with fancy various patterns. Some species of Kalatheus are capable of flowering. Let's get acquainted with the most famous species of this plant.

Calathea Makoya is the most popular of indoor cultures. It is attractive for its wide, dull leaves, as if painted from above on silver and green at the edges. It looks very nice thin pattern of leaves, similar to the ornament, woven from veins and dark green spots of various sizes.

Calathea is wonderful differs leaves with wavy edges, in shape close to the lanceolate. From the bottom they are purple in color. This plant has one leaf per outlet.

Kalateya Varshevich - very decorative, thanks to its large velvety leaves. But for its successful cultivation you need a lot of space, because before the flowering the plant produces thriving crankshafts that need support.

Calathea - growing and care

For the cultivation of this flower requires a moderate temperature, which in winter should not fall below 16C. Calathea does not tolerate drafts and sudden changes in temperature. On non-compliance with these rules, it necessarily responds by rotting and falling leaves.

For the maintenance of this plant is better to choose loose, breathable, slightly acidic soil. The best option would be to buy a special soil for maranth plants. The flower needs good drainage to avoid stagnant water in the pot.

This plant is light-requiring, but does not tolerate the direct sun, and this rule applies to the winter period of time. Calathea tolerates penumbra as well, however, it feels best in a well-lit room.

In summer, the flower requires abundant watering with soft, separated, always warm water. For him, the constant moderate humidity of the root coma is very important, however, it is also impossible to pour it, it is better to water it when it dries about 2-3 cm of topsoil. In winter, watering should be reduced.

Spraying should be carried out regularly. One of the main conditions for the successful cultivation of calats is high humidity. You can run it in different ways. For example, by spraying over a flower several times a day with warm boiled water from a sprayer, or placing the pot in a tray with wet sphagnum or expanded clay so that its bottom does not come into direct contact with water. When spraying it is necessary to avoid large drops on the leaves, so that stains do not remain and the plant does not lose sight.

Calathea requires mandatory fertilizing with mineral fertilizers. In spring and summer it is carried out once every two weeks, with the onset of the cold period, fertilizing is reduced.

Calathea - replanting and reproduction

Every two years, in the spring, the calathea needs to be transplanted. The soil for transplantation should consist of leaf and humus soil, peat (one by one) and sand (0.5 parts). Since in the summer the plant is watered abundantly, during transplantation one must take care of good drainage (it should take at least a quarter of the planting capacity).

The flower propagates by dividing the bush at the time of transplantation. To root the separated parts of the plant, they should be planted in pots covered with foil and kept in a warm place. After rooting, the film is removed and taken care of the plant in the usual manner.

Calathea - diseases and pests

If the flower began to dry, its leaves at the ends became brown and dry, this most likely indicates a lack of moisture and too dry air, which calathea tolerates very hard. Correct the situation by increasing the humidity of the air or increasing the number of sprays, or placing the plant in a glass container.

When breeding Kalaty need to remember about their demands for the light mode. Too bright light causes the leaves to lose color, and if they are exposed to direct sunlight, a burn may occur.

Too dry air can also cause spider mites on the flower. It is a very small red spider, which, appearing on the underside of the leaves, envelops them with a thin white cobweb. Spraying and washing the leaves, especially from the bottom, with a weak tobacco extract with soap, pollinating with ground sulfur or treating the plant with ready-made insecticides will help to get rid of it.

After treating the leaves with solutions, after a few hours, wash them with cool water. The processing of the plant is carried out until the pests are completely destroyed. To prevent damage to a calathea with a spider mite, it is necessary to observe optimum conditions for its maintenance, ensure sufficient air humidity and not keep it close to central heating radiators.

Increased soil moisture at the roots can cause plant infection with rhizoctoniosis and the appearance of rot. This leads to the fact that the leaves of the plant are affected by specific spots. Treat it in this case by treatment with appropriate fungicides.

As we can see, the care of calathea, although it has its own difficulties, is quite possible even for a beginning florist. But for your efforts this plant will bring into your home a wonderful atmosphere of comfort, beauty and comfort.


Watch the video: Houseplant Propagation. My Prayer Plant (July 2024).