August 8: what are the holidays today. Events, name days and birthdays on August 8th.


Holidays august 8

International Climber's Day

The holiday appeared in the 18th century, when a daredevil doctor from Switzerland, accompanied by a mountain guide, reached the highest point in the Alps - the Mont Blanc peaks. Michel Gabriel Packard and Jacques Balm left a trace of their visit on the peak 4810 meters above sea level. The scale of their feat can be estimated if we take into account the background - hundreds of travelers sought the valley of Chamonix, but were defeated in their attempts to reach the "high-altitude pole of Europe". Local peasants, seeing the interest of visiting tourists, became guides.

As a result, the famous geological scientist of that time, Horace Benedict de Saussure, having suffered another failure while trying to reach the top, awarded a daredevil a prize who could do it. The assault on the peak lasted several decades, but it was conquered only after 26 years. Many previous attempts ended tragically. The difficult climb took more than a day, Packard entered the summit first, and hoisted the flag. In the diary, travelers made sketches of the peaks and noted the temperature and pressure. After the descent, Packard immediately started writing a book, and the second traveler at that time received the promised money.

Day of military signalmen

This day has been celebrated in Ukraine since 2000, by decree of the President of Ukraine. The date was chosen because it was on this day that the Kiev courses of military engineering communications men opened. In the Great Patriotic War, communications troops accounted for about 5 percent of the total, and at the end of the war - about 10%. In Ukraine, the Main Directorate of Communications was established in 1992.

Augsburg City Day

Holiday of one city - this is the name of this day in an accident, the federal state of Germany. The festival of peace in this city has been held since 1650, and since 1950 it is an official state holiday, a day off for enterprises and banks. It is commemorated in the memory of the oppression of the Protestants in the 17th century, which took place over the whole 20 years, until the “Westphalia Peace” in 1648 put an end to this. But as early as 1555, a world of estates and religions was concluded when the Lutheran and Evangelical branches of religion were recognized by the community of German states.

Ramadan Bayram, Uraza Bayram

Eid ul-fitr is another name for the holidays of Islam, which are called the holidays of conversation. Every believer on this day feels a special involvement in the community of fellow believers and expresses joy, as well as replenishes the spiritual experience. Farewell to the month of fasting Ramadan takes place in a festive atmosphere. Believers have grown spiritually enough, pacified their passions and helped those in need. On this day you can eat good food, and indulge in a joyful mood. You can’t fast. A collective prayer takes place in the mosque, then everyone disperses for a festive meal. Donation of zakat ul-fitr, commemoration of parents and a visit to the cemetery is considered mandatory.

August 8 in the folk calendar

Ermolaev day

In the 4th century, during the persecution of Christians in the Nicodemia Church, 20 thousand Christians were burned. Only three men managed to escape. Yermolai, Hermippus and Hermocrates did not renounce their faith and continued to preach and teach people Christianity. But once they were also captured by the Gentiles and beaten, they offered to renounce Christ. They were saved by an earthquake, which suddenly began, broke idols. Emperor Maximillian sentenced the martyrs to death. Yermolai always has a sufficient warm day, favorable for the end of the harvest. Fruit picking began, but apples should not be eaten until Apple Savior. They also dug potatoes, made okroshka and vegetable salads. From meat used boiled beef. It is believed that on Ermolaev day you can collect herbs - healing power is born in them.

Historical events of August 8

August 8, 1899 - the invention of the refrigerator by Albert Marshall

They tried to come up with refrigeration designs for a long time, but only Marshall was the first to patent his invention. The ice was purchased. A cold store operated due to a large amount of fuel - firewood, kerosene or coal. The first refrigerator was launched by General Electric in 1911. The car could be placed in the kitchen cupboard. But she was very noisy, worked on gas, so she gave off an unpleasant smell. Silent, odorless refrigerator appeared only in 19326, it was developed by engineer - inventor from Denmark, Stindrup. The first "home cold factories" were very expensive - with that money you could buy two Ford cars. In the USSR, the first chillers began to be produced at the Kharkov Tractor Plant in the 1960s.

August 8, 2008 - tragic events in South Ossetia

The preparation of the Beijing Olympics was not the only event in the world on this day - the capital of South Ossetia was in ruins in a matter of hours. Georgia decided to solve the problem of the two republics by force. Just four days of hostilities claimed almost a half thousand lives of civilians. Georgian troops were driven out of Ossetia, in addition, they had to leave the Kodori Gorge (upper part) in Abkhazia. Russia officially recognized the independence of South Ossetia, and President Medvedev signed a decree on the independence of South Ossetia, then diplomatic relations were established.

August 8, 1900 - Davis Cup institution

The most prestigious tennis competitions among men have been held for more than a century. The award itself is made in the form of a bowl with gilding, its height is 33 cm and its diameter is 45 cm. Today 140 teams take part in the competitions, and at the beginning only two countries competed - the USA and Great Britain. The money fund of the Cup was formed in 1981, and today it is 8.5 million US dollars. Competitions are spectacular, until the last moment intrigue persists. The world group consists of 16 teams. Match dates are scattered throughout the year, usually ending in November.

Born on August 8

Julius Guzman (1943) - captain and judge of KVN, doctor psychiatrist, doctor of pedagogical sciences.

Julius Solomonovich left the medical profession and for many years (since 1973) worked as the art director of the Azerbaijan State Musical Theater, held the first television bridges of the USSR - USA, initiated political evenings dedicated to A.I. Solzhenitsyn and N.S. Khrushchev. He also participated in the creation of the National Cinema Prize "Nick" by analogy with the American Oscar.

Svetlana Evgenievna Savitskaya (1948) - Soviet woman-cosmonaut.

Svetlana Evgenievna graduated from the Moscow Aviation Institute, studied at the flight technical school under the Central Committee of DOSAAF, after which she received the profession of "pilot instructor." Svetlana was a member of the team of athletes in professional parachuting, she set 18 records on jet aircraft. After graduation, she worked as an instructor pilot, then as a test pilot. It is not surprising that it was she who was recommended for training in the school of cosmonauts. The first space flight - August 19 to 27, 1982, all Svetlana Savitskaya made several flights, one of them with spacewalk.

Stanislav Sadalsky (1951) - Russian actor, People's Artist of Russia

After graduating from GITIS, Stanislav Yurievich received an invitation to the Moscow Sovremennik Theater, where he worked with a break of 20 years (since 1991). The actor has about 80 roles in the cinema, the author’s program “scandalous news”, sections in “Express Newspaper”, is the People’s Artist of Chuvashia, the holder of the Georgian Order of Honor and honorary citizenship of Georgia.

Name day on August 8

Name day is celebrated on this day: Sergey, Fedor, Ignatius, Moses, Yermolai, Praskovya


Watch the video: Amazing Calendar Trick (July 2024).