August 15: what are the holidays today. Events, name days and birthdays on August 15th.


Holidays august 15

Archeology Day in Russia

Archaeologists celebrate this professional holiday in their narrow circle. The science of antiquities is isolated from other sciences. It is according to her data that historical events are established, comparing with them the studies of ancient written sources. At the same time, there are much more household materials than written sources. They started talking about Russian archeology only in the 19th century; its founder is Count Alexei Uvarov. The excavation technology was also developed later, but it was the first excavations that laid the foundation for the science of antiquities. Nowadays, many expeditions open every summer. UNESCO established World Archeology Day on July 17th.

Tuva Republic Birthday

In February 1999, a law on holidays was approved in the parliament of the republic. Indigenous people (Tuvans) call their republic Tuva, but in Russian this name was rooted as Tuva, so in 2001 the Constitution was adopted, in which these names are considered to be equivalent. Adjectives come only from the word Tuva. The republic is located in the very center of Asia, in Southeast Siberia, on the border with Mongolia, Irkutsk, Khakassia, Altai, and Krasnoyarsk.

The first inhabitants settled here more than 20 millennia ago, the origin of the Tuvan nation is attributed to the first millennium AD. Previously, these territories were called Uryankhay, before the revolution they were part of the Yenisei province. After the end of the civil war, the People’s Republic of Russia Tannu - Tuva (Alpine Tuva) was formed. In 1944, Tuva became part of the Soviet Socialist Republic as the Tuva Autonomous Region, then it was renamed the Tuva Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, after the collapse of the Union in 1991, it was renamed the Republic of Tuva.

Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

This holiday is celebrated in several religious movements. The Armenian Church celebrates the Assumption since the 5th century. Speaking about the death of the Virgin, the word assumption is used - that is, falling asleep. The mysterious and magnificent event is marked by a rite of blessing for the grapes, which is not associated with the holiday, but is only dedicated to the holiday. The first harvest is brought to the temple, as a thanks to the creator for the creation and granting of earthly goods to people. The vine is blessed three times during the service, the fruits are distributed to the parishioners. On the same day, the Assumption of the Virgin is celebrated in Bulgaria, as well as among Western Christians.

Indian Independence Day

The holiday has been celebrated since 1947, it is the most significant day of India. The act of independence of India from Great Britain was adopted under the country's first minister - Jawaharlal Nehru. The flag of independence of the country was raised with a huge crowd of people, a new stage in the development of the country began. In the early years, a military parade was also held, on this day the same flag-raising ceremony was held in all major cities of the country, for more than 60 years. Speeches are made that mention the difficult path of the country, the governors organize holiday receptions.

Mother's Day in Costa Rica

On the day of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, all mothers and grandmothers of Costa Rica receive holiday gifts: from small souvenirs, to household appliances, furniture or good clothes. Families in this country are distinguished by an exceptional number - sometimes up to 100 people gather in the house of the oldest relatives. When seated, wherever possible, guests embark on a traditional meal. The treat is very simple - chicken pilaf, mashed beans, potatoes, lettuce, cabbage and tomatoes. I use plastic plates and glasses as utensils. For the first time, someone from the family makes a festive toast, with thanks to God for sending him such a wonderful mother. Grandmothers also engage in fun dances, and dance salsa or cumbia.

August 15 on the folk calendar

Day of Stepan-Senoval

St. Stephen is a Christian martyr, a member of the Jewish diaspora. He served together with 60 Christians as a deacon, tried to maintain order and justice. In addition, he preached the word of God in Jerusalem, and came to disagreement with representatives of the synagogue. After the trial, it is not known exactly how Stephen died - either the mob stoned him or he was killed by court order. In Russia, Stefan had another name - Senov, since it is on these days that haymaking ends. The last stage of work took place - the grass was mowed, which had grown after the very first hayfields.

The whole family gathered herbs that day so that they could weave a Stefanov wreath, bring it to a hut and hang it in a red corner. In case of illness of one of the relatives, the hostess brewed a bunch of grass and treated the patient. The strength of the wreath remained until the spring festival of Hilarion. Stefan paid special attention to horses. Having bathed a horse, it must be brought to a forest source and through a silver coin to drink from a hat. From this horse will become more docile, protect themselves from evil spirits. The coin was removed from the cap and stored under the manger until next year. She was inherited from father to son.

Historical events of August 15

August 15, 1723 - The opening of Peterhof (the royal residence near St. Petersburg).

Built by Peterhof (Peterhof) two decades after its first mention. Back in 1705, Peter I liked the idea of ​​the French king Louis XIV about a country residence. Peterhof was conceived as the Russian Versailles. There is evidence that Peterhof himself designed Peter 1. Peterhof was at the intersection of roads to Oranienbaum, to the ferry crossing over Kronstadt. During the construction process, a special workshop for the processing of granite for construction, the Granile Factory, was also organized here. The Grand Palace, the park, the canal and small palaces with fountains were built already by the opening of the residence. There was the Hermitage, slamming fences and other attractions.

August 15, 1877 - a proposal was made to use the word "Hello" on a telegraph.

The apparatus of Alexander Bell was called the telephone (“tele” (“far”) and “phono” (“sound”)). The apparatus of visible speech, demonstrated at the Philadelphia World's Fair, became a sensation. The first user was the Brazilian king Don Pedro, who tested the device directly at the exhibition. He was simply amazed, like the rest of the audience. Despite the fact that the sound was monstrously distorted, speech could be heard clearly at a distance of 250 meters. Thomas Edison suggested addressing each other with a special word - "hello", that is, "hello." Russian people quickly transformed him into "Hello."

August 15, 1914 - the first ship passed through the Panama Canal.

Even the medieval Spanish conquistadors dreamed of how to connect the North and South continents of the American mainland. The Panama Canal was laid at the mouth of the Rio Grande, in 1880 (by analogy with the Suez). The legendary builder engineer Ferdinand Lesseps took part in its construction. It took more than thirty years for the first ship to pass through it. The construction was constantly hindered by errors in calculations, high-profile lawsuits related to miscalculations. At one time, “Panama” was perceived as a synonym for large-scale fraud. Things went faster when the United States got the right to build. The first vessel to pass was the Cristobal vessel.

Born on August 15

Walter Scott (1771 - 1832) - English writer in the genre of historical novel.

Walter Scott's historical novels can be divided into two groups. One is dedicated to the past of Scotland, the second to the history of England. In addition to his novels, Scott was the publisher of 80 other authors in his own printing house, which he maintained for the development of literature, but not for profit.

Michael Leonovich Tariverdiev (1931) - Soviet composer.

The peak of popularity of the famous and beloved by the people of the composer is associated with the songs for the film "Seventeen Moments of Spring", as well as the films "Irony of Fate". In total, he composed melodies for 132 films. In addition, his creative heritage - 4 ballets, more than 100 romances and 4 operas, concerts of organ music.
Napoleon is a legendary figure. He took a strong place in history, giving his name to an era. The battles of Napoleon were included in military textbooks, and Napoleonic Law underlies the civil norms of Western democracies.

Napoleon I Bonaparte (1769 - 1821) - the legendary ruler of France, the military leader.

It was not in vain that the future emperor received this title - he disposed to himself various people, possessing incredible capacity for work, excellent memory, and a sharp word. He was a true genius of military and state law. Having advanced during the French Revolution, one of 13 children in the family of a small aristocrat, he began as a lieutenant in the army, and in 1804 he became emperor of France.

He is known as a reformer, the founder of a French bank, under Napoleon the Civil Code was adopted, the territory of the country expanded significantly. However, losing the war with Russia marked the beginning of the collapse of his empire. Napoleon abdicated, and was exiled for life to the island of St. Helena as a prisoner of the British. There is a version that on the island of the former emperor was poisoned.

Valentin Varlamov (1934-1980) - the famous Soviet pilot, instructor of the space troops.

Valentin Stepanovich himself was selected to the cosmonaut squad, being a famous pilot, since the great Patriotic war, however, due to an injury to the cervical vertebra he had to leave the squad. He remained at the cosmonaut training center and held different positions at different years.

Gianfranco Ferre (1944 - 2007) - a famous fashion designer, nicknamed "Fashion Architect".

He began his career as a fashion designer Ferre with leather products - belts, accessories. The name Ferre became famous along with Armani and Versace. He structured fashion using his architectural background. In his collections - red, black, white, gold blouses, exquisite lines, balanced proportions.

Name day 15 august

Name day celebrate: Cyril, Plato, Vasily, Roman, Stepan, Ivan, Taras, Fedor


Watch the video: Independence Day 2018 Special Song. 15 August Celebrations. YOYO TV Channel (July 2024).