Candidiasis in men: the first symptoms and signs. Methods for the treatment of candidiasis in men, prevention


Candidiasis in men or the so-called male thrush is the collective name for Candida class fungal infections that affect the human genitals. The term “thrush” itself was popularly used due to the fact that such a disease externally resembles white sour milk with a characteristic odor. The causes of candidiasis in men, as well as the symptoms, can be quite different. More about this later in the article.

Causes of candidiasis in men

Candida class fungi can occur in humans for a variety of reasons. Thus, under the slightest favorable conditions, these microorganisms begin to rapidly develop and affect the mucous membranes of the male genital organs.

It should be noted that you can become infected with candidiasis not only from your sexual partner. Quite often, these types of fungus are detected on the skin, mucous membranes of the mouth, and in the intestines of absolutely healthy people. For this reason, it is important to know that the development of such fungi can be inside the body itself with a decrease in immunity and the influence of other factors.

The following most common causes of candidiasis in men are distinguished:

1. A high level of humidity in the mucous membranes, which creates favorable conditions for the rapid growth of bacteria. Such fungi are especially active in acidic moist environments.

2. A sharp increase in blood sugar can give an impetus to the development of candidiasis. This is due to the fact that in this state, pathogens do not interfere with active growth, especially since sugar will be present in human urine. Moreover, the frequent use of all kinds of sweets also increases the risk of thrush, both in women and in men.

3. Injury to the mucous membranes and skin, in which ulcers will form in such places, is also an ideal environment for the rapid spread of fungus.

4. The presence of dysbiosis in the intestine is one of the most common causes of candidiasis. In this state, beneficial lactobacteria will no longer be able to restrain the reproduction of fungi, so nothing will stop the latter from "getting on their feet" and starting their active life.

At the same time, it is worth noting that the cause of the development of dysbiosis can be prolonged treatment with antibiotics, poisoning or poor nutrition. Also, an important role in this is played by a sharp decrease in immunity.

5. Hormonal malfunctions are not rarely the root cause of thrush in men. In this state, all body systems undergo changes, which can affect the reproductive system.

6. Wrong or insufficiently thorough hygiene of the genitals, which is why a man forms an optimal environment for the reproduction of the fungus.

7. The use of synthetic underwear, in which the genitals sweat, and creates an optimal moist environment for the life of fungi.

8. Strong stress and nervous strain can reduce the body's defenses, making it harder for him to fight against pathogenic fungi. Bad habits and malnutrition also play a role in the development of thrush in men, which in the complex are also extremely negatively displayed on the immune system.

9. Infection with candidiasis from a woman who suffers from the active form of this disease. At the same time, the transmission of the fungus can be not only with unprotected intimate communication, but also through the mucous membranes of the mouth during sexual intercourse.

In addition, it is important to note that the presence of chronic viral or sexually transmitted diseases also makes a man more vulnerable to candidiasis and its varieties.

Candidiasis in men: the first symptoms and signs

The following characteristic signs of candidiasis in men and the features of its course are distinguished:

1. A person begins to feel discomfort during an intimate relationship. Gradually, unpleasant feelings only intensify and are replaced by pain.

2. In the area of ​​intimate organs, the patient feels severe itching and burning, which is especially noticeable in the morning.

3. During urination, the man will suffer from pain and burning. There are also frequent urges to urinate.

4. A characteristic sour smell appears in the intimate area. A white coating appears on the head of the penis.

5. Swelling of the glans penis and redness of the foreskin happens in more advanced cases. Also, the head of the penis can peel and hurt.

Most often, thrush in men proceeds in the form of balanoposthitis. An urologist will help to establish an accurate diagnosis on the basis of examination, symptoms and test results.

During diagnosis, it is also very important (in addition to smears) to donate blood to the level of hormones and blood sugar. This will help to quickly and accurately identify the type of candidiasis.

Candidiasis in men: treatment

Treatment of candidiasis in men is prescribed immediately after diagnosis. Self-medicating in this condition will be extremely unreasonable and even dangerous, since the pathology has similar symptoms with sexually transmitted diseases. In addition, advanced candidiasis threatens with serious complications.

The traditional treatment of candidiasis in men involves the following:

1. The appointment of antifungal creams and ointments (Pimafucin).

2. The appointment of antifungal tablets (fluconazole, flucostat).

3. The use of antibiotics (nystatin).

4. The appointment of dried powders and antimicrobial baths.

During the treatment of candidiasis, it is important for a man to adhere to the following doctor's recommendations:

1. To give up smoking and drinking alcohol.

2. Minimize physical activity.

3. Follow a diet. At the same time, it is important to completely exclude sweet and fatty foods from the diet so as not to give “nourishment” to the fungi.

4. To protect her sexual partner, it is also advisable for her to undergo an examination for the presence of thrush. As practice shows, if one partner is ill with this disease, then in 70% of all cases the second partner will also be infected. To hide such a disease will be, at least, stupid, because by doing so you endanger the health of your loved one.

5. Temporarily abandon intimate relationships.

If you do not treat candidiasis, men can develop serious complications in the condition. Most often they become:

1. Unpleasant sensations during intimate communication. As a result, any sexual desire in a man can disappear for a long time.

2. Cystitis is an inflammation of the bladder, accompanied by acute pain.

3. Jade is an inflammatory kidney disease.

4. Urethritis is an inflammation of the urethra in men.

5. Due to cracks and sores that occur with thrush, a man becomes more susceptible to sexually transmitted diseases (through such wounds, the infection can easily enter the body).

It is also worth noting that in severe form, candidiasis affects the prostate gland of a man, causing her severe inflammation. This in its very, can cause infertility in humans.

Candidiasis in men: prevention

The traditional prevention of candidiasis in men consists in observing the following doctor's advice:

1. It is important to regularly maintain intimate genital hygiene. In this case, it is best to use liquid soap without perfumes and dyes.

2. Do not use other people's intimate things, especially towels, as they may contain active fungi.

3. It is worth eating right and completely stop taking alcohol. It is also important to minimize the use of sweet, starchy and fatty - the "favorite" products of candidiasis.

4. You can not allow casual intimate relationships with unverified partners. Also, if your woman suffers from candidiasis, then until she is completely cured, you can not practice unprotected sex.

5. You should be careful about your health and condition of the genitals. At the first suspicion of a fungus, a man does not need to be embarrassed, but on the contrary, he should consult a doctor as soon as possible, because timely diagnostics greatly simplify further treatment and speed up recovery time. Otherwise, the disease can become chronic.

6. Every six months, you should take tests and undergo a routine examination by a urologist.

7. It is important to regularly take vitamins and avoid stress in order to maintain your immunity.

8. It is strictly forbidden to engage in self-medication with antibiotics. If necessary, they should be prescribed by the attending physician together with lacto-supporting bacteria.

9. The blood sugar level should be monitored and its maximum increase not allowed.

10. To avoid trauma to intimate places, urologists advise using special gels. They moisturize the necessary zones and at the same time, they will disinfect the intimate zone.


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