Severe sweating: the causes of the disease. What to do with heavy sweating - the causes of sweating and methods for eliminating them


Increased sweat is a reflex reaction of the body to the temperature of the environment.

The work of sweat glands helps protect a person from overheating.

Also, excessive sweating is noted during intense sports.

However, the reasons are not always hidden precisely in these factors. Why does sweating occur?

The reasons are often hidden not in the hot season, but in violations of the internal systems of the body.

Heavy sweating: causes

1. Hormonal imbalance. It is noted for hyperthyroidism, obesity and diabetes mellitus, during menopause or puberty.

2. Psychosomatic disorders, disorders of the nervous system.

3. Infectious diseases that provoke an increase in body temperature.

4. Pathology of the heart or problems with blood pressure.

5. Oncological diseases.

6. Violations of the urinary system.

7. The result of poisoning by food or alcohol.

8. Sometimes excessive sweating is a reaction to a person’s emotions. For example, severe stress or anxiety.

These are not all the factors that provoke severe sweating. The reasons are individual. It is recommended to be examined by a doctor to determine the true.

Increased sweating in the armpits

For some people, excessive sweat in the armpits becomes a real problem, especially during the summer. On the one hand, there is nothing to be surprised at - this is a normal reaction of an orgasm to hot weather. However, if too much sweat is released, this may indicate a hormonal imbalance or metabolic disturbance. If a person feels discomfort, be sure to consult a doctor to identify the cause of the disease.

Sometimes the problem is not so serious and for its solution it is enough to reconsider your daily diet. Especially in the summer, it is not recommended to consume large quantities of alcoholic beverages, too salty or spicy dishes.

Heavy sweating feet

Sweating feet is a common problem. It would not be so serious if it were not accompanied by an unpleasant smell, which gives a person moral discomfort, because this "aroma" is felt by others.

The bottom line is that there are a large number of sweat glands on the feet. If they feel an “unfavorable environment,” they begin to work hard. This may be, for example, wearing too tight shoes or thick socks, long walking. In the absence of oxygen access, bacteria begin to multiply, resulting in an unpleasant odor.

Sometimes cracks and blisters begin to form between the fingers. In such a situation, a visit to a dermatologist is the best solution. The doctor will prescribe treatment and help get rid of an unpleasant problem. Of course, we must not forget about the rules of hygiene. It is also recommended to give preference to shoes made of natural materials that will allow the feet to "breathe".

Severe sweating: the causes of increased glandular activity throughout the body

It happens that a person simply cannot explain the reasons for the total sweating of his body. His clothes get wet, soaked with sweat, an unpleasant persistent smell emanates from her. This condition is evidence of a violation of the internal systems of the body, it is necessary to consult a specialist to solve the problem.

Heavy sweating: causes

1. Congenital feature of the organism of a hereditary nature.

2. Disorders of the nervous system.

3. Disorders of the endocrine system.

4. Infectious diseases.

If a person has an elevated body temperature, which is accompanied by fever and severe headache, this is most likely an infectious disease. However, if no temperature changes have been noted, the cause may be more serious. To diagnose it, you need to visit a doctor and take tests.

Sweating in the head

Among all types of sweating, it is the area of ​​the head that is most noticeable. For example, this happens during training or when lifting weights. Why does sweating still appear? The reasons can be caused by other factors that can be explained by human physiology.

1. Stress and emotional distress. Especially often this happens with shy and modest people. When a person is worried, the nervous system is irritated and sweat is its reaction.

2. Violation of the system of thermoregulation of the body. This can happen in overweight people with an imbalance in metabolism.

Heavy sweating at night

Very often, patients turn to doctors complaining that they sweat very much at night. In this situation, the reason is not a violation of the autonomic system, everything is much more serious.

1. Tuberculosis. It is characterized by a sharp loss of body weight and sweating at night.

2. Oncological disease associated with the lymphatic system. In addition to increased sweating, patients have an increase in lymph nodes.

3. Sometimes severe sweating during sleep can be caused by a disease such as AIDS.

4. Hormonal disorders and disruption of the thyroid gland.

5. Obesity, diabetes and metabolic problems.

In case of discomfort due to severe sweating in sleep and at night, it is recommended to consult a doctor and take tests to exclude serious problems inside the body.

Increased sweat in women

The reasons why women experience heavy sweating can be caused by various factors.

Most often, this is a violation of the hormonal background. It could be:

• period of pregnancy and breastfeeding;

• menstrual cycle;

• menopause;

• puberty.

Sweat goes out all over the body - on the hands, face, in the armpits. Sometimes accompanied by redness.

If a woman noticed that her sweat is secreted in large quantities, which was not there before, it is necessary to undergo a full examination of the endocrine system and check the rate of hormones. Sometimes, it is enough to take hormonal drugs in addition to solve the problem.

Strong perspiration in the stronger sex

Men sometimes are not at all surprised that wet marks form on their clothes. Representatives of the stronger sex often face stress, physical work - from which sweat comes out.

However, in the event that profuse sweating occurs not only with emotional and physical activity - this is a cause for panic, so you need to visit a doctor and undergo a medical examination.

How to deal with excessive sweating

Strong perspiration, the causes of which a person found out, remains a problem until you start to fight him. In addition to antiperspirant, there are other common methods that give an excellent effect.

1. With constant stressful situations and emotional stress, you need to think about taking sedatives. It is advisable to first consult with your doctor so that he prescribes a suitable complex.

2. Iontophoresis. An innovative method that allows you to clean pores on the skin. As a result, the sweat and sebaceous glands are stimulated.

3. If necessary, women are prescribed hormonal drugs to normalize the level of nutrients in the body.

4. Aspiration curettage. This method allows you to completely destroy the sweat glands. As a result, a person will forever be able to forget about what sweating is.

5. Setting the diet. It is necessary to exclude too salty and spicy dishes from your diet, switch to vegetable fats, eat as many fresh vegetables and fruits as possible.

6. If a person is overweight, he needs to think about how to lose a few pounds. This will help to cope with the problem of wet shirts.

Preventative measures

By following simple preventative measures, a person can save himself from the problem of sweating.

1. 15 minutes before bedtime, the room must be aired. Fresh air has a positive effect on human health.

2. It is recommended that bedding and clothes be chosen from natural breathable materials so that the pores do not clog.

3. Before going to bed, you can not overeat and it is not recommended to drink alcohol, cocoa. All these dishes and drinks stimulate the enhanced work of the sebaceous glands.

4. Shoes are also selected from natural materials. In summer, it is desirable that it be open.

5. It is important to monitor compliance with the proper diet and drinking regimen in order to avoid the appearance of excess weight.

6. Stressful situations must be avoided. Violation of the emotional background provokes not only severe sweating, but also other health problems.

7. Antiperspirants should be selected odorless and with a minimum set of chemical compounds in the composition. Before going to bed, you must go to the shower to wash off the remnants of the cosmetic product.

Unable to cope with perspiration on your own? The causes of the disease will help to identify the doctor. Having passed the tests, a person will be able to find out about the state of his body, prevent serious diseases, which may be a symptom of sweating.


Watch the video: Microwave Thermolysis for Excessive Sweating (June 2024).