What to do if the lymph node on the neck, behind the ear, armpits is inflamed? Lymph node inflamed: first aid at home


The lymph node is a kind of transshipment point of the lymph, where foreign bodies and harmful substances are filtered and removed from the body fluid.

Thus, the lymphatic system is an important part of the system that is responsible for the immune system and protects the body from various infections.

In addition to the lymph nodes, its structure includes lymph vessels, spleen, thymus (thymus gland) and tonsils.

Inflammation is a signal of the excessive functioning of the lymph node and the rapid increase in the number of white blood cells, and the inflammatory process itself is called lymphadenitis - it can be purulent and purulent.

The latter is more dangerous, since without timely treatment, inflammation can spread to the whole body.

In addition, lymphadenitis is acute (lasts up to two weeks) and chronic (lasts more than a month).

During the examination, doctors usually feel the lymph nodes, since their enlarged state signals the presence of infection or even cancer in the body.

Symptoms of inflammation of the lymph node in the neck (lymphadenitis)

Inflammation of the lymph nodes is often accompanied by other signs of the disease:

• Painful sensations when touching an inflamed lymph node, with purulent lymphadenitis; severe constant and throbbing pain.

• The immobility of the lymph nodes.

• Redness on the skin.

• General weakness.

• Chills, fever.

• Loss of appetite.

• Rapid heart rate.

• Pallor of the skin.

• Shortness of breath.

• Headache.

If the lymph node has slightly increased in size, but this is not accompanied by painful sensations and other symptoms, this is a sign that this lymph node is more active than the others. In this situation, there is no need to worry especially, it is enough to direct forces to strengthen the immune system. But if the inflammation does not go away for a long time, you need to see a doctor.

Sometimes several lymph nodes can become inflamed at once, which signals an active infectious process in the body. In this case, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible, since the disease can be very serious.

What to do if the lymph node on the neck is inflamed

The causes of inflammation of the cervical lymph node can be different:

1. Colds.

2. Diseases of the throat and oral cavity (tonsillitis, acute pharyngitis, etc.).

3. Infectious diseases (toxoplasmosis, herpes, rubella, etc.).

4. Ear and skin diseases.

5. Dental abscesses, gum disease.

6. Cancer of the larynx, cancer of the oral mucosa, cancer of the tongue.

7. Thyroid cancer.

Since inflammation of the lymph node can signal a serious infection and even cancer processes in the body, it is imperative to consult a doctor and follow his recommendations in treatment. Usually it consists in eliminating the primary source of the disease, taking antibiotics, painkillers and antimicrobials, visiting physiotherapeutic procedures. In the case of purulent lymphadenitis, surgical intervention is required.

Along with the actions prescribed by the doctor, it is recommended:

• Dissolve soda and salt in hot water, cool to an acceptable temperature and gargle with this solution.

• It is also possible to use infusions of echinacea, chamomile, calendula, sage, mint to gargle.

• Drink a tablespoon of fresh aloe juice daily.

• Gently massage the lymph nodes with essential oils of eucalyptus, tea tree or lavender.

• Eat bactericidal products such as onions, lemon, garlic, etc.

• In no case should you heat the inflamed area, take hot baths, go to the bathhouse or sauna, as this will lead to complications and suppuration.

What to do if the lymph node behind the ear is inflamed

The following can lead to an enlarged lymph node behind the ears:

1. Colds.

2. Ear inflammatory processes (otitis media, neuritis of the auditory nerve, furunculosis of the external auditory canal).

3. Fungal infections.

4. Less commonly, diseases of the oral cavity and throat.

As in the previous case, if the lymph node behind the ear becomes inflamed, it is necessary to consult a doctor to identify the cause of the disease, and then proceed to its treatment in accordance with the diagnosis. Additional measures can be taken to accelerate recovery and relieve pain, such as light massaging with essential oils, adding products that strengthen the immune system to the diet. The use of thermal procedures is prohibited.

What to do if the lymph node in the armpits is inflamed

Inflammation of the lymph node under the armpits can warn of the following problems:

1. Inflammation of the hair follicle due to blockage of pores.

2. Allergy to used cosmetics, such as deodorant, shower gel, moisturizing body milk, etc.

3. Damage to the skin, for example, scratches, where, due to the lack of timely treatment, the infection has got.

4. Infectious process in nearby organs.

5. Colds.

6. Respiratory tract infections.

7. Breast cancer.

8. Melanoma.

If the lymph node of the armpits has become inflamed, it is first necessary to abandon the use of cosmetics applied to this area. Firstly, they can clog pores - in principle, this is the basis for the action of most deodorants and body powders. Secondly, if you have not previously used the products of this company or cosmetics with a specific extract, inflammation can be caused by an allergic reaction.

It is important to immediately consult a doctor, since only a specialist can make an accurate diagnosis and, possibly, identify at an early stage such a dangerous disease as cancer. Further, you can follow the recommendations already described above to alleviate pain and help the body quickly stop the inflammatory process: gently massage the inflamed area with the use of oils, eat bactericidal products. In no case should you heat the inflamed area by applying warm compresses, taking a hot bath or visiting a bath.

Prevention is the best treatment for lymph node inflammation

In order not to inflame the lymph node, it is necessary to follow the same preventive measures that are prescribed in order to avoid infectious diseases.

1. Hygiene

First of all, observe personal hygiene, regularly wash your hands and other parts of the body. At the same time, choose proven cosmetics that you cannot be allergic to. Try to use deodorants to a minimum and always wash off their remnants before bed so as not to cause clogging of pores.

2. Nutrition

The health of the body and strong immunity largely depend on the person’s nutrition and the state of his digestive system. Make your diet correctly so that it includes all the necessary vitamins and minerals, fiber. In periods when the probability of catching infectious diseases is greatest, take vitamin-mineral complexes. During epidemics, you can take antiviral drugs for preventive purposes.

3. Hormone balance

One of the reasons for enlarged lymph nodes is furunculosis, which in turn is caused by a violation in the hormonal balance of the body. If you have symptoms of hormonal failure, you need to contact an endocrinologist.

4. Insulation

Avoid contact with sick people, as viral diseases are primarily transmitted from person to person.

5. Timely help

If you feel signs of a cold, SARS, or the flu, start treatment immediately, and don't hope that everything goes away by itself. So you can only make the situation worse and start the disease. If it would not be difficult to cure it at an early stage, later this can lead to various complications, such as inflammation of the lymph nodes.


Watch the video: Causes of painful lymph nodes in neck - Dr. Satish Babu K (July 2024).