We treat guests and homemade pork liver patties. Any side dish will be good for pork liver cutlets: the best recipes


Offal, which includes the liver, are used in the preparation of many dishes. The liver is perhaps the most popular. Despite the fact that it is usually softer than meat, it is also used for cooking meatballs.

Quite a bit of trouble and cutlets are completely airy. This dish is perfect if your family is bored with classic dishes.

In addition, if for some reason you had a frozen liver, then there is no better way to compose a better recipe. Guaranteed dish does not work hard, and juiciness can be adjusted.

Pork liver cutlets - general principles of preparation

• Cooking pork liver cutlets is not at all tricky, but rather simple enough.

• Such cutlets are fried on a stove in a thick-walled pan. Non-stick pans are also suitable.

• You can bake liver patties in the oven or cook for a couple. But before steaming, they still must be fried.

• Pork liver is a rather specific product. When frying or boiling, it retains some smell and slight bitterness. But in cutlets, such shortcomings are almost not felt.

• For liver patties, it is best to take fresh or chilled liver. Its color should not be too dark or vice versa too light.

• The liver is ground for minced meat with a meat grinder or blender. The size of the grill in the meat grinder does not really matter.

• Before grinding, the liver is well washed, always in several waters. Dry well. The film covering the surface of the liver must be cut off. Rough ducts and vessels remaining in the liver are also cut out.

• After grinding, a liquid hepatic mass is obtained. For thickening, semolina, wheat or corn flour is usually added to it.

• Also, starch or cereal (buckwheat or rice) is often used as a thickener. Added cereals must be boiled until fully cooked.

• Cutlets from only one liver turn out a little dry and dark. To give juiciness and a more pleasant color, vegetables are added to the liver mass. They are laid raw or lightly passer in fat.

• Spread the liquid patty for frying in the pan with a spoon, which is dipped in water each time. Minced liver with the addition of cereals is molded by hand.

• Pork liver cutlets are good both hot and chilled. They can be served with any side dishes. Liver cutlets with cereals are served with sour cream or vegetables.

Pork liver cutlets - "Flat cakes"


• 600 grams of chilled pork liver;

• small onion;

• one medium carrot;

• three small potato tubers;

• table salt, nutmeg powder and ground pepper - to taste;

• Wheat flour.

Cooking method:

1. Gently kneading your hands, wash the liver under the tap. Dry well and clean from solid veins and the film covering a liver outside. Pass it along with onions, raw potatoes and carrots through a meat grinder.

2. Add a little salt, pour pepper to your taste. Add quite a bit (a small pinch) of nutmeg and stir the cutlet mass well.

3. Add the flour for density. It is poured as much as needed, achieving a consistency of thick sour cream.

4. Dip a dessert spoon in water. Pry off the cutlet mass with it and put in a hot oil in a pan. Forming cutlets, dip a spoon into the water each time.

5. Fry liver patties under the lid, not more than a minute on each side.

Pork liver cutlets with mushrooms


• pork liver - 450 grams;

• 150-200 grams of fresh champignons;

• 1 egg;

• 1 onion;

• medium carrot;

• a pinch of black pepper;

• a tablespoon of semolina.

Cooking method:

1. Chop the onion finely, carrots - grate coarsely.

2. Wash and clean the mushrooms from dirt. Cut the mushrooms into very small cubes and fry in a preheated pan. Fry over high heat until all the moisture has evaporated.

3. Add the chopped vegetables to the lightly browned mushrooms and, stirring, cook for 4 minutes.

4. Grind the blender or twist the cleaned liver in a meat grinder. Add semolina, salt, eggs. Report mushrooms fried with vegetables. Pepper and, having well mixed all components, allow to stand ten minutes.

5. Fry liver patties with mushrooms in hot vegetable fat until tender. Until they become rosy on all sides.

Pork liver cutlets with minced meat


• 300 gr. pork liver;

• a glass of cornmeal;

• 200 gr. pork non-liquid minced meat;

• one raw egg;

• onion head;

• a small clove of garlic.

Cooking method:

1. Twist the liver and minced meat together in a meat grinder. Enter the egg and a tablespoon of flour. Stir the mixture until smooth.

2. Add chopped garlic. Report onion chopped medium-sized. Pepper, salt and stir well again.

3. In a tablespoon, add some minced meat. Put it in a bowl of cornmeal. Roll on all sides and fry in hot vegetable fat.

4. Serve liver patties on your own or with a side dish.

Homemade pork liver patties with gravy


• 400 gr. fresh liver (pork);

• 100 gr. brisket;

• 3 table. spoons of "Hercules" (oatmeal);

• large onion;

• 100 ml of milk;

• tomato sauce or ketchup - 2 tbsp. l .;

• 50 gr. 15% sour cream;

• peppercorns - 4 pcs.;

• table. a spoonful of natural butter;

• leaf parsley.

Cooking method:

1. Hercules flakes pour milk and leave to stand for 20 minutes.

2. Carefully cut off the top film from the liver. Cut into small pieces. Cut out the ducts and kill with a blender. As an option - grind on the smallest wire rack through a meat grinder.

3. Grind the breast (you can take fresh lard) in the same way.

4. Strain the milk with oatmeal. Squeeze out the leftovers with your hands and transfer the cereal to the stuffing.

5. Add fine table salt. Pepper to taste with black pepper and mix well with a spoon.

6. Heat vegetable oil in a thick-walled pan. Put the liver mince into it and quickly fry the patties. Do not pour a lot of oil. Fat will melt during frying and give up its fat.

7. Fried cutlets immediately put in a small saucepan for stewing.

8. Melt the butter in a pan. Put onion chopped into small pieces and fry. Do not overdry, fry only until light brown (golden color) is obtained.

9. Dissolve sour cream in a glass of water and add to the onion. Put the spices in the bay, salt and boil.

10. Pour the sauce into a bowl with cutlets and simmer for 15 minutes under the lid.

11. Five minutes before cooking, report ketchup to the sauce.

12. Ready cutlets soak for about ten minutes before serving. Serve lush mashed potatoes, or boiled friable rice.

Hearty pork liver cutlets with buckwheat


• chilled pork liver - 550 grams;

• 140 gr. buckwheat;

• onion;

• 1 raw egg;

• 2 table. tablespoons of wheat flour.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the liver pieces and rinse with a large volume of water, put on a towel. Let the water drain and pat the rest of it with a napkin.

2. Strip the liver from the film and coarse sinewy ducts. Cut into pieces and grind with a blender or in a meat grinder.

3. Sort buckwheat and rinse thoroughly. Pour the cereal with water, add a little salt and boil until cooked.

4. Fry the onion in vegetable oil until light brown. Combine it with slightly cooled buckwheat.

5. Add salt to taste, you can pepper a little. Break the egg into the minced meat, report the flour and knead well.

6. On a medium heat, well heat the vegetable fat in a pan. Put the portions of cutlets in the oil with a spoon, and fry them on both sides until cooked.

7. Serve such patties with sour cream. Mashed potatoes or fresh vegetables can serve as a side dish for cutlets.

Pork liver diet cutlets (baked)


• 350 gr. pork liver;

• four tablespoons of rice;

• egg;

• 60 gr. fresh lard;

• a small onion;

• creamy unsalted butter - 1 tbsp. l .;

• 200 gr. nonfat sour cream.

Cooking method:

1. From the rice groats, select trash and damaged grains. Rinse well in a colander with a jet of water, or rinse in several waters. Pour a large volume of water and boil until cooked. Put in a colander and rinse well again. Dry, leaving rice in a colander.

2. Finely chop the fresh fat. Put the slices in a pan and drain the fat well, lay the greaves out. Finely chop the onion and fry in this fat until transparent.

3. Wash the liver, wipe dry and chop the meat grinder. It will be better if the largest grille is installed on it.

4. Combine boiled rice with minced liver. Add sautéed onion and salt. Enter the loose egg. Gently mix the mixture until smooth and refrigerate.

5. After 20 minutes with moistened hands, form small cutlets from the minced meat.

6. Grease a baking sheet or mold with any grease. Put the patties and sprinkle them lightly with melted butter.

7. Bake diet cutlets from pork liver in the oven for a quarter of an hour, at 180 degrees.

8. Serve the baked cutlets by pouring them with low-fat sour cream to a side dish of vegetables or as an independent dish.

Pork liver cutlets in a double boiler


• a pound of pork liver;

• two small onions;

• two raw eggs;

• fresh lard - 150 gr.;

• 2 tbsp. l dry starch (potato);

• an incomplete glass of flour.

Cooking method:

1. Flush the liver in several waters. Dry well and clean from veins. Kill with a blender or grind in a meat grinder with a large grill.

2. Lightly chop the eggs with a fork and pour them into the cutlet mass. Add flour, starch. Season with spices to taste and put a little salt. Stir until smooth. The result is a mass with a consistency similar to a pancake test.

3. In a pan, warm the vegetable fat. It should only warm up well, but not heat up. Pour the minced meat into small butter cakes and fry for a minute on each side.

4. After frying, place the liver patties in a double boiler and cook in it for 20 minutes.

Pork liver cutlets - tricks and tips

• If the pieces of the liver are pre-soaked a little in milk, the patties will be tender. Also, the liver can be soaked in water.

• Pork liver patties should be fried very quickly. Maximum 1-2 minutes on each side, otherwise they will be dry.

• If you still overcook cutlets, steam them a little in a double boiler. They will become softer and juicier.

• Warm the oil well in a pan. In insufficiently heated fat, the liquid hepatic mass spreads out.

• When serving pork liver cutlets as an independent dish, fry the onion in amber color in fat and put it on the patties. They well absorb the aroma of fried onions, and the dish will sparkle in a new way.


Watch the video: How To Cook Liver (June 2024).