The meaning of the name Christina


Kristina is a name with Latin roots. It comes from the Latin "Christ" (a variant of the name of Christ). Christina (Christa) means Christian.

The energy named after Christina is very strong, the owner of this name must learn to match her elitist name, otherwise it will “crush” it and Christina will turn into a very notorious person. From early childhood, girls with this name show talent and parents should pay special attention and help develop Christina's talent.
The name Christina is very popular all over the world.

Christina - character traits

Christina has a strong character, she is always stylish, elegant, she is characterized by aristocracy.

Positive character traits of the name: - cheerfulness;
- mobility;
- quick wit;
- fidelity;
- sociability;
- responsiveness.

Negative character traits of the name: - does not accept criticism;
- excessive touchiness;
- arrogance;
- diffidence.

Christina - Name Compatibility

Christina, because of her vanity, may not notice her family happiness.
For the owners of this name, the attention of men, compliments are very important. Kristina gets married quite early, but unfortunately, her marriage is often unsuccessful.

Particularly favorable is the union of Christina with Arseny, Vladimir, Gerasim, Eugene, Peter, Osip, Mikhail, Stepan.

Christina should avoid the alliance with Anatoly, Nikolai, Stanislav, Felix.

Christina - famous people who wore this name

- Christina Nilson - Swedish opera singer
- Christina Stead - Australian writer
- Kristina Alchevskaya - famous Russian poetess
- Christina Augusta - Queen of Sweden.

Christina - interesting facts about the name

- off-line correspondence - Virgo;
- The patron saints of the name: Christina of Tire, Christina of Persia;
- happy color - steel, orange;
- happy day - Wednesday;
- a stone a talisman of a name - jasper, amber;
- name day: August 6, February 19, March 26.

Christina appreciates stability and love beauty; they carefully plan and build their lives.


Kristina 12/12/2016
This nonsense

Kristina 11/20/2016
I did not know much about myself: D

Kristina 09/05/2016
You know, as the owner of this name, for the first time I read such a striking resemblance :), in different sources you can read such meanings of your name ... which is not very close, but was surprised)) Unfortunately, to date, I have not met others Christina, so I can evaluate the similarity only by example)

Kristina 07/16/2016
Phew, that's true.

Kristina 05/30/2016
my name is Uristina than I am very glad I like this name *** !!!!!!!


Watch the video: Christina - Know Anyone By their Name -CHRISTINA - Name Meaning-First Name (July 2024).