Britney Spears wants to celebrate their wedding in the mansion of Elvis Presley


Britney Spears again on everyone's ears. The fact is that the singer decided to hold her future wedding with lawyer David Lucado in the house that once belonged to Elvis Presley.

Despite the fact that everyone discourages the singer from such a move, Spears herself is literally obsessed with her own idea. Even considering that Presley and his wife Priscilla lived in this mansion for a short time, Britney does not believe in bad omens and wants to celebrate her wedding only in Elvis’s house. The singer dreams of making the wedding unforgettable and wants to make beautiful photos of the celebration.

Presley's mansion is in the Tennessee tent. Today, it hosts the singer’s museum, which is led by his daughter, Lisa Marie Presley. It is she who decides whether to let Britney celebrate the wedding in the house of the legendary singer or not.


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