The meaning of the name Violet


Name Violetta translated from Latin as “violet”. Today it is most often given to girls in Italy and France, but it is also found in Russia, the USA, Great Britain and other countries.

Violetta - character traits

Even at an early age, Violetta amazes everyone around him with a strong, not childishly strong-willed character and fearlessness. She never avoids problems, and without much thought, she proceeds to eliminate them or to deal with her offenders. Violetta is independent and stubborn. Having offended someone, she will not apologize, even realizing her wrong.

Studying is easy for Violet, thanks to her excellent memory, quick wits and perseverance, although she often has problems with discipline. This is partly due to the fact that she is very restless, quickly gets tired of monotony, always looking for new impressions, showing great determination.

Over the years, the character of Violetta does not change much, she grows up as a decisive, courageous woman, stubbornly moving towards her goal and worthily overcoming the difficulties that meet on her way. Such qualities allow her friends to always rely on her in a difficult situation and expect from not support.

Violetta is a real personification of female charm and charm, she is distinguished by a sociable and cheerful disposition, kindness. She has great taste, always dresses beautifully and in fashion and loves to attract attention. Violetta usually refers to owls in her biological rhythm, and therefore she is most active in the evenings, and in the morning, especially in the early ones, wakes up with great difficulty and reluctance. If she works in an area that she is not interested in, she will not be very enthusiastic about her duties. If she likes her work, then she will be an executive and initiative worker, punctual, responsible, able to work in a team. She can make the most successful career in art, tourism and restaurant business.

Having, as a rule, attractive appearance and amorous character, Violetta in marriage makes her husband very jealous of her. She loves noisy companies and meeting new people, and does not like interference in her affairs, therefore she tries to live separately from her parents, and never agrees to live with her mother-in-law, with whom, as a rule, her relationship does not develop. Violetta sees household chores as a heavy cross, she loves luxury and comfort, but, nevertheless, she is usually a caring wife and a wonderful mother.

Violetta - name compatibility

The most happy Violetta can be married to Alexei, Arthur, Boris, Valery. Basil. Vladislav. Marriage with Andrei, Anatoly, Bogdan, Igor, Nikolai, Oleg or Yegor, as a rule, develops less successfully with her.

Violetta - famous people who bore this name

The most famous representatives who bore this beautiful name are: Soviet ballerina Violetta Bovt, British intelligence agent Violetta Jabot; Italian performer Violetta Beauregard; German pianist and composer Violetta Dinesku; Bulgarian astronomer Violetta Ivanova; Cuban sprinter Violetta Quesada; Russian politician Violetta Kosheva; Chilean singer and artist Violetta Parra; Nicaraguan President 1990-1996 Violetta Chamorro.

Violetta - interesting facts about the name

- Zodiac named Violetta - Libra;
- patron planet - the moon;
- color mascot - red;
- totem animal - giraffe;
- totem plant - thyme;
- stone talisman - jasper.


Violetta Alexandrovna 11/26/2016
Everything is exactly as it is written, the only thing I do not irritate my husband, I do not provoke jealousy, but I love to flirt, I don’t like homework, but it always smells clean and tasty at home, in short, it’s written as it is

Violetochka 11/15/2016
Violetta, I completely agree with you * violetta - from the toilet * really insulting, brother jokes at me like that, insulting ...

VIOLETTA 10/23/2016

violet 10.10.2016
I myself am Violetta. I really believe in everything.

Violetta 09/07/2016
My name is Violet, I just hated this name in childhood ... But now I am indifferent to this name, it pisses me off that many people do not pronounce this name or write it incorrectly, but even more I get pissed off by the dumb nickname "Violetta is the door from toilet "> _ <Well, basically everything that is said here about me is all true ...
