Fundamentals of modern parenting


Life goes on as everything changes, progress does not stand still, but strides very quickly. But there are always such questions and topics that will always be relevant for humanity.

One of these topics and issues is the education of the future generation, the education of children. This problem always attracts great interest in adults and it is no accident. After all, proper education is very difficult and probably almost impossible, as they say there is nothing perfect.

Given the characteristics of today's society and the pace of its development, education generally comes to the fore as one of the global issues, especially for the CIS countries, where everything is not as simple as it seems at first glance. Therefore, in this article you will find basic information about the education of the younger generation in modern society.

A modern child is very different from children who were, say, fifty years ago. And it is pointless to deny it, we all see perfectly that each generation of babies becomes earlier in this. That is, they very quickly learn new information, you don’t have to talk about the use of technology here, they will figure it out faster than any adult. All this is good, but there are also negative aspects of rapid development such as smoking at an early age, drinking alcohol, having previously had sexual intercourse, and so on. Every parent wants to avoid this, but how to do it? ...

This is a difficult question to which it is impossible to find an answer, since all the forms and methods of education are constantly changing. But you should take into account the main factors that should be considered in modern education. We will consider these factors in more detail.

The most important thing to consider is that the child is a person at any age. He may not yet be independent and cannot provide for himself, but he is a person! Many parents do not take into account this particular feature in their upbringing; they believe that he is still a child and does not understand anything. No, such an opinion is the deepest error. Treat the child with respect, with understanding, you do not need to point out all its pros and cons, he knows them himself and will try to remove his cons.

Second, when raising, it should be borne in mind that the child’s psychology works to copy other people's behavior. And since the child most of all communicates with parents, then he will copy them whenever possible. Therefore, when a child should always behave appropriately, thereby setting a positive example.

Third, always take the child’s words seriously, even if he is talking nonsense. Just correct it by pointing out the things in which it is wrong. Never wave a child away when he asks questions. In no case, do not give answers like: you still know a little later. The child is unlikely to forget about the question that interests him, and will receive an answer from strangers. And this is not good. After all, most likely he will receive information in a distorted form, and this can lead to bad consequences.

Always give your child independence and choice. Let him make a decision, and then be responsible for it. And here, according to many experts, it is important to instill a sense of responsibility for the child. That is, to explain to him that for each of his actions he will eventually answer sooner or later.

Do not use physical punishments, they are unlikely to lead to the desired result, and, as practice shows, moral punishments more affect the child. The maximum that you can is a couple of times to slap a child for decency.

At the expense of labor and work, when the child is able to perform any useful work, do not protect him from it. Let him get used to work from childhood, because you still can’t get away from work, but you should not overload him.

It is also not necessary for a child or teenager to forbid everything, since prohibitions do not lead to anything good. A child with double strength will pull this to try. Allow everything in moderation, but also consider age.

We have listed only the main points to which you should pay attention when raising. But the most important thing is to treat the child as a person and be able to instill in him a sense of responsibility for his actions. If you manage to do this, then we can say that you did an excellent job and you have brought up a decent shift that will make this world a lot better.

We wish you success on this difficult thorny path.


Watch the video: Parenting - Blender Fundamentals (July 2024).