Heartburn - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment


Heartburn It is a burning sensation that occurs mainly in the lower esophagus. Often, heartburn manifests itself in those people who have a broken stomach or suffer from gastritis with high acidity of the stomach. Typically, heartburn occurs immediately after eating. If a person constantly consumes potatoes, bread, pasta, fish, meat, sugar, as well as other acidifying foods, then the problem can overtake at any moment. And vegetable food, on the contrary, promotes alkalization of the stomach.

Heartburn - Causes

Heartburn can occur for many reasons. This can be safely attributed to the use of fatty foods, alcoholic beverages, various sweets, smoking, as well as all kinds of disturbances in the work of the stomach. Also, the cause of heartburn can be an improper diet, overeating or malnutrition, poisoning. In other words, the reasons can be very diverse. A person may not even know which way to expect trouble. By the way, chocolate is also one of the causes of this disorder.

Often women use all kinds of ways to lose weight, while disrupting the performance of their stomach. As a result, they begin to wonder why there is discomfort.

The use of certain medications can also lead to impaired functionality of the lower esophageal sphincter. These drugs include drugs designed to lower blood pressure, various heart remedies.

Heartburn - Symptoms

Symptoms of heartburn manifest as burning behind the sternum. A similar sensation can occur in the epigastric region, spreading upwards. Burning can give in the throat, arms, back, jaw. This sensation is very similar to the pain that occurs during a heart attack. Therefore, when severe chest pain occurs, you should immediately seek medical help.

Heartburn mainly occurs within an hour after eating food, and it tends to intensify when the body is tilted forward or horizontally, when straining occurs, with an act of defecation. The pain can be slightly reduced if you change the position of the body or by drinking a little water.

Heartburn - Diagnosis

In some cases, heartburn can be so severe that differential diagnosis is required. To confirm that there is direct heartburn, burning sensations disappear relatively quickly after taking antacid drugs.

In order to determine the cause of heartburn, as well as to prescribe the right treatment, a special study of the acidity of gastric juice and the functioning of the lower food sphincter is carried out.

Heartburn - treatment

Burning treatment is based on the cure of the main disease, which contributed to the occurrence of heartburn. At the same time, drugs are used that can neutralize the acid of gastric juice. Antacids are used to treat heartburn, which can very well quench acid, without contributing to the stretching of the stomach. Can also be used enveloping agents, adsorbents.

Since there are many different symptoms, the doctor should prescribe the treatment, and medication should be administered under his supervision.

As for the prevention of heartburn, in this case, the main thing is not to overeat, and also not to abuse alcoholic beverages. No need to get carried away with carbonated drinks with beer, as gases contribute to the occurrence of heartburn. It is especially important to exclude smoking, which irritates the gastric mucosa.


Alexandra 02/11/2016
I rarely have heartburn, I noticed that from tomatoes or borsch with tomato paste. But I also can’t eat tomatoes, I really love them, so I allow myself sometimes. Not always, but most often, heartburn then begins. But I always have Motilak in my medicine cabinet; it helps a lot, quickly and effectively. Therefore, once a week you can afford your favorite borscht)))


Watch the video: Heartburn, Acid Reflux, GERD-Mayo Clinic (July 2024).