The meaning of the name Love


The name Love has old Slavonic roots. It appeared in the Russian name-book along with the names Faith and Hope; all three names are related to the martyr sisters who were executed for the faith of Christ.

Love - character traits

Since childhood, Lyuba has a strong character, but at the same time she is a very kind and sociable girl. Although during communication she doesn’t openly and completely open even to the closest girlfriend, and can be very selfish, always observing first of all her own interests. Love has a strong will, it is very difficult to influence it, it knows how to perfectly control itself in difficult situations.

Her school successes are usually not above average, but this does not upset her, as she is more interested in beautiful outfits, hairstyles and makeup. If Love does not find a work that will help reveal her abilities, then she will be a very mediocre worker. However, a wonderful actress or singer can come out of it, and she can also become an excellent cosmetologist, archivist, pharmacist, accountant, cook, teacher, doctor, librarian.

In relations with men, Lyuba is flirtatious, she always has many fans, but, as a rule, she is a one-man woman. In order to be happy in her personal life, she should not lose her head in love, but just that she often fails. Lyubov’s first marriage may be fragile, but she rarely remains alone, and when she remarries, she’s more docile and soft. As a rule, Lyuba is a good hostess and a strict, but caring mother.

Love - Name Compatibility

Love can be happily married if her husband is Alexei, Alexander, Victor, Gennady, Gleb, Konstantin or Yuri. Having married Boris, Igor and Stanislav, she is unlikely to be able to build a strong family.

Love - famous people who bore this name

Probably the most famous Love for many millions of people is actress Lyubov Orlova, who in severe Stalinist times was for the whole country a symbol of true femininity and the personification of beauty and nobility. Other famous carriers of this name: Lyubov Gurevich, Lyubov Dobrzhanskaya, Lyubov Uspenskaya, Lyubov Polishchuk, Lyubov Sokolova.

Love - interesting facts about the name

- zodiac named Love - Libra;
- patron planet - Saturn;
- color mascot - lilac, dark blue, white, green with its various shades;
- totem animal - mantis;
- totem plant - linden;
- a stone talisman - lapis lazuli.


Ulyana 04/10/2016
I agree that in ordinary life, in ordinary work - Love will not show any outstanding achievements. Because all this is not very interesting to her! And the profession of an actress, for example, is very multifaceted, and this suits Lyubam.

Squirrel 04/10/2016
And I want to say, at the expense of Luba, as the mistress. This is, indeed, a wonderful hostess, in her house - just perfect cleanliness and beauty. Lyuba loves flowers, so - in the kindergarten or on the balcony - she always has a bunch of beautiful greenery.

Flower 04/10/2016
At the expense of the men's company, here, of course, it is written right to the point! In my opinion, love does not need friends! Men always curl around, their company is enough for her. And Love knows how to present itself in a very good light.

Valentina 04/10/2016
Love is on its own mind! Yes, she communicates, and she seems to have friends, but all this is superficial. At any moment, for example, having left, Love will not remember the names of these friends. The main thing is that this does not prevent her from living, so there’s nothing to worry about.

Angelica 04/10/2016
Wow! How does it all converge about Lyuba !!! And character, and even family relationships! My friend Lyubov, just such, and the first time she got married - divorced, but with her second husband, she has been living for many years. Although her first husband was much better ...


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