What is the benefit and harm of feta cheese - brine cheese. Is it good or bad to use feta cheese every day?


Brynza - brine rennet cheese, the use of which brings great benefits to the body. This type of cheese not only has excellent taste, but also is a valuable source of easily digestible protein, milk fat, calcium and phosphorus, which allows you to use it every day without harming your health. Nevertheless, excessive consumption of this type of cheese in your diet can cause irreparable damage, so it is so important to use feta cheese in moderation, because knowledge of the measure is the main guarantee of health.

Nutrition value of feta cheese

One of the most important features of Brynza cheese is its nutritional value, which is determined by its content of such substances as proteins, fats, carbohydrates, mineral and organic substances.

For feta cheese made from cow's milk, an energy value of 260 kcal / 1088 kJ is characteristic. The content of the main substances (in grams per 100 g of product):

Water - 52,

Proteins - 17.9,

Fats - 20.1,

Organic acids - 2,

Ash - 8.

For feta cheese from a mixture of cow's milk with goat or sheep’s, the energy value is 298 kcal / 1247 kJ. The content of basic substances (in grams per 100 g of product):

Water - 49,

Proteins - 14.6,

Fats - 25.5,

Organic acids - 2.9,

Ash - 8.

1) Proteins

The diet of each person should include proteins that cannot be replaced by any other food components, since only proteins are composed of amino acids that the body needs to build its own protein.

The amount of protein in cheese Brynza is large, as a result of which the use of this type of cheese can be of great benefit.

These proteins are essential for improving digestion and growth. Eating protein found in feta cheese helps cure diseases like

Inflammation of the mucous surface of the stomach,

Stomach ulcer

Liver disease

Gallbladder disease.

It should be borne in mind that on average, the protein intake per day should be 1.5 g per 1 kg of weight, of which about 55% should be in animal protein.

2) Fats (lipids)

An important component of feta cheese is also fats (lipids), which serve as sources of energy, suppliers of substances necessary for building living tissues. Moreover, fats promote the absorption of vitamins A, D and E.

The amount of lipids consumed should be about 25-35% of the calorie diet, and the ratio of animal to vegetable fats is 7: 3.

The quality of lipid components is determined by the amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids contained in them that are not synthesized by the body itself. This type of fatty acid is found mainly in vegetable fats, but in small amounts it is also present in animal fats, including cheese Brynza.

Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids

1) are part of cell membranes,

2) provide normal body growth,

3) improve metabolism,

4) contribute to the elasticity of blood vessels,

5) contribute to the removal of excess cholesterol from the body,

6) have a preventive effect on breast cancer,

7) prevent the appearance of lipid plaques on the walls of blood vessels and the development of atherosclerosis.

As already mentioned, the content of polyunsaturated fatty acids in any cheese is low, while most of them are saturated fatty acids, some of which are used by the body to synthesize cholesterol. As a result, you should not abuse cheese and make sure that the ratio in the diet of fatty acids is as follows: 10% polyunsaturated, 30% saturated and 60% monounsaturated fatty acids.

Brynza cheese contains a small amount of fat, has a low energy value (calorie content). A decrease in fat content increases the ratio of polyunsaturated fatty acids to saturated fatty acids, which leads to an increase in the benefits brought by cheese to the human body.

3) Lactose and organic acids

Most of the lactose contained in milk goes with the serum during the production of feta cheese, the remaining part is completely fermented to lactic and acetic acids.

3) Minerals

Brynza cheese is rich in minerals such as Ca and P, which are well absorbed by the body.

Brynza made from cow's milk contains micro and macro elements in the following quantities (in milligrams per 100 g of product):

Na - 1560,

· Ca - 530,

P - 310.

For feta cheese from a mixture of cow's or goat's or sheep’s milk, the amount of micro- and macrocells corresponds to the following values ​​(in milligrams per 100 g of product):

Na - 1600,

Ca - 550.

P - 310.

4) Vitamins

Brynza cheese contains B vitamins (B1 and B2), as well as ascorbic acid (vitamin C).

Vitamin composition of feta cheese made from cow's milk (in milligrams per 100 g of product):

B1 - 0.04,

B2 - 0.12

C - 1.

Vitamin composition of feta cheese made from a mixture of cow’s milk with goat or sheep’s (in milligrams per 100 g of product):

B1 - 0.05,

B2 - 0.15,

C - 1.

Damage to the body by cheese Brynza

Eating feta cheese in unlimited quantities can contribute to the development of serious diseases.

As mentioned above, in Brynza small amounts of polyunsaturated fatty acids are contained, with moderate consumption of which the body receives great benefits, however, these acids can be oxidized with the formation of toxic products of this oxidation. May result in

· oncological diseases,

Kidney disease

· Liver disease.

The adult's need for Na is about 4 grams per day, feta cheese contains a large amount of Na, so excessive consumption of this type of cheese can cause

Increased blood pressure, hypertension,

The occurrence and development of atherosclerosis,

The occurrence and development of osteoporosis.

Amines can be present in feta cheese, which have a negative effect on human health with excessive consumption. The use of feta cheese is especially dangerous for people who have a deficiency of monoamine oxidase in the body.

What should I look for when buying cheese to choose the most useful product?

When buying feta cheese, the following organoleptic indicators must be considered:

1) Duration of ripening (age)

20 days (in case of preparation from pasteurized cow's milk), 60 days (in case of preparation from a mixture of cow's milk with sheep or goat).

2) Features of appearance

The crust should be absent. The surface should be flat with a mesh surface. Perhaps a slight change in the shape of the cheese and the appearance of cracks.

3) Taste and smell

Taste and smell should be clean, sour-milk, the taste should not be excessive salinity.

4) Consistency

The consistency should be tender, moderately dense, a little brittle, but not crumbling.

5) Figure

Drawing should be absent. Perhaps the presence of a small number of eyes and voids of irregular shape.

6) Color

Color from white to light yellow (light cream).

What are the signs of poor quality cheese?

In stores, you can also find substandard feta cheese, which can harm the body.

In no case should you buy cheese if it is characterized by at least one sign from the list below.

1) There is a touch of mustiness in the taste or smell. This symptom indicates the presence in the sheep fetal bacteria of the group of E. coli (hereinafter - BGKP).

2) The taste or smell is rotten, putrid due to the presence of putrefactive microorganisms.

3) Brynza salinity due to mucus or the development of butyric acid bacteria.

4) Very sour taste or smell, crumbling structure.

5) Rancidity associated with the presence in the cheese of mucus-forming bacteria and molds.

6) The bitter taste and smell arising from the development of peptonizing bacteria, the use of magnesia salts or improper feeding of livestock.

7) The cheese is too hard and coarse.

8) Cheese is too soft.

9) Brynza has a mucous surface.

10) A torn pattern is visible in the section, which is most often associated with the development of harmful butyric acid bacteria and BGKP.

11) The retina is visible in the section, which is due to the presence of BGKP.


Watch the video: Feta Cheese: Healthy or Unhealthy? (July 2024).