How to get rid of unnecessary things?


Accumulated extra things can become a real scourge of any apartment: expired drugs or products, outdated and unused household appliances for a long time, empty boxes containing something that cannot be identified take up a lot of space and collect dust on themselves. And if to deal with products is quite simple, then everything else is usually a pity to throw out.

Even the ancient Chinese masters of Feng Shui invented a special method to help determine how much this or that thing will be needed. They recommend to take the item in hand and ask yourself three questions about it:

1. Does this item have such a unique property that cannot be replaced by any of the other items?

2. Did you need to get this thing at least once during the past two years?

3. Is it possible to do something necessary and useful with this item right now?

If the answer to at least two of these questions is negative, then the thing can certainly be considered unnecessary. If all the answers were negative, then, most likely, this item will not be useful anymore.

It is likely that even after applying this method, the uselessness of some things will still be in doubt. Feng-shui masters, in this case, recommend putting all these things in a separate bag, fasten it securely and place it in a hard-to-reach place (for example, on the mezzanine). If over the next two years, none of the family members has ever gotten and untied the bag, it can be safely thrown away without even trying to remember what was inside.

Modern psychologists recommend another, quite effective, way to get rid of regret when throwing old things. Everything potentially unnecessary in the living room or in the middle of the corridor should be folded so that it constantly falls on the eyes or feet. In this way, permanent eye contact is established with these objects, which will either help to accumulate enough irritation to throw out the thing decisively, or suggest an idea of ​​the expediency of its further storage.

If a replacement has already been found for a long time ago, but it is still a pity or laziness to throw it away, you can advertise on specialized sites and offer to give it to someone as a gift. Most likely, there will be people who can use an old washing machine, a piano or a refrigerator, in which case they will gratefully come and take the unnecessary thing out.

It should be noted that these rules work only in relation to utilitarian things: that is, equipment, dishes, furniture, etc. However, quite a lot of unnecessary things people keep out of sentimentality and emotional attachment to them. For example, the rocking chair of a grandmother, which is first used as a cradle for a child, and then, when he grows up, is moved to another room, it is very difficult to throw it away, because it reminds of the most beloved person. But if the objects causing pleasant memories are already cluttered up in the entire storeroom or kitchen, then you need to somehow cope with the situation.

Experts recommend to divide sentimental things into valuable and non-valuable. For example, if the above-mentioned rocking chair still causes positive emotions, it certainly should be left, and a huge number of postcards and knick-knacks, about which it is not known who sent them and gave them, obviously, would be superfluous. If you throw away a souvenir given by a childhood friend it is very difficult, you can ask your friends about it, because they have nothing to do with this thing. You can also turn sentimental items into utilitarian ones, for example, place a school letter in a beautiful frame and decorate the wall with it, or sheathe a blanket given by mother and use it as a blanket. Thus, the thing will not be stored without any benefit, but will serve for a specific meaningful purpose.


Irina 85-15 12/13/2016
I love to get rid of the trash, there is space for new trash in the future)))


Watch the video: MINIMALISM SERIES. 50 Things to Get Rid of in 2018 (June 2024).