Treatment of bruises at home - first aid and subsequent therapy. How to treat a bruise with medicines and folk remedies


Soft tissue injury is the most common injury. Any person can get it: hit, stumble or drop a heavy object on his leg. Especially often, children, tourists and athletes receive such injuries. In ice, the number of victims increases sharply.

Despite the fact that most people have experienced bruises, not everyone knows how to provide first aid and conduct further treatment.

Bruising symptoms

• skin and muscle tissue are damaged;

• the place of injury swells, pain is felt;

• hematoma area depends on the strength of the impact;

• in most cases, the bones remain intact;

• vessels and capillaries are often injured;

• blood, penetrating the cavities located next to the bruise, causes hemarthrosis. Joints are affected;

• a bruise can have a hue from red to purple, almost black.

If unbearable pain occurs during the slightest movement, this may indicate bone damage. It is necessary to visit a traumatologist and take an x-ray.

Bruised emergency care

Properly rendered first aid will avoid the development of complications and extensive hematomas.

Bruising action algorithm:

• A bruised area needs to be maintained. Keep your limbs in a natural position. Try to move less, if possible - lie down;

• Apply something cold to the area of ​​impact. This will reduce puffiness and make the size of the hematoma smaller. It is best to use ice, wrapping it in a cloth, or a cold compress from a terry towel or gauze;

• if it is not possible to make ice, substitute the bruised limb under a stream of cold water and hold for seven minutes;

• after a cold compress, wet the bruised area with a dry cloth and apply a bruising medicine.

What is strictly forbidden to do with a bruise:

• take alcoholic beverages, as they dilate blood vessels;

• massage the area of ​​injury;

• move;

• warm the hematoma for the first day.

Incorrect first aid can significantly complicate recovery.

Further therapy

After two days, treatment methods radically change:

• cold compresses are replaced with warm ones. They stimulate blood circulation, relieve irritation and pain;

• A warm bath is recommended. Due to the restoration of blood microcirculation, blood clots dissolve;

• massage a sore spot;

• In the area of ​​the bruise, tighten and relax the muscles. This will improve blood circulation;

• treat the affected area with medications or folk remedies.

Treatment of bruises at home with medications

The bruised area should be at rest for the first two days. It is fixed so that swelling does not spread to nearby soft tissues. To do this, use a special bandage or elastic bandage.

On a bruised place, cold is applied every two hours on top of the dressing and left for a quarter of an hour. As an anesthetic, you can take Diclofenac, Ketanov, Ibuprofen. Local anesthesia is provided by Nise gel, which has a warming effect.

In the future, the bruise site is heated. This will improve the outflow of accumulated fluid and accelerate the resorption of the hematoma. For treatment, ointments are used: Badyaga, Lyoton, Hirudalgon, Troxevasin.

Voltaren, Indovazin, Dolobene - gels with a warming and analgesic effect. External ointments containing anti-inflammatory non-steroidal agents are powerful analgesics that effectively relieve swelling and inflammation.

Treatment of bruises at home with folk remedies

For the treatment of bruises at home, various healing recipes of traditional medicine are used. It can be ointments, compresses or grindings based on medicinal herbs, beekeeping products, essential or vegetable oils.

Treatment of bruises at home with rubbing and compresses

• take in equal portions plantain and St. John's wort, pour a mixture of herbs with boiling water and leave for six hours. Strain. Soak gauze in the solution and apply to the area of ​​injury;

• bake the onion until golden brown in the oven. Cool and cut in half. Apply to the area of ​​injury warm. Onion juice mixed with vegetable oil can be rubbed into the area of ​​injury with light movements;

• wash the leaves of aloe, cut along, grease the honey and apply to the bruise;

• rinse a sheet of cabbage, slightly beat off until juice appears. Attach it to the area of ​​injury and fix with cling film. Put the compress at night;

• Pound flax seeds in a mortar and combine with olive oil until a sour cream is obtained. Apply a healing mixture to the bruise and cover with a film. Keep the compress for an hour, then rinse with warm water;

• Combine a spoonful of vegetable oil, apple cider vinegar and water. Stir. Dip a gauze swab into the solution and place on the hematoma. Cover with a film and insulate with a blanket;

• grate raw potatoes. Apply gruel to the place of damage and cover with foil;

• pour a spoonful of horsetail and birch buds with a glass of boiling water and put on low heat. Bring to a boil. After forty minutes, strain. Soak a cloth in the mixture and attach to the hematoma;

• moisten a napkin in the healing tincture of Arnica mountain and apply to a sore spot.

Treatment of bruises at home with therapeutic ointments

• Take in equal proportions tar, pork fat and pine resin. Stir and leave warm for a day, tightly corking the container. The ointment is heated before use and rubbed into the area of ​​injury;

• Place young hop cones in a saucepan, fill with a glass of nutria and warm for ten minutes without bringing the mixture to a boil. Strain ointment, cool and lubricate the bruise;

• chop a small burdock root. Pour the crushed plant with olive oil and leave for 12 hours. Warm the oil mixture over low heat. Soak a quarter hour, spend. Lubricate the site of injury in the first minutes after receiving it.

• Take 15 g of bitter wormwood powder, add half a glass of pork fat and place everything in a fireproof dish. Put in the preheated oven for an hour. Chilled ointment lubricate the bruise;

• chop the bar of households. soap on a grater, combine with a glass of turpentine and add camphor alcohol. Stir well. Apply to the area of ​​injury, wrap with foil and insulate;

• Wash and chop the leaves of plantain in a meat grinder. Mix with vegetable or butter. Lubricate the bruise three times a day.

Of course, it’s better to prevent injury than to treat it later. Observe safety precautions when exercising. In areas of increased injury, use protective equipment. Twice a year they recommend drinking a complex of vitamins and minerals to strengthen immunity and bones.


Watch the video: Trauma-Informed Care for Abstinence Grantees Webinar, December 14, 2012 (July 2024).