Dogwood - medicinal properties and uses in medicine


Dogwood - General Description

Dogwood - a shrub or small tree, often reaches a height of 6-7 meters. The main distinguishing feature of cornel is bright red berries with a stone. The fruits have an astringent taste. The plant blooms quite early - in mid-March, it was during this period that bright yellow flowers began to appear.

Cornel is used as a traditional medicine, since it contains a large number of components useful for the body, in particular, there is more vitamin C than in lemon.

Dogwood - types and places of growth

The plant is quite widespread, it can be found in countries such as France, Italy, the Czech Republic, Poland. In Bulgaria, dogwood grows in every garden. The Crimean peninsula, the Caucasus, Transcarpathia are places where cornel grows in the wild. You can find a plant in North America.

Dogwood loves oak and hornbeam forests, it usually does not climb to a height of more than a thousand meters above sea level.

Dogwood - healing properties

Dogwood is able to cure a person of many ailments, the main thing is to know which parts of the plant help from a particular disease. Colds and fevers, dysentery and inflammation, disorders in the gastrointestinal tract and gall bladder - all these problems can be solved with the help of a healing plant.

Dogwood can be used as an antipyretic, it normalizes blood pressure, boosts immunity, prevents sclerosis, helps prevent poisoning by such dangerous substances as mercury and lead, and removes radiation from the body. The plant is often used to alleviate the condition of people suffering from diabetes.

Cornel seeds are used as a remedy for hemorrhoids, the juice of the plant helps with keratoconjunctivitis.
Representatives of different nationalities use cornel in accordance with ancient recipes of their ancestors, for example, in Tibet, pleurisy, kidney disease, anemia, erysipelas of the skin are treated with a plant, cornel is used as a diaphoretic in China, it is used for scarlet fever, angina , measles, rickets, rheumatism, inflammation of the liver and hepatitis, representatives of American settlements used dogwood as a toothpaste ...

Dogwood - dosage forms

The drug is prepared from such parts of dogwood as fruits, roots, leaves and bark. The plant is harvested from spring to autumn: the roots are harvested in the spring and autumn months, the bark is harvested during sap flow, June-July are the months for picking leaves, and August-September are for picking berries.

Typically, leaves, roots and bark are thoroughly cleaned of impurities and dried in a well-ventilated area, a dryer is required to harvest the berries. Special conditions for the storage of harvested cornel parts are not required, the main thing is that there is no dampness in the room. Raw materials for medicines are stored without loss of beneficial properties for three years.

Dogwood - recipes

A decoction of dogwood roots with rheumatism:
Pour 1 teaspoon of crushed dogwood roots with 300 milliliters of water, cook for 20 minutes, then let it brew for several hours, strain and take 2 tablespoons 3 times a day.

Dogwood decoction to strengthen immunity:
Pour 2 tablespoons of cornel berries (fresh or dried) with one glass of water, boil a little, leave for 8 hours, then remove the seeds from the fruits and mash the pulp. Take such a medicine 2 times a day, 50 milliliters, after adding a little honey.

Dogwood lotion against headache:
Mash the fresh berries of dogwood, wrap them in gauze and attach to the head, the pain should gradually go away.

Dogwood bark compress in abscesses:
Boil the cornel of dogwood, mix it with barley flour, apply to boils.
Dogwood juice is used as an antipyretic.

Dogwood - contraindications

Dogwood is contraindicated in people with high acidity of the stomach, as well as during nervous excitement; people with insomnia should not use it.


Olivia 04/23/2016
ABOUT! As a toothpaste, Americans use it. What is the strength? Why does it work so well on teeth and gums? And to my shame, I used to think that dogwood is growing here, only in the taiga. On the banks of rivers and various reservoirs.

Zhenya 04/23/2016
And I, I know this plant, and the tree itself, precisely as a means of combating radiation. There was a case in my life when I was afraid of radiation in general. And they advised me to eat dogwood, I personally believe that it was thanks to him that my health did not suffer.

Alina 04/23/2016
For several years now, I have constantly replenished the supply of frozen dogwood. I treat them to my children in case they get cold or get sick with something. I am very pleased with this berry, because it does not negatively affect the body.

Katya 04/23/2016
And for some reason, it always seemed to me that this dogwood was growing in Siberia ... Maybe because in Siberia a lot of things are growing))) Now I have been using this plant as a medicinal plant for a month now. Not yet recovered, but noticeable improvement.

Glory 04/23/2016
Ah, here it is some dogwood!))) No, well, I imagined it somehow ... I have been told many times that dogwood can help me cope with my health problems. I’m all somehow thirsty with this, I prefer pills that do not help already ...


Watch the video: Jamaican Dogwood Health Benefits (July 2024).