May 31: what are the holidays today. Events, name days and birthdays on May 31.


Holidays May 31

World No Tobacco Day

Celebrated annually at the initiative of the World Health Assembly - WHO guidelines. The feasibility of celebrating this day is surely clear to everyone. Advocacy events held on this day call on the public to fight against tobacco use in society in all its forms, and also informs the population about all the dangers that smoking entails. As part of the No Tobacco Day, the issue of the “tobacco epidemic” and possible methods to combat it are being presented.

The main threat of tobacco is that the nicotine contained in it causes a fairly quick addiction and leads to a slow but targeted destruction of many organs and tissues of the body. After all, it is not without reason that he is called the “slow killer”! The health of smokers is gradually eroding. The heart, blood vessels, and lungs suffer the most from smoking, but this does not mean that other organs are insured against its "ubiquitous nets" - this is far from the case!

Quitting this addiction is by no means easy, but it is possible and necessary until it has led to irreversible consequences. Scientists have proven that people who quit smoking by the age of 30-35 have every chance of living a long and healthy life along with people who have never enjoyed smoking. Today's range of anti-smoking drugs that help overcome nicotine withdrawal is very diverse. What needs to be done now? Of course, to create the right advertising for such drugs and make them accessible to all segments of the population, because today many simply cannot afford such a luxury for material reasons.

Russian Bar Day

On May 31, 2002, President of the Russian Federation Putin signed a new federal law on advocacy in Russia. And the holiday itself, annually uniting all the lawyers of the country, got its foundation in 2005 at the Second All-Russian Congress of Lawyers, held in Moscow. The day of the bar was decided to be celebrated on May 31 in connection with the federal law issued by the president. On their professional day, all Russian lawyers crave congratulations and good wishes for them.

May 31 on the folk calendar

Seven Holy Virgin (Fedot Ovsyanik)

On May 31, the people venerate the Seven Holy Virgin - the Great Martyrs who suffered in the 4th century (during the reign of Diocletian) for their faith in Christ. Their suffering was described in the book of St. Theodotus, who was a close relative of one of the virgins. Therefore, it is also revered today by the Orthodox world.

In Russia, Theodotus (Fedot) was called the assistant of spring. He was often personified with oak. By this tree, by the way, the peasants judged the quality of the future harvest. For example, it was believed that if by this period the oak tree was unfolding its leaves, then there would be an excellent spring crop. If the oak tree began to shed its leaves, this is a bad omen - it will be a hungry year.

In general, oak in Russia was especially revered. He symbolized strength, power and at the same time wisdom, some kind of softness. Often wedding ceremonies were performed under this tree, because people believed that the oak tree would give its newly blessed family its blessing.

Historical events of May 31

May 31, 1859 - The clock installed on the London Big Ben Tower has been launched

In 1859, the countdown began with the most important clock in all of England, designed by the inventor Beckett and located on the Big Ben Tower. By the way, Big Ben is not called the tower itself, but one of its five bells weighing thirteen tons. There are several versions of the origin of this name. According to one of them, the bell is named after the chairman of the parliamentary commission, who once led the construction work. Some agree with the opinion that the name of the bell was confined to the name of one of the most famous boxers in the history of England, Benjamin County, nicknamed Big Ben. To this day, the count is considered a symbol of British sport. His name is often mentioned on the BBC radio station.

May 31, 1935 - The Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR adopted a resolution "On the Elimination of Child Homelessness"

The events of successive wars shook the country in order, touching all aspects of its life. A huge number of street children began to appear in Russia. By the 1920s, there were about 6 million of them. In order to somehow resolve the situation, the government of the Soviet Union had to take certain measures, and in 1935 a resolution was issued "On the Elimination of Children's Homelessness and Neglect". As part of the document, the authorities posed several tasks, the main of which was to tighten legislation in relation to juvenile delinquents. Efforts were also directed towards their parents, guardians (if those, of course, existed). According to the decree, material liability for the criminal acts of children was now introduced for them.

The document also obliged the Main Directorate of Workers 'and Peasants' Militia of the NKVD of the USSR to wage an intensified struggle against juvenile street hooligans. For these purposes, even special units and workers were specially allocated. From the same time, the juvenile department of the Department of Internal Affairs began its activity.

May 31, 1945 - The publication of a directive in the USSR on the need to change the attitude towards the civilian population of Germany by the military personnel of the Soviet Union

By order, any acts of retaliation in all their manifestations were prohibited. It was unacceptable to show the civilian population of Germany their "burning hatred" for him, as well as provoke conflicts, arrange showdowns, robberies, violence and other atrocities. The personal experiences and tragedies of the Soviet fighters were not to justify the manifestation of cruelty. The command of the USSR tried in every possible way to curb the discontent, and somewhere aggression, of Soviet troops.

May 31 were born

Leonid Leonov (1899 - 1994) - Russian classic writer, participant in the Civil War and winner of many awards, including the Stalin Prize of the first degree. His stories and poems began to be published immediately after Leonov returned from the front. Subsequently, his work was appreciated by the most prominent critics of the time.

Vladimir Kuzmin (born in 1955) - People’s Artist of Russia, Russian singer, musician and songwriter. He organized his first musical group as a student of the 6th grade. From the same age, he began to write songs that he performed at various school concerts. In the 1970s, the singer became famous, and soon he organized the rock group "Speaker", and in the 1990s he created his own studio, where he spent most of his free time. Kuzmin is the father of five adult children, and today he continues to work in his favorite field.

Natalya Koroleva (born in 1973) - pop singer of the USSR and the Russian Federation. Honored Artist of Russia. The Queen’s debut on stage took place when she was only three years old. With a charismatic cast of character and a chic voice, she was able to win the love of millions of Russian television viewers.

Name Day May 31

Celebrate: Bogdan, Andrey, Alexandra, David, Vasily, Irakli, Christina, Claudia, Leo, Michael, Makar, Faina, Pavel, Peter, Julian, Julia, Fedot, Fedor.


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