September 15: what are the holidays today. Events, name days and birthdays September 15th.


Holidays September 15

Forest Day

Forest wealth needs to be increased and protected - a whole army of people is working in this field, and on September 15 they celebrate their professional holiday. Forest is not only natural wealth, but also the basis of the country's economic stability. It is careful to use the forest resources, and to preserve them, and when visiting the forest, observe the fire hazard rules - the obligation not only of forest workers, but also of every citizen of their country. The holiday is celebrated in the CIS countries, in Russia the forest area today is approximately 8 million hectares.

World Democracy Day

The new holiday is celebrated at the initiative of the United Nations with the aim of drawing the attention of all people of the world to democracy in their country. Earlier that day, the anniversary of the conference of new democracies was celebrated, the word itself means "people" and "power" - a combination of two words, meaning collective decision-making. The basis for making a decision is the free will of each citizen of his country. In a modern developed society, democracy is considered a universal value. On this day, various organizations hold meetings, round tables, seminars and conferences, distribute newspapers, brochures, leaflets.

Day of Unity of the Peoples of Dagestan

In September 2013, this holiday will be celebrated for the third time, however, it is timed to coincide with fairly old events that occurred more than 250 years ago. The movement of the Iranian Shah Nadir with its 100,000th army in the Caucasus was stopped after a series of victories. Wherever they went, the Iranians were repairing the massacre of the population, and the ultimate goal was to conquer Dagestan. Decisive actions took place in the Andalal Valley. The whole accident got up to fight the enemy, and the echoes of these events were preserved in the folk epos.

The entire multinational population of Dagestan was preparing for battle - the Dargins, Kubachins, Dzharians, Kumyks, Tabasarans, Laks came from the rear, Chamalyalts, Karakhs, Bagulyals, Khoisubulins, Hydatlins - from the flanks. The hardened highlanders went on the offensive, the troops showed massive heroism. The Shah was expelled from Dagestan, and Dagestan became an important point between the West and the East, a real bridge, and in 1921 the Republic of Dagestan was formed as part of Russia. Representatives of more than 60 nationalities live in Makhachkala alone.

Librarian Day of Belarus

Readers often celebrate the holiday with librarians, starting in 2001, when library day appeared. On September 15, the first national library was founded, and the main book depository of the country was created in 1922. For a long time, the library bore the name of Lenin, and its basis was the books of the Belarusian National University and even before the Great Patriotic War it was one of the 30 best libraries in the world. In 1941, it totaled about 2 million volumes. Unfortunately, during the war years, 0 percent of the Nazis exported from the country or destroyed. Today, the library has more than 8 million books, and the new building is a real architectural landmark of the city.

Azerbaijan Knowledge Day

In Azerbaijani schools, the New Year begins on September 15, and this day becomes a day of knowledge. The corresponding Decree of the President was issued in 2004, and at the same time schools were transferred to a five-day working week in grades 1-4. On this day, students meet after the summer holidays. And a lively and festive day is dedicated to classroom hours, the first lessons in the new year, which draw attention to the importance of obtaining knowledge for a modern person.

Folk calendar September 15

Mammoth Day

One day marks the day of the martyr Mammoth and his parents, who lived at the beginning of the 1st millennium AD. Noble citizens were imprisoned for adopting Christianity, and parents were executed after the birth of a child. The newborn was given to the education of the rich widow Amia. The child grew up as a kind and educated person, eloquent, which helped him convert many familiar and unfamiliar people to Christianity. Emperor Aurelian called him to him, and tried to seduce him from the true path, but this did not succeed, and Mamant was subjected to severe torture. But he could not drown Mamant in the sea - an angel picked up a true Christian, and carried him to the desert. There Mamant founded a church and lived a life of prayer and restriction.

In Russia, the saint was nicknamed Mamontiy Ovcharnik, considering the patron saint of domestic animals - sheep and goats. On this day, the cattle remained at home. Sheep cheese and goat curd were displayed on the tables. Organized men's festivities for guys who were to join the army. They were no longer loaded with any hard work, but simply gained strength in front of the long road. Signs - on Mamontia bird cherry should already be free from foliage.

Historical events of September 15

September 15, 1826 - Russian troops in the struggle for the territory of Transcaucasia and the Caspian Sea, which was waged as part of the Russian-Persian war (1826-1828), defeated the Persians, who were actively moving towards Tiflis. The uniqueness of the battle lies in the fact that the opponent’s army was three times larger than the troops of future winners.

September 15, 1863 - For the first time, the Russian-language newspaper Vedomosti was published; until 1918, printed numbers were published three times a week, then Muscovites were given the opportunity to receive the newspaper daily. The pages of Russian Vedomosti published the work of representatives of the Moscow professors, the publication to some extent opposed the more conservative printed product Moscow Vedomosti. The founder of the publication was the writer Pavlov.

September 15, 1921 - The Council of People's Commissars of the USSR issued a decree on the protection of children's health. This document obliged many state organizations (health, education, sports, etc.) to develop programs aimed at improving the living conditions of children and creating favorable conditions for their physical and spiritual development.

September 15, 1959- The first day of the legendary 13-day visit to the United States of America by the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Soviet Union Nikita Khrushchev. This was the first official voyage of representatives of the Soviet leadership in the United States in the history of Soviet-American relations, the purpose of the visit was to detente and attempt to establish diplomatic relations between the two countries.

Born on September 15

Agatha Christie (1890-1976) - recognized author of a world detective story

The real name of the writer is Mary Clarissa Miller. She wrote a huge series of detective stories about her main character, amateur detective Hercule Poirot, who became very close to readers, and the good-natured Mrs. Marple, who knows how to solve secrets and is well versed in people. A series of detective stories includes about 60 works, and all of them keep the reader in suspense until the very last minute. After Shakespeare, Agatha Christie is the most "translated" into other languages ​​author. Many works have been made into films.

Margaret Lockwood born (1916 - 1990) - British actress

Born in British India, Margaret was educated at a prestigious school in England. She became famous for her roles in Hitchcock films - "Lady disappears." Hitchcock’s famous humor, the work of the director and actress in the espionage thriller brought her to the top of popularity, and then almost all the films with her participation were seen by the audience - “Night Train to Munich”, “Shoe and Rose,” “Stars Look Down.” At one time, Margaret Lockwood was considered the most popular actress in England.

Mikhail Tanich (1923 - 2008) - Soviet and Russian poet and songwriter

After the release of his first book of poems, Mikhail Isaevich became very popular, then he wrote a huge number of songs, and became the leading poet of his era. More than 100 songs were performed by the best Russian singers. Tanich worked with most composers, wrote 15 books and became the winner of many competitions and festivals.

Francois Larochefoucauld (1613 - 1680) - French writer

Prince de Marcillac, who changed his name to Larochefoucaud after his father’s death, was an active participant in the political life of France of the 17th century. Slightly moving away from the courtyard, but maintaining contact with public life through popular salons, he wrote his first works - "Reflections, or Moral Sayings", which the readers gave the title "Maxima". The editions were several times processed and supplemented. He considered and analyzed the nature of man, created many aphorisms related to people of his circle and upbringing. The depiction of vices is the main direction of his work. That is why Faranois Larochefoucauld is considered a moralist writer. By the way, he first mentioned in his works the story of the pendants of Anna of Austria, which was later described in more detail by Dumas the Elder.

Name day September 15

Name day celebrate: Anatoly, Vladimir, Serafima, German, Ivan, Ksenia, Leonid, Mikhail, Nikolay, Pavel, Peter, Stepan, Fedot, Julian, Efim, Bogdan, Fedor, Vasily, Victor.


Watch the video: Amazing Calendar Trick (June 2024).