Pumpkin jam recipes quickly - the taste of autumn. Pumpkin jam is fast and tasty: with orange, lemon, dried apricots, apples, etc.


Pumpkin is a healthy and tasty vegetable, from which many different dishes are prepared. It is perfectly stored until spring, but not every housewife has the opportunity to procure it in sufficient quantities due to the lack of a basement. Therefore, preservation is prepared from it.

Pumpkin jam recipes quickly and tasty - the basic principles of cooking

Pumpkin jam is not only incredibly tasty and aromatic, but also has a rich amber color. In this case, the specific smell of pumpkin is absolutely not felt.

Unripe fruits are taken for jam. They are washed, the peel is cut with a sharp knife, cut in half and seeds with fibers are scraped with a spoon. Then the pulp is crushed into slices, cubes or cubes, or rubbed with a grater with large sections.

The taste and aroma of jam can be diversified by adding citrus fruits, sea buckthorn, currants, apples or any other berries or fruits that have a pronounced sour taste. For piquancy, nutmeg, cloves, ginger or cardamom are added to the dish.

The general principles for making pumpkin jam are not much different from the usual. Cook it in one step, or in several, giving the pumpkin time to soak in syrup.

Cans, before laying the jam, are sterilized over steam or in the oven, but the main condition: they must be dry.

Hot jam is laid out in jars and hermetically sealed with tin lids. Store a treat in the cellar or pantry.

Recipe 1. Pumpkin Jam recipe fast and tasty


pumpkin - a kilogram;

filtered water - one and a half glasses;

granulated sugar - kilogram.

Cooking method

1. Pour water into a saucepan, pour sugar and put on low heat. Cook, stirring continuously, until syrup is obtained, which will drain with a thin thread from a spoon.

2. Wash the pumpkin, wipe with a towel, cut into four parts, and scoop up seeds with fibers with a spoon. Then we cut off the peel with a sharp knife. Cut the pulp of the vegetable into centimeter cubes.

3. Put the pumpkin in an aluminum bowl and fill it with hot syrup. We send to a slow fire and cook, stirring occasionally, until the jam acquires a dark amber color.

4. Pour the hot jam into clean, sterile jars and seal it tightly with tin lids using a sealing key.

Recipe 2. Pumpkin jam recipe quickly and tasty with orange and lemon


kg of pumpkin;

large orange;

850 g of granulated sugar;

large lemon.

Cooking method

1. For jam, take citrus fruits with a thin skin and without large white fibers. Pumpkin should be dessert varieties. This vegetable has a sweet and bright flesh.

2. Wash the vegetable, cut in half and spoon the seeds with the fibers in a spoon. Cut the peel with a sharp knife. Cut the pulp into small pieces.

3. Wash the lemon, wipe with a towel, cut in half and in small pieces, removing the bones.

4. Peel the orange from the peel by cutting off the white part. Finely chop the pulp of citrus.

5. Put the pumpkin, lemon and orange in an aluminum bowl, cover with granulated sugar and leave overnight to completely dissolve the sugar crystals. Then mix and put on a slow fire. Cook, stirring constantly, for about forty minutes, until the jam becomes thick.

6. Wash cans, sterilize, dry. Put the bitter jam in the jars and tightly cork the lids, turn over, wrap and cool.

Recipe 3. Pumpkin Jam recipe fast and tasty with apples and cinnamon


a pound of apples;

5 g of cinnamon;

a pound of pumpkin pulp;

half a liter of drinking water;

450 g of granulated sugar.

Cooking method

1. Wash the pumpkin, cut in half and choose a spoonful of fiber with seeds. Then peel the flesh. Grind the prepared pumpkin into small pieces.

2. Wash the apples, wipe with a kitchen towel, cut in half, remove the core and cut the peel. Cut the pulp of fruit in the same way as a pumpkin.

3. Pour water into the pan, put the pulp of pumpkin in it and put on the stove. Simmer, sprinkle sugar in small portions.

4. When the mass begins to boil, lay out the apples and cook for another half hour, periodically removing the foam with a slotted spoon. Now add cinnamon and continue cooking for another 20 minutes. Stir constantly to prevent jam from burning.

5. Spread the hot mass in sterile dried cans, tightly roll the lids, turn over, wrap and cool.

Recipe 4. Pumpkin jam recipe quickly and tasty with dried apricots


kg of pumpkin dessert varieties;

cinnamon to taste;

600 g of granulated sugar;

200 g dried apricots.

Cooking method

1. Wash the pumpkin, peel, cut in half and clean the fibers and seeds with a tablespoon. Cut the pulp of the vegetable into small pieces and put in a blender bowl.

2. Pour dried apricots with warm water and leave for half an hour. Then drain the water and lay the dried fruits on a paper towel so that they dry slightly. Put the dried apricots to the pumpkin in a blender. Grind everything to a puree state.

3. Transfer the mass to a saucepan, add sugar, add cinnamon, mix and cook over low heat until the syrup becomes thick.

4. Wash cans, sterilize over steam or in the oven, dry. Put the hot pumpkin mass in cans and roll them in tin cans using a special key. Turn over, wrap, cool and store in the basement or pantry.

Recipe 5. Pumpkin jam recipe quickly and tasty with chokeberry


kg of sweet dessert pumpkin;

kg of granulated sugar;

kg chokeberry.

Cooking method

1. Wash the pumpkin, wipe with a kitchen towel and carefully cut the peel with a sharp knife. Cut the fruit and select the fibers and seeds with a tablespoon. Cut the prepared pulp into pieces, measured from the rowan berry.

2. Sort berries from garbage, put in a sieve and rinse under running water. Place slices of pumpkin and chokeberry in an aluminum bowl, pour sugar over the mixture and leave for four hours. Stir occasionally.

3. Put the dishes with berries and pumpkin on a small fire and cook for five minutes from boiling. Then set aside for eight hours. Repeat the procedure three times until the jam acquires a beautiful dark shade.

4. Wash, sterilize and dry the cans. Put the hot jam in the jars and tightly seal them with tin lids using a special key. Turn over preservation, wrap and leave for a day.

Recipe 6. Armenian pumpkin jam recipe fast and tasty


half a kilogram of lime;

kg of pumpkin;

five liters of cold water;

a pinch of vanillin;

450 ml of filtered water for syrup;

kg of white sugar.

Cooking method

1. Pour lime into a deep container, fill with water, mix thoroughly and leave for four hours.

2. My pumpkin, cut the peel, cut into four parts, and scrape seeds with fibers. The pulp of the vegetable is cut into curly pieces.

3. Filter the lime, folding the cheesecloth in several layers. In the purified solution we place the pulp of pumpkin and leave for half an hour.

4. We carefully wash the slices of the vegetable under running water.

5. Pour boiling water into the pan, dip the pumpkin slices into it and blanch them for six minutes. Then take out with a slotted spoon and cool.

6. From the water and granulated sugar we cook the syrup and fill them with the boiled vegetable. Leave for five hours.

7. Put on the stove and keep on fire until boiling. Then set aside and cool. Repeat the procedure twice more.

8. The last time we lay out a lot of hot on sterile jars and roll up the lids, after boiling them. Turn over, cover and stand the day.

Recipe 7. Pumpkin Jam recipe fast and tasty


kg drain;

kg of granulated sugar;

kg of pumpkin.

Cooking method

1. We sort out plums and mine. Crop corrupted places. Cut along and take out the bones.

2. Rinse the pumpkin, wipe with a kitchen towel. Cut the fruit in half and scrape seeds and fiber with a tablespoon. We cut off the peel with a sharp knife. The pulp of the prepared vegetable is cut into small pieces.

3. Plums and pumpkin spread in an aluminum bowl. Pour sugar and leave for three hours.

4. We put on the stove. Turn on a small fire and cook from the moment of boiling for about 20 minutes. Constantly mix so that the jam does not burn.

5. The glass containers are thoroughly washed, rinsed and sterilized. Be sure to dry. We spread hot jam on dry banks and roll up tin lids. Turn it over, wrap it with a warm cloth and leave it for a day. We store jam in the pantry or basement.

Pumpkin Jam Recipe Fast and Delicious - Tips and Tricks

  • Use young fruits weighing no more than four kilograms for jam.
  • If you want a thick jam, chop the pumpkin pulp on a coarse grater.
  • Jam is made in stainless steel or aluminum. In enameled containers, it will burn.
  • It is better to cook jam from pumpkin muscat varieties.
  • Vanilla, nutmeg or ginger may be added for flavor.


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