August 30: what are the holidays today. Events, name days and birthdays on August 30th.


Holidays august 30

Republic Day Tatarstan

The birth of statehood for Tatarstan is not just a holiday. The history of the Tatar people in Russia is complex and contradictory. At first, the Tatars resisted the Mongol raids within the Volga Bulgaria; in the 15th century, the Kazan Khanate was already at odds with the Muscovite state. After the conquest of Kazan by Ivan IV, Tatarstan was included in Russia. In the Russian kingdom, Kazan was also called the kingdom, Kazan, with the development of industry, it became the Kazan province. The rules in the territory of the governor, appointed by the king. Before the revolution, the name Tataria or Tatarstan was not mentioned. Tatarstan tried to gain state sovereignty during the collapse of the country in 1990, becoming the Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, but after the complete collapse of the USSR, Tatarstan remained part of the Russian Federation.

Constitution Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan

As the basis of freedom, the Constitution of Kazakhstan approves human rights and the legal and social orientations of the state. The main thing that people have after the adoption of this constitution is the right to choose. On May 18, 2007, the current constitution was amended and the country became a unitary state with a presidential-parliamentary way of governing the country. On this day, mass festivities take place in all places, according to tradition, art groups perform, and in the evening in cities - festive fireworks. The biggest holiday is held in the capital of the north of Astana and the southern capital of Alma-Ata.

Memory of victims of enforced disappearance

Detentions and arrests, abductions - the number of enforced disappearances in the world is growing, so the UN decided to choose a day in order to pay special attention to this. The atmosphere of global terror, according to the UN General Assembly, has become a serious problem. A special organization that investigates such crimes and phenomena, Amnesty International, addressing countries around the world on this day, calls for an end to the practice of enforced disappearances as a means of pressure in the political struggle, in dictatorial regimes and internal conflicts. In 2006, an international convention was adopted considering such cases as a criminal offense. Much attention is paid to the protection of witnesses, in addition to this, the convention sets out the requirements for the protection of people deprived of their liberty.

Victory Day - Turkish national holiday

The war for the independence of Turkey was completed in 1922 with the grand victory of Turkey over the Greek invaders at the Battle of Dumlupinar. This war is just part of a series of wars for Turkish independence. He commanded the Turkish forces Mustafa Kemal, who became the first President of Turkey. The battle at Dumlupinar lasted four days, as a result, the Greek troops were forced to retreat towards Izmir, Izmir himself was burned to the ground, huge human casualties were received. The Turks and Greeks still have not reached unanimity in identifying the perpetrators of this fire. At a peace conference in 1922 in Lausanne, a peace treaty was signed and Turkish borders established. Between Greece and Turkey, a peaceful exchange of population became possible. Victory Day is widely celebrated in Turkey with patriotic marches, festivities and military parades.

Folk calendar August 30

Miron Vetrogon

In ancient times, in Achai he served as presbyter of Miron, who came from a noble family, but a meek man of temperament and pious in behavior. During the persecution of Christians in the temple, they wanted to captivate people and put them to torment. Miron defended himself and accused the persecutors of dishonest intentions, for which he paid with his life - he was seized and tortured, then thrown into a burning furnace.

A miracle happened - the martyr came unscathed from the fire. He did not suffer from wild animals, when torturers threw him into a cage with tigers. The furious pursuer killed himself. The weather on Miron was judged by the day of another saint - Tikhon. Usually there is wind on Miron, morning dew portends good weather. Another name for this day is Widow's Help. Today it is customary to provide assistance to widows and orphans: "At least throw a sliver into the widow's yard."

Historical events of August 30

August 30, 1700 - the beginning of the Northern War between Russia and Sweden

It was a very long war, lasting more than 20 years. The main goal is to gain access to the Baltic Sea. At the very beginning of the war, the Russian army was utterly defeated by the Swedes, led by King Charles XII. After that, several important reforms were carried out in the Russian army. The army and the Baltic fleet have undergone a real new birth. In the spring of 1703, Peter began to build a new city in St. Petersburg at the mouth of the Neva, which later became the capital of Russia. Later, the sea fortress Kronstadt was built. After the capture of Tarta and Narva, Peter 1 was ready for a peace treaty - however, Karl set out to completely cut off Russia from trade routes. The victory of Peter 1 in the Northern War brought Russia ancient Russian lands on the shores of the Baltic Sea and the desired "Window to Europe".

August 30, 1703 - the first flood of the Neva in St. Petersburg

Disastrous floods take place in the city on the Neva almost every year. For the first time, this phenomenon was observed by city residents in 1703, when they had just begun construction of the northern capital. The water then rose immediately by 2 meters, the city authorities did not even have time to warn of the impending danger. By decree of Peter 1, cattle and horses had to be sent up into the forest. Catherine II began to build houses a foot taller, and from the Spyglass House people were notified of the impending flood of cannon shots, drumming, and ringing bells. In 1897, floods were studied at the Main Observatory, and it was found that floods are closely related to cyclones that drive winds to the shores of the Baltic Gulf. When the wave approaches the shore, its height increases sharply.

August 30, 1918 - attempt on V.I. Lenin by Fanny Kaplan

During a speech in front of the people, Lenin was seriously wounded by three browning shots. The woman, behaving strangely enough, was detained. The reason for the assassination was Fanny's vision of the ideals of the revolution in a slightly different light from the views of Lenin. Fanny was shot a few days later - there are versions that her body was burned in a barrel in the Alexander Garden. After that, the Red Terror began - the deliverance of the republic from class enemies. It was prescribed to shoot everyone who was somehow involved in the white movement.

Born on August 30

Alexander G. Lukashenko (1954) - President of the Republic of Belarus

In addition to the post of President of the country, Lukashenko also holds the posts of commander in chief of the armed forces and chairman of the Security Council. His parliamentary career began in 1990, and after 4 years he taught an absolute majority in the presidential elections in Belarus. According to the results of the third referendum in September 2004, the provision on limiting the term of the presidency was eliminated, and Alexander Grigorievich won the third election. The official Minsk was boycotted by the western countries, Lukashenko and his assistants are forbidden to enter the countries of the Eurozone and the USA. But December 2010 brought the disgraced ruler and 4 terms.

Cameron Diaz (1972) - American actress

Cameron began her career as a model, immediately after graduation she was invited to work as a model in Japan. Her work is a model with Calvin Klein, Levi's, and Coca-Cola advertisements in Mademoiselle and Seventeen magazines. The first film - "The Mask" brought her great popularity, but for some time low-budget paintings remained together with the actress in the shade. Action comedies and films brought the actress real popularity and good earnings. “Vanilla Sky”, “Charlie's Angels”, “New York Gangs” made her the highest paid actress: she surpassed even Julia Roberts.

Ernest Rutherford (1871 - 1937) - founder of nuclear physics

The greatest achievement of the famous scientist is the creation of a planetary model of the atom.
He was engaged in three sciences at once - radioactivity, atomic and nuclear physics, having made many fundamental discoveries in each of them. Before creating his atom model, he experimented a lot, and in 1908 received the Nobel Prize in chemistry. In 1931, he received the title of Peer of England and became Lord Nelson.

Name day on August 30

Name day is celebrated on this day.: Ilya, Pavel, Alexei, Dmitry, Miron.


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