Oatmeal is a universal remedy for beauty and skin health. Oatmeal face masks - the effect as after a beauty salon


The condition of the skin depends on many factors, such as nutrition, ecology, genetics, the presence of stress. But, above all, in order for her to be healthy and beautiful, she needs constant and thorough care.

Even when it is not possible to visit beauty salons and use expensive (and not always effective) means, it is possible, using the riches of nature, namely oatmeal, to provide such care yourself.

Oatmeal - the best ally in the struggle for beauty

Oatmeal is a crushed oat grain that, after processing, turns into flakes. It contains a large number of vitamins and minerals, as well as vitamins of groups B and E. Due to the fact that oatmeal is rich in fiber, they well cleanse not only the intestines, but also the skin of the face. Their regular use for cosmetic purposes helps to get rid of many problems.

The ancient Greeks and Romans used oatmeal for cosmetic purposes - they took oatmeal baths in order to cure all kinds of skin diseases. After all, it is a natural cleanser that cleanses well and the skin does not overdry it.

It is important that when preparing masks pay attention to grinding. There are flakes that can be simply poured with hot water and used as a mask, but there are those that are better to grind into flour in a coffee grinder or mortar, as they are, firstly, difficult to apply to the skin, and secondly, it can be injured . If it is not possible to grind, then oatmeal must be let in hot water without draining the broth, let it cool and then add the necessary ingredients.

Oatmeal face masks for all skin types

Oatmeal is hypoallergenic, but if you are allergic to any type of nuts, use masks from them with great care, and it is best to do a test on the elbow bend 24 hours before applying the mask.

Tips for using oatmeal masks:

• Avoid the area around the eyes - oatmeal tightens the skin when it dries - this can lead to redness.

• Try not to stain the hair roots with the mask - it is difficult to wash it from them.

• The average duration of holding oatmeal masks on the skin is 10-20 minutes, depending on the complementary components. It is not necessary to wait until the mask is completely dry - then it is very difficult to wash it off.

The most versatile mask recipe: pour 3 tablespoons of oatmeal with 5 tablespoons of hot water, wait until the mixture has cooled to room temperature, and apply on face. If suddenly the slurry is too thick, then it can be diluted with a face tonic or any freshly squeezed juice.

Mask recipes for all skin types:

  • Whitening mask: mix half a cup of oatmeal flour with lemon juice. Apply for 15 minutes on the skin and rinse with cool water. For a visible result, this procedure should be carried out regularly, several times a week (depending on skin type) for a month, and best of all at night, since, especially in the spring-summer period, you can get the opposite effect - a sunburn.
  • Softening mask - 3 tablespoons of cereal, pour 3 tablespoons of water, when swelling add honey.
  • Antistress mask: pour half a cup of oatmeal flour with 3 tablespoons of mineral sparkling water - it tones and refreshes well.
  • Vitamin mask: pour oatmeal with hot milk or cream, leave to swell, and pour carrot juice or some other seasonal juice into the warm mixture.

Oatmeal Dry Skin Care

When used regularly as face masks, oat flakes accelerate skin regeneration, they promote active hydration and help protect it from dehydration.

Effective mask for dry skin: pour half a cup of oatmeal with warm fat cream and apply a thin layer for 15 minutes. Lactic acid in milk moisturizes the skin and makes it soft, and vitamin A nourishes and protects it from aging and wilting.

You can also prepare a facial scrub, taking oatmeal as a basis: yolk, 1 tablespoon of oatmeal, 4 tablespoons of lemon juice, a pinch of sugar - apply to the skin, massage gently and leave for 10 minutes.

Once a week, and especially in the autumn-winter period, when dry skin is especially in need of nutrition, you can prepare such a face mask from oatmeal: pour 3 tablespoons of oatmeal with a quarter cup of hot milk, leave it to cool. Then add 1 tablespoon of apricot kernel oil into it (can be replaced with any stone oil - grape, peach), 2 teaspoons of yogurt. If the mask turned out to be a little liquid, then it can be thickened with any flour - wheat, oat, corn. And also as a thickener any cosmetic clay is suitable - white, blue or pink.

Also in masks for dry skin, you can add a few drops of vitamins A and E.

Oatmeal mask for elasticity and youth

Oatmeal stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, which makes the skin supple and elastic, and the protective functions of the skin increase due to the presence of salicylic and pantothenic acid, silicon and a large number of amino acids in oats.

With age, the skin loses its elasticity, and the moisturizing and exfoliating properties of this natural product provide a lifting effect. If you make a face mask of oatmeal regularly and systematically, you can forget about wrinkles: 4 tablespoons of oatmeal pour one third of a glass of warm water. After the mixture turns into slurry, add 2 teaspoons of kefir and half a teaspoon of honey to it. Knead the mask well and apply it on the face, on the neck and decollete - leave it on for 15 minutes and rinse. Kefir, due to the fact that it contains a large amount of lipids (fats), has a calming effect, lactic acid nourishes the skin without depriving it of natural oils. And honey is a natural astringent that helps to tighten pores, stimulates blood circulation and tightens the skin.

After 35 years, the skin of the face begins to lose moisture and age and in order to maintain youth, you need to make at least some effort. Remarkable results are given by a mask with oatmeal, protein of one egg and olive oil. Proportions can be selected depending on the desired result: egg white tightens the skin, and olive oil nourishes and moisturizes.

A very good tonic effect on adult skin is exerted by oatmeal, steamed not with water, or milk, as usual, but with hot strong tea. After the slurry has cooled to room temperature, it must be applied to the face for 15 minutes. The effect after applying this mask is just instantaneous - black tea - mattifies well, and green refreshes.

Oatmeal face masks for oily and problem skin

When too much sebum is produced, then enlarged pores appear on the face - as a result, they become clogged, oxidized, black dots, blackheads, comedones appear. To get rid of these problems, you need to regularly clean your pores and naturally regulate too much sebum production. Some products, such as oatmeal, have all the properties necessary to solve the problems of oily and porous skin. Oatmeal is able to penetrate deep into the pores without drying and without irritating the skin, absorb excess sebum and relieve inflammation.

Cleansing masks for this skin type:

  • Mix half a cup of oatmeal and a quarter cup of kefir with 1 teaspoon of honey, you can still add a little salt.
  • 3 tablespoons of oatmeal, 1 teaspoon of baking soda 2 tablespoons of lemon juice.
  • Half a cup of oatmeal, egg white, 2 tablespoons of lemon juice, salt - on the tip of a knife.

These masks need to be applied for 10 minutes and washed off with massaging movements, after which apply your usual moisturizer.

The following mask helps to cope with acne: mix 2 tablespoons of oatmeal with 2 tablespoons of honey and add half a tablespoon of lemon juice, to enhance the effect, you can add a few drops of eucalyptus essential oil or tea tree - they have antiseptic properties.

For oily skin, a mask of oatmeal, tomato and lemon juice is also ideal - it cleans pores well and helps get rid of oily sheen.

Oatmeal is an ideal ingredient for both oily and dry skin, and oatmeal masks, if you add additional ingredients, can work wonders for your skin.


Watch the video: Best DIY Face Mask for DRY Skin. Organic Skin Care 2018 (June 2024).