The meaning of the name Vyacheslav


Name Vyacheslav It has ancient Russian roots and comes from the words "vyache" - more and "glory" - glory, that is, it means "glorious." Some 50-30 years ago, this name was very popular, but now it can be found less and less.

Vyacheslav character traits

Little Slavik needs constant confirmation of love from his parents. Feeling their support and approval, he grows up a strong, athletic and strong-willed guy who is able to achieve his goals. As a rule, Vyacheslav has many talents and, under favorable circumstances, he successfully implements them. From childhood, he does not like injustice, and he carries this dislike through his whole life. Vyacheslav is a quick-tempered, but quick-witted and not vindictive person.

In work, he is punctual and honest, does the work entrusted to him responsibly and in good faith. This character trait allows him to achieve success in any profession, although the technical sphere is most to his liking. Having a car, Vyacheslav devotes a lot of time to him, as a rule, he knows how to repair it himself. Vyacheslav is a good friend, he will never commit meanness in relation to the people around him, but at the same time, he will not protect anyone if this could threaten his well-being. Vyacheslav is easily suggestible and can change his views on life under the influence of various people or circumstances.

In women, Vyacheslav is attracted by beauty, independence, originality, but for family life he seeks to find, first of all, a smart woman. He suffers greatly from unrequited love. With him you can build a good family, he is a reliable and loving husband who is ready to share with his wife all domestic problems and worries about children. He trusts his wife, but having once experienced adultery, he loses faith in women forever. He himself knows how to be faithful, since all his thoughts are usually absorbed in work. Vyacheslav is a sociable person, he loves companies, friends, in their company he is not averse to drinking and having fun, but rarely abuses alcohol.

Vyacheslav - name compatibility

Vyacheslav will be happy in marriage if he marries Anna, Elena, Irina, Larisa, Margarita, Maria, Elvira and Julia. If his chosen one will bear the name Bella, Zinaida, Oksana, Tatyana, then creating a strong family is unlikely to succeed.

Vyacheslav - famous people who bore this name

Many famous people who lived at different times bore and bear the name Vyacheslav. Among them: the leader of the Nautilus Pompilius groups Vyacheslav Butusov; ballet dancer, choreographer Vyacheslav Gordeev; singer and composer Vyacheslav Dobrynin; fashion designer Vyacheslav Zaitsev; poet Vyacheslav Ivanov; animation director Vyacheslav Kotyonochkin; singer and composer Vyacheslav Malezhik; actor Vyacheslav Innocent; the clown-mime, the founder of the theater "Licedey" Vyacheslav Polunin; hockey player Vyacheslav Starshinov; film actor Vyacheslav Tikhonov; hockey player Vyacheslav Fetisov; actor Vyacheslav Shalevich; writer Vyacheslav Shishkov.

Vyacheslav - interesting facts about the name

- Zodiac named Vyacheslav - Libra;
- patron planet - Venus;
- color mascot - pale golden;
- totem animal - buffalo;
- totem plants - hazel, heather;
- stone mascot - topaz.


Ginger 04/15/2016
Among the famous representatives of this name there are a lot of creative people. We are a musical family, we decided to name our son just like that.

Petra 04/15/2016
I like this name, that's my daddy's name. And how many more men of his generation are called Vyacheslav. For my son, my husband and I also chose the ancient name Rodion.

Ekaterina 04/15/2016
Vyacheslav sounds somewhat floridly, but at the same time solemnly. At least the name is not as boring as, for example, Artem or Cyril.

Mary 04/15/2016
The character traits of Vyacheslav described in the article impress me very much. Unfortunately, I personally do not know a single person with that name.

Iriskaaa 04/15/2016
Indeed, the name Vyacheslav is now rarely seen. Although Slavik sounds cool and provocatively. Most likely, I will consider it as an option.


Watch the video: How to pronounce Vyacheslav Dmitriyev RussianRussia - (July 2024).