The meaning of the name Taisiya


Name Taisiya came from the ancient Greek phrase "that isios", which literally means - "belonging to Isis" - the goddess of fertility. The name was first noted in Egypt, 4 centuries BC. e.

The goddess was worshiped and worshiped, her cult spread widely to other countries, and came to Greece. Isis was the sister of Osiris and personified fidelity, fertility, the beginning of a new life.

Isis is reckoned among Egyptian mythology, therefore Taisiya of Egypt became the patroness of the name. Being a harlot in her youth, she repented of her deeds, burned up the wealth accumulated by an unrighteous life, and received forgiveness from God.

Taisiya - character traits

Taisiya from a young age begins to show a wayward character. A living, hyperactive child is prone to mischievous tricks, showing a boyish nature. Tasya will stick his curious nose everywhere, and maybe get it from other guys. In general, from childhood she is quite impudent and will not give herself an insult; often fights, protecting his interests.

Taisiya studies by mood, basically, not bad. Teachers complain of her restlessness and harshness in relation to others. Since childhood, the girl does not tolerate the tone of command. A masterful temperament does not prevent her from being a sensitive and kind child. She is ready to take care of all homeless kittens, dogs, she is kind to her younger sister or brother, she protects toys.

The adult Thaisia ​​is determined and uncompromising. The risky girl will not go along the beaten path, but will prefer to achieve everything herself. It has a secretive character, holds true feelings for a long time, but the moment will come and Taisia ​​will throw out the accumulated hurricane of emotions. At such moments, it is better not to fall under her hot hand, otherwise you will get burned.

The girl hates lies and does not know how to lie; dislikes whispering looks behind her back and gossip. He does not trust other people and relies only on his own strength. Excellent organizational skills, excellent memory, the desire for self-development and concentration allow her to succeed in any profession. But most of all, Thaisia ​​is suitable for the position of leader, pedagogical and educational activity.

Taisia ​​has many friends. She is sociable, sociable and relatives appreciate her for simplicity, responsiveness and sense of humor. Nevertheless, the girl has many enemies, which she made thanks to the wayward and "prickly" character. In addition, there are always people who are ready to envy the perseverance, desire and effectiveness of a successful person.

Taisiya - name compatibility

Family life, as a rule, develops successfully for Taisiya, although the girl is in no hurry to marry - she chooses. The time will come and she will find that very “prince on a white horse”, get married, give birth to children and live to a very old age, walking side by side with her “prince”.

A man in her understanding should be attractive, intellectually developed, experienced and financially secure, such as Alexander, Igor, Nikita, Fedor and Andrey.

Her, Anton, Anatoly, George, Vladislav, Eugene, Oleg, Stanislav and Yaroslav will not cause interest and emotional outburst.

Taisiya - famous namesake

Among the well-known Taisiy, one can distinguish a bright singer - T. Povaliy, Ukrainian actress - T. Litvinenko and European champion in athletics - T. Chenchik.

Taisiya - interesting facts about the name (astrological features)

- zodiac affiliation - Libra, Gemini;
- influencing the name of the planet - Venus;
- colors - blue, pink, gold, steel, yellow and white are most favorable;
- totem plant - poppy, nut;
- animal - horse;
- Taisia ​​minerals - gold and agate.


Taisia ​​11/18/2016
It is written exactly about me.

Eugene 11/06/2016
I have a daughter, Taisiya, I read a copy in childhood (still small)

Alena 04/10/2016
And I like these girls! And the name is that too. Granny Taisiya lived in our house, most likely, she was just such in her youth, as it is written here. She was very active even in old age, she knew how to joke with a feeling, but she was not scandalous.

Gulya 04/10/2016
Judging by the zodiac affiliation, these girls should be the other way around - calm and balanced. It is strange that they have such a quick-tempered character. I do not presume to judge the veracity of the written - I am not familiar with any Taisia.

Pava 04/10/2016
Of course, this character is not the most suitable for a girl. After all, a woman should be feminine, sweet, charming, calm and judicious. And here we see such a kid who can fight. Some people like it, others don't.


Watch the video: How to pronounce Taisiya RussianRussia - (June 2024).