Saudi Arabia - recreation, sights, weather, cuisine, tours, photos, map


The largest state of the Arabian Peninsula is Saudi Arabia. By type of device, it is a kingdom. The country shares its borders in the north with Kuwait, Iraq and Jordan, in the east with the United Arab Emirates and Qatar, in the southeast with Oman and in the south with Yemen. Water borders pass through the Persian Gulf and the Red Sea. It should be noted that the country is not characterized by a precisely defined territory.

Saudi Arabia is often associated with mosques, the main of which are in Mecca and Medina. These are the shrines of Islam.

The main wealth of the country is a huge amount of oil fields. Export of black gold has become the dominant position in the state economy. This industry accounts for 75% of the total gross product.

Saudi Arabia is inhabited by 28.68 million inhabitants, 90% of them are Arabs, the rest are Asians and East Africans. The predominant religion was Islam. In the country, it is recognized as a state form of religion. The popularization of other creeds is prohibited here. For visiting foreigners, not Muslims, visiting the main shrines is unacceptable. The observance of traditions is monitored by the local religious police service - Muttava.

The official language is Arabic, and the currency is the Saudi rial. It is equal to 100 halalam. The course is about 1 euro to 4.75 riyals.

Saudi Arabia - the capital and major cities

The capital of Saudi Arabia is Riyadh. The population is 4.87 million people. This is a huge city, whose name means "place of trees and gardens." There really is a lot of greenery.

Previously, nomadic Arabs lived in these territories. But by the 18th century, the Wahhabi center was formed. Around it were adjacent land. So a state appeared with the capital Riyadh.

The population of the city began to grow rapidly after the 1950s. Oil revenues have transformed this place into a modern, developed metropolis with luxurious buildings. There are a lot of skyscrapers, and the development and implementation of grandiose projects is considered the norm in the capital city.

The tallest building in the capital, and throughout the country, is the Burj al-Mamlyak building. Now, the construction of a huge metro has begun, which will be the second after the metro in Mecca.

A feature of Saudi Arabia is the concentration of the bulk of the population in cities. In addition to the capital, the cities of Jeddah, Mecca, Medina, Dammam, Haftji and others are characterized by a large number.

Saudi Arabia - Holidays and Tours

In the first place among the types of tourism in this country are visits to worship shrines. Pilgrims have become the main source of profit from the tourism business. Millions of believers come to the "land of two mosques" every year.

In addition to religious tourism, Saudi Arabia attracts the opportunity to get acquainted with the magnificent cultural values ​​that have survived and have come down to us through many centuries.

Traditional is a beach holiday on the coast of the sea and the bay. The hot sun all year round allows tourists to soak up the golden sand and splash in the warm waters.

Visiting businessmen also make up a significant part of the country's guests. Concluding business contracts with local firms is an excellent business development opportunity.

Saudi Arabia - Attractions

Guests of the country are recommended to visit the Museum of Riyadh. Free access is open here. Here are compiled exhibitions that introduce tourists to the culture and traditions of Saudi Arabia. Here they get special access to view other historical monuments of the country.

In the city of Diraya there are interesting excavations of mosques and palaces.

The city of Jeddah, located on the Red Sea, is the country's main port. He is the most powerful industrial center of the state. He received the nickname "city of statues and markets." The magnificent fountain 312 meters high has become the main attraction.

There are 140 mosques in the country, and each of them is of cultural and national value. They are unique in appearance, so they are all unique.

Mecca and Medina are the spiritual capitals of Islam. Millions of believers gather here for Hajj; access is strictly forbidden to representatives of other faiths.

Saudi Arabia - weather (climate)

The main part of the country is occupied by deserts and semi-deserts. Accordingly, the climate here is arid and hot. On the Arabian Peninsula, summer temperatures are constantly at around +50 degrees. Only in mountainous areas snow falls, but not every year.

The coldest winter month is January. At this time, the average temperature is approximately +15 degrees in the mountainous regions, and +30 in the deserts. But at night, a sharp cooling can occur even in the desert, then the thermometer will stop at about 0 degrees. This is due to the physical characteristics of the sand, which is able to instantly give off the heat received during the day.

Precipitation is extremely small. For a year, their number is only 100mm. Rains are possible only at the end of the winter period or in the early spring.

Weather in Saudi Arabia now:

Saudi Arabia - Cuisine

The cuisine of this country was formed under the influence of historical features, as well as climatic conditions. Here, as in all Arab countries, traditions are sacred. Products used for cooking are common to all Muslims. Even minor differences that are due to ethnic diversity relate mainly to minor aspects of the preparation: adding spices or seafood.

Muslims do not eat pork at all. Therefore, they cook beef, fish, poultry and eggs. Favorite food is fried meat cooked on charcoal or a pan with the addition of a large amount of vegetable oil.

The traditional dish is meat on a spit ("kultra"). Most often it is a lamb or bird. Shish kebab here has the name "teak". Often cooked shawarma ("shvarma"). A "kebab" - pickled kebab of beef or lamb, does not leave anyone indifferent gourmet. Moreover, there are about a hundred options for cooking kebab, and each of them is a work of culinary art.

In general, meat is very fond of here. It is prepared in whole carcasses, slices or chopped. Pilaf ("maklube") is one of the favorite dishes of local cuisine.

Eggplant, peppers, zucchini are served from vegetables to meat. Meat soups are popular. They are cooked very thick, and the main ingredient is beans.

The cooking of various varieties of poultry is widespread. It is stewed with the addition of tomato paste or sauce. There are many different recipes for making duck, turkey, chicken, quail. They are stuffed with rice or vegetables, baked or grilled.

Rice is the main type of side dish. Mandatory is the presence on the dining table of a salad of fresh vegetables, greens.

Oriental cuisine cannot do without spices. Onions, garlic, spices - components that give each dish a taste and aroma.

Eastern sweets (dessert) are known to all. Turkish delight, halva, candied fruit - these delicacies were loved not only by the local population, but also by the sweet tooth of the whole world.

Coffee has become a traditional drink for conversation. It is prepared in a special way and consumed in miniature cups. Since the local drink is very strong, it is better for tourists unaccustomed to it to limit its use.

Saudi Arabia - interesting facts

In Saudi Arabia, standards of conduct are completely different from Western traditions.

Foreign mercenaries are neglected here. People who are employed are equated with slaves. It is permissible to involve them in the most difficult and dirty types of work. Even assault is permitted. The owner will not be convicted if he physically punishes the negligent performer who came from another state.

Polygamy here is the norm. Marriage with minor children is as natural as regular marriage. There is no age limit for marriage in this state. The fate of the daughter is decided by her parents, regardless of her personal desires. The prophet Muhammad himself was engaged to a 6-year-old girl, Aisha. Therefore, Muslims have someone to take a similar example from.

A woman in Saudi Arabia is completely powerless. Domestic cruelty is a common occurrence. It is extremely difficult to prove the fact of beating by the husband, therefore, most of these conflicts are ignored by the authorities, even if the woman writes a complaint.

Saudi Arabia - visa application

To travel to Saudi Arabia, you must apply for a visa. The types of visas are as follows:
• Working,
• Student
• Transit,
• Business,
• Guestbook,
• Group (for pilgrims).

Any tour is organized by an accredited company. Tourist visas to this country are not provided.

The following documents should be submitted to the Visa Application Center:
• Passport and civil passport,
• Application form (filled in English and Russian),
• Photo,
• Tickets, including hotel reservations,
• For women, a copy of the marriage certificate or confirmation of kinship with the man accompanying her on the trip.

The visa fee is $ 56.

Saudi Arabia - Embassy

In Moscow, the Embassy of Saudi Arabia is located on 3rd Neapolimovsky Lane, Building 3. Tel .: (+7 095) 245-3491.

Map of saudi arabia


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