What is known about the benefits of Borodino bread. When is it important to add it to the daily menu and can there be harm from Borodino bread


Rye bread, one of the main products of a healthy diet, has a rich vitamin composition, good digestibility and a variety of varieties for every taste.

And today leading nutritionists can name many reasons to include one of its most popular varieties in the diet - Borodino bread.

What distinguishes Borodino bread and its benefits among other bakery products

Borodino bread belongs to the category of varieties of rye bread baked from custard dough and, subject to the main features of the classical recipe, consists of about 20% second-grade wheat flour and 80% rye flour, and the latter in combination with other essential ingredients - malt and molasses, creates a bright dark color of bread, its unique, slightly sweet taste and rich smell of a dense, slightly moist, but airy crumb.

On the shelves and on the pages of cookbooks you can find many variations of Borodino bread - shaped and hearth, with a high content of wheat flour, sourdough or yeast, with the addition of dried fruits, seeds, whey, other types of flour (for example, corn) and other ingredients ...

Borodino bread is quite satisfying, and this is not at all surprising when energy value of 208 kcal per 100 gthat in terms of one piece from a standard loaf, will be about 60 kcal.

Borodino bread is complex (slow) carbohydrates, and evaluating it in general, we can conclude that for a slim figure, it is safer and more useful than baking only from wheat flour. Carbohydrates from rye flour in the body are directly converted into energy, necessary for both physical and mental stress.

Fiber in Borodino bread has the unique property of stimulating the production of insulin by the pancreas. As a result, the risk of developing type 2 diabetes is reduced, and other negative consequences of insulin deficiency in the body are also prevented:

• increased fatigue and drowsiness during the day;

• damage to the walls of blood vessels;

• impaired renal function.

But these useful properties of fiber of rye bread are not limited to and its effect on the body is also manifested in the following:

• lowering cholesterol;

• improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and the healing of its microflora;

• the removal from the body of toxins, salts of heavy metals and even radioactive substances;

• reducing the risks of developing diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Borodino bread contains vitamins A, E and group B (Borodino bread is much superior to wheat in B1 content).

Mineral elements are represented by potassium, magnesium, iron, sodium, phosphorus and selenium.

What else can be said about the benefits of Borodino bread

According to the classic recipe, the top of Borodino bread is generously sprinkled with coriander seeds (most often) and / or caraway seeds, anise, sesame seeds.

And this pinch of bright flavor contains an impressive benefit:

• coriander strengthens the gums and resists the development of caries, improves the skin (clean, without dryness and redness) and stimulates appetite remarkably;

• anise is useful for respiratory organs, heart and helps with headaches;

• caraway seeds fights bacteria that cause bad breath, speeds up lipid metabolism and slightly improves mood, and promotes the removal of uric acid from the body;

• Sesame contains the substance sesamine (a powerful antioxidant) and contributes to the normal mineral metabolism in the body.

Also, with regular use, the benefits of Borodino bread are manifested in the following:

• faster regeneration of non-serious tissue damage;

• cognitive abilities are improved;

• lowering blood pressure (if it is above normal);

• liver function is getting better.

How to eat Borodino bread with benefit

Unlike uncommon, exotic products, for example, dragon fruit or cedar flour, it is very simple to benefit from Borodino bread almost every day - it is he who is to the taste of many bakery products.

And it is important to note that with many dishes it combines better than other breads:

• if there is a dish with potatoes or legumes on the table, brown bread due to its acidity improves their digestibility;

• along with fermented milk products and cabbage, rye bread, unlike wheat bread, it hardly contributes to the fermentation processes accompanying digestion;

• from a combination of butter and honey on a slice of Borodino bread, again in comparison with wheat pastries, vitamins are much better absorbed.

However, it is not recommended to constantly prefer Borodino bread to all other bakery products - everything is good in moderation, and an excess of rye flour is also not good for the body, it is most reasonable to maintain balance in accordance with the taste and, if possible, the advice of a nutritionist and personal experience in building your menu.

Many bakery products can be consumed in two forms - fresh and crackers.

Freshly baked, still warm and fragrant bread is very tasty, but far from useful - fermentation processes have not yet calmed down in it and it is extremely negatively capable of loading the gastrointestinal tract, therefore it is reasonable to postpone the loaf for 6-12 hours.

Then until 48 hours, the bread is excellently good, and after that the positive properties begin to decline, and thus, the product even before the expiration date contains a minimum of benefit.

Very tasty and differ in the mass of properties of crackers from Borodino bread:

• unlike a fresh product, crackers can be stored for 2-3 weeks without loss of quality. This applies to crackers roasted in the oven, simple (without adding oil). It is recommended to store them in a container under a lid, and not in a plastic bag;

• crackers with strong tea - a sure folk remedy for diarrhea;

• in any combination with dishes and drinks, crackers provoke less fermentation processes in the digestive tract and are easier to digest faster than fresh bread;

• rye crackers salted and flavored with spices, herbs, nausea and malaise, especially if it is part of a reaction to movement in a vehicle (car, train, ship), can make you feel better than peppermint candies.

What harm can there be from Borodino bread

Borodinsky, like bread with a high content of rye flour, when consumed in large quantities, can provoke flatulence and intestinal colic.

Also, so that there is no harm from the Borodino bread to the digestive tract, it is not recommended to combine it with vegetable pickles and sweets (with the exception of honey).

In some forms of gastritis, the harm of Borodino bread may occur due to its ability to increase the acidity of gastric juice,

For the same reason, it is worth abandoning it with enterocolitis.

In order to avoid serious harm from Borodino bread, it is strictly contraindicated during the recovery period after operations on the digestive organs, as well as with gluten intolerance.

Women in the period of lactation should not be carried away by bakery products, in principle, and as for baking from rye flour - it is even more capable of overeating when eating and just as an individual reaction. And from the mother, discomfort and colic can be transmitted to the baby.


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