High hemoglobin in men - how to lower and not cause harm to health High hemoglobin in women - is it dangerous?


Many people probably know about the harm that low hemoglobin brings. But, unfortunately, not everyone knows why hemoglobin rises in men and women.

It is believed that the most common reason is physical activity, but is it really so?

Can a tendency to increased hemoglobin be inherited?

High hemoglobin in women: causes

In an attempt to become ideal, many women and girls begin to train, and at the same time they do not think about their body whether they can bear it.

Another factor that is familiar to everyone, because of which there is an increase in hemoglobin level, is living in mountainous areas. The thing is that the air there is discharged and the lungs absorb it much more, which means more hemoglobin is needed. Thus, the body is trying to adapt to the conditions surrounding it.

High hemoglobin in women is the norm only for those who live in the mountains. In other cases, increased hemoglobin indicates a malfunction of the internal organs. This condition can be the result of two mechanisms simultaneously. Firstly, in women, this condition is a compensatory phenomenon when the blood supplies hemoglobin not sufficient for the body. Secondly, an increase in the number of red blood cells may be due to the fact that a decrease in the amount of plasma in the blood has occurred. Other reasons can be identified, because of which the hemoglobin level in women rises:

1. Smoking. Today, doctors cannot say exactly how such a mechanism affects hemoglobin. But many scientists believe that the thing is that in the lungs there is practically no pure oxygen.

2. Dehydration. Due to a lack of fluid in the body, hemoglobin may increase. But immediately after the water balance is replenished, everything will return to normal.

3. Taking certain medications, as a rule, they include anabolic steroids.

4. The body has a deficiency of vitamin B 12, as well as folic acid.

5. Diseases - tuberculosis, asthma, pneumonia and much more.

6. Often, the level of hemoglobin is inherited, if one of the parents has always been elevated, then most likely, the same thing will happen to you.

These are the main reasons why hemoglobin rises in women.

High hemoglobin in men: causes

In men, hemoglobin rises several times more often than in women.

If the patient does not engage in such a sport as mountaineering, does not bother his body with excessive physical exertion, then increased hemoglobin suggests that there is some kind of disease or disorder in the body that needs to be treated as soon as possible. In men, the most common causes of increased hemoglobin can be distinguished:

1. Diabetes mellitus, because of this, an excess of glucose content occurs in the body.

2. Obstruction in the intestines.

3. The body has an excess of vitamins - B 12 and B 9.

4. There are oncological diseases.

5. Erythrocytosis.

6. Smoking, especially if the experience is more than 3-4 years.

Each patient, especially if he is at risk, is recommended to donate blood for tests at least several times a year in order to constantly monitor hemoglobin levels.

High hemoglobin in women: symptoms

The main symptoms of increased hemoglobin in women are as follows:

1. The skin turns red.

2. The genitourinary system begins to malfunction.

3. Vision deteriorates sharply.

4. Sleep problems, many suffer from insomnia, and someone on the contrary constantly wants to sleep.

5. The general state of health worsens, apathy, weakness are noted.

6. Immediately after taking a bath, the skin begins to itch.

7. In the abdomen, severe pain.

8. The limbs freeze, the fingers and feet turn pale.

9. Due to impaired circulation, consciousness is confused.

In order to confirm the diagnosis, patients need to undergo a general blood test.

Important! If hemoglobin rises in a pregnant woman, the newborn will have the same problem.

Pregnant women need to be more careful about this, because harm is done not only to the mother's body, but also to the condition of the fetus.

Increased hemoglobin in men: symptoms

Often, increased hemoglobin in men is caused by completely different pathologies. In exceptional cases, a man may feel good. Doctors distinguish several main symptoms of increased hemoglobin in men:

1. Performance is declining. Many men with such a diagnosis note that their performance decreases several times. There is a feeling of apathy, lethargy.

2. Loss of appetite. Appetite can disappear completely or partially.

3. Vision is impaired. It falls gradually, so many do not pay any attention to the symptom, or rather do not feel it.

4. The skin turns pale. The thing is that blood circulation is disturbed.

External symptoms are not disturbing, so many simply do not pay attention to them. Serious consequences develop inside the body. Due to the fact that hemoglobin is increased, the blood becomes viscous, which means that the cardiovascular system cannot fully ensure its circulation.

High hemoglobin in men and women: how to lower

In order to reduce elevated hemoglobin levels, you need to change your diet.

1. Limit the consumption of fatty meat.

2. Meat products can be replaced with soy or bean products.

3. Refuse red fruits and berries, it is in them that there is a high content of substances that contribute to the production of hemoglobin. The best fruits for men and women in this case are bananas.

4. Seafood is good, but besides seaweed.

5. For some time you can become a vegetarian and eat only what they can.

6. Dairy products reduce hemoglobin well.

7. If the hemoglobin level is very high, then at least 3 liters of water should be drunk every day.

8. Refuse to take vitamins, especially for B 2 and B 6.

For some patients, doctors prescribe medications that can dilute the blood, and the likelihood of blood clots is reduced to zero. Such drugs include aspirin, chimes.

Not always diet and medications help lower hemoglobin. In this case, only erythrophoresis will help.

Folk remedies

In folk medicine, there are many effective agents with which you can lower hemoglobin. Each recipe is time-tested and is completely safe.

You can achieve the desired result after hirudotherapy, this is treatment with leeches. Few people know, but in the leech saliva there is a large amount of a substance called hirudin. Under its influence, the viscosity and coagulability of the blood decreases. As a result, blood microcirculation returns to normal, swelling subsides. During one session, a leech draws out about 5 milliliters of blood, and about 150 more will leak from the wound within one day. Many such blood loss can frighten people, but in fact it helps to reduce the level of red blood cells, which means lower hemoglobin.

Another good tool to help lower high hemoglobin is mummy. The substance can be obtained in the rocks and caves of Asia. But since not everyone can afford such a trip, you can buy mummy tablets at any pharmacy. Dissolve it in a small amount of water at room temperature, drink it every day before going to bed. The general course of treatment is 10 days, after which a break of one week is made and the procedure is repeated again.

When treating with this method, give up sleeping pills, alcohol, smoking and any sedatives.

Fruit salad

A fruit salad is good to eat every morning, right after sleep. To prepare it, take the following fruits:

1. Two bananas.

2. Two apricots.

3. Grapes, in equal amounts with other fruits.

Finely chop each fruit; remove any existing bones. Mix everything well and eat in the morning!

Temper your body, if possible, go to the pool. All your actions should be aimed at normalizing the work of the bone marrow, since it is he who is responsible for the proper production of hemoglobin.

If you follow all the measures, follow a diet, abandon bad habits, then very soon hemoglobin will return to normal, and with it all unpleasant symptoms will disappear.


Watch the video: Understanding Iron Deficiency Anemia in Gastroenterology: Who and Why? (July 2024).