Lakonos - medicinal properties and applications in medicine


Lakonos - general description

Lakonos (American phytolacca) is a poisonous plant, the height of which often reaches three meters. American phytolacca has thick branched stems, a vertical root, elliptical leaves, small flowers collected in a brush and purple-black fruits.

The flowering of the piazza continues from June to August.

Lakonos - types and places of growth

In nature, there are about four dozen varieties of laconic plants. The native land of the plant is North America, but this did not become an obstacle to the American phytoluca, as it gradually appeared on other continents. The plant feels wonderful in Ukraine, the North Caucasus and Transcaucasia. Usually lakonos settles along roads and in the area of ​​residential quarters, but at the same time, he does not like heat and prefers places where partial shade reigns.

Lakonos - medicinal properties

It is difficult to overestimate the healing properties of a lacunosa; a medicinal plant helps with headaches, hypertension, kidney diseases and radiculitis. American Fitolakka has anti-inflammatory, diuretic, laxative, anthelmintic and expectorant properties, and homeopathic preparations are prepared on its basis. The plant has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

The leaves of laconia are used not only in the preparation of decoctions for domestic consumption, but also used externally, for example, in cases where there are seals, boils, hemorrhoid cones or lesions of the skin. Alcohol tincture rub joints with arthritis, back with radiculitis.

However, do not forget that the plant is poisonous, you can use it only on the recommendation of a doctor and in appropriate proportions.

Lakonos - dosage forms

For the manufacture of a medicinal product, all parts of the pacifier are used - stems, leaves, berries and roots, of which folk healers create tinctures, decoctions, ointments and syrups. The most powerful effect is the root of American phytolacca and the juice of the plant, the fruits are less saturated, but they are most safe when ingested. The first to harvest the leaves, stems and fruits of the laconic plant and only then begin to process the root.

The root can be used for the manufacture of a medicine only if it has a yellowish-white color, if it is red, it is strictly forbidden to use the root, since it contains a high concentration of poisons.

The roots of the pokeweed are dried in an oven or in an oven, the fruits are stored in a well-ventilated room, after the medicine base is ready, it is put in bags made of natural fabrics and stored in a dry room.

Lakonos - recipes

Laconic medicine for joint treatment
Pour the leaves of American phytoluca with warm water, cover the glassware with a lid and leave it in a dark place for two weeks. Rub joints and back for a month. Compresses can be made from tinctures.

Laconic tincture for otitis media, laryngitis and tonsillitis
Pour 10 grams of laconic root roots with 100 milliliters of alcohol, let the medicine brew for two weeks in a dark place. Take 15 drops by mouth every day (a few drops all day).
This tool perfectly strengthens the immune system.

Throat diseases use plant juice (it is also used for radiculitis and rheumatism).
Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract are treated with dried berries of the laconic, eating several fruits in the morning and evening.

Lakonos - contraindications

Treatment with lakonos without prior consultation with a doctor is strictly prohibited, since the medicinal plant is poisonous and can cause serious harm. An overdose causes vomiting, convulsions, diarrhea, dizziness, paralysis, headache, respiratory arrest and heart failure.


Anatoli 10/30/2016
it really helped me cook myself for rubbing

Lyudmila 09/16/2016
Brought bunches of laconic plants and planted, for 2 years now I have grown very beautiful bushes and bunches of fruits. This year I noticed that they were eaten by birds. And on your forum I finally found what it is. I am very glad that it is so useful. Well, of course you have to be very careful, as well as with all plants.

LIGHT 09.16.2016
One berry can still be tinted cabbage, sliced ​​cucumbers when pickling

Olya 08/08/2016
I have a lakonos growing in my house. It is a really beautiful plant. How I use it: once in a few years I dig up a huge root, wash mine and rub it on a grater. I pack it in liter jars, put in more than half and pour alcohol. I close it with a simple lid and into the basement. I use it in abscesses, from sinusitis, etc., I don’t remember everything. If you have any questions, or want seeds, write on skype: helga9. I will send seeds for free.

Angela 08/06/2016
Yeah! Yes, a real weed this lakonos! I can not get him out of the garden. He even settled in the cracks of wooden steps! Apparently the birds helped. Tincture helps my husband. And I have a terrible allergy to it. I anointed my husband’s back once and for a week my hands were swollen. But he’s nothing. Yes! There is no risk, one grandmother from 4 berries died. The other young lady, however, eats and nothing. I understand this very individually.
We even saw him in kindergarten. What do educators think about? What if some child is eating up ?!
