Onion hair mask - the best recipes for all hair types. How to apply onion hair masks


Onions are widely used in cosmetology.

On its basis, anti-wrinkle remedies are made, it helps with calluses and rough skin.

Onion hair masks eliminate dandruff, strengthen curls, give shine to curls, they can be used for any type of strands.

Onion hair mask - indications and contraindications

Onion masks are an effective home remedy that nourishes curls, improves their growth.

With regular and proper use, the strands acquire volume and shine, become strong and healthy.

Onions contain many essential oils, trace elements and vitamins. Phytoncides destroy the pathological microflora on the skin of the head, glycosides help improve blood circulation.

When an onion mask is needed:

• while slowing the growth of strands;

• for weakened, devoid of shine curls;

• as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent for early baldness, with severe hair loss;

• in the presence of dermatological diseases of the scalp - seborrhea, dandruff.

For therapeutic purposes, funds are applied to the hair every 3 days, 15 procedures will be required. For prevention - once a week, it is enough to make 10 masks.

Onion masks have contraindications. It is not recommended to apply them if there are wounds, scratches, ulcers, postoperative sutures on the skin of the head. Such mixtures are not suitable for heavily dried strands - the burning components of the onion will take away all moisture from the hair, the curls will become brittle, even drier.

Onions are a strong allergen. Before use, you should definitely do an allergic reaction test - the finished mask must be applied with a thin layer on the wrist. When severe itching, spots, redness, and the use of onion-based products should be abandoned.

Onion hair mask - recipes for oily hair

Any variety of onions is suitable for cosmetics. For cooking, you can use gruel from boiled or fresh onions. But it is better to add onion juice - it will be easier to eliminate the unpleasant odor from the hair.

Onion mask with lemon

Mix 30 ml of onion juice, aloe, lemon, add 20 ml of brandy. Apply the mixture only to the root zone, insulate, rinse after half an hour. The product regulates the production of sebum, cleanses pores, strengthens locks, improves growth.

Onion, clay and juice

Grind a large onion, squeeze the juice, add 30 ml of sea buckthorn or cranberry juice, 25 g of black clay, mix. The tool can be applied both to the roots and to the strands along the entire length, insulated, washed off after half an hour.

Berry juice and onion renews skin cells, activates the process of hair growth, restores the structure of damaged strands. The mask effectively eliminates dandruff, itching, sebaceous plugs.

The best mask against hair loss

Pour 15 g of fast yeast with 20 ml of warm water, add 15 ml of honey, leave the mixture for a quarter of an hour in a warm place. Add juice from one large onion, mix. Apply the mixture to the roots, rinse off after half an hour.

The tool visibly strengthens the strands, makes them soft and obedient. If the hair is dry, add 10 ml of olive or almond oil to the mask.

Onion hair mask - recipes for dry hair

Onion masks act quite quickly - after the second application, dry curls come to life, shine appears, the strands become soft and obedient.

Onions, honey, lemon

Squeeze the juice from the medium onion, add 15 ml of honey and lemon juice, 7 ml of burdock or almond oil. Mix the mixture until smooth, warm up a little, apply to strands, insulate. The mask promotes the intensive growth of strong hair, nourishes the scalp.

Onion and yolk

Grind a large onion, squeeze the juice, combine with raw chicken yolk. Add 6 ml of sea buckthorn oil, 2 g of red pepper powder. The mixture must be kept until a slight burning sensation, a maximum of half an hour. In home hair products, it is better to replace chicken eggs with quail in a ratio of 1: 2.

Red pepper improves blood circulation, stimulates the growth of strands. Sea buckthorn oil prevents hair loss, an excellent tool for preventing baldness. An onion mask with these components restores damaged curls, starts the regeneration process in the skin. The strands become thick, strong, shiny.

Onions, aloe, honey and cognac

Mix 15 ml of aloe juice, honey and cognac, add chopped large onion and 7 ml of olive oil. The mixture can be applied along the entire length of the hair, washed off after half an hour. The tool improves blood circulation in the skin of the head, eliminates inflammatory processes, restores the structure of strands, prevents their loss.

Onions and kefir

Mix 45 ml of onion juice and kefir, add 15 ml of honey, 10 ml of castor oil. This nutrient mixture should be rubbed into the skin of the head, distributed along the entire length of the strands. Insulate, washed off after half an hour.

The tool improves the sebaceous glands, accelerates growth, restores damaged curls, strengthens the roots. The result is noticeable after the first use.

Onions, mustard and whey

Grind a medium-sized onion, squeeze the juice. Mix 30 g of mustard powder with 30 ml of whey (yogurt or kefir), combine with onion juice. Apply the mixture only to the roots, insulate, rinse after a quarter of an hour.

The mask effectively cleanses pores, eliminates dandruff, awakens frozen follicles. Hair becomes strong, obedient, grow faster, fall out less.

Onion hair mask - how not to harm?

Onion masks are quite aggressive; when using them, it is important to follow all recommendations. If you do not follow the rules, you can severely burn the scalp, which will lead to hair loss and severe allergies. Onion juice in its pure form is not used, in hair cosmetics it is combined with other components that neutralize the burning effect of the vegetable.

What to remember when using onion cosmetics:

1. For masks use a fresh, strong onion. The procedures are best carried out during the harvest season - so the effect will be maximum.

2. If the scalp is sensitive and the hair is very dry, an allergic reaction test should be performed. Many experts recommend applying onion mixtures only to the basal area.

3. The duration of the procedure is 10-30 minutes. The drier the strands, the faster you need to wash off the mask.

4. After applying the onion mixture, the head should be wrapped with a film, wrapped in a warm towel.

5. Onion cosmetics should be applied to dirty, dry locks - a greasy film will protect the locks.

6. Rinse off the mask with warm (not hot) water, shampoo. As a conditioner, you can use a decoction of chamomile, nettle, burdock roots, birch buds. Hair can be washed with water with the addition of lemon juice or vinegar - 1 liter of water 5-10 ml of liquid.

Onion masks are an effective tool to eliminate many hair problems, provided that all the rules are followed. A decoction of onion peel will give your hair a beautiful copper tint. Gruel and onion juice will make your hair strong and healthy. An onion mask is easy to make at home, or you can buy it in specialized stores.


Watch the video: How to Grow Long Thicken Hair with Onion - World's Best Remedy for Hair Growth (July 2024).