A stomach ache in a newborn - signs, reasons, what to do - how to help a baby? Causes of abdominal pain in a newborn


Abdominal pain in newborns arises because their digestive system has not yet fully formed.

But since the child is only crying, and can not say that he has pain and why, mom needs to find out on her own.

A stomach ache in a newborn - signs, reasons, what to do

If the baby has a tummy ache, he will definitely let you know about it. His legs will then be tightened to the tummy, then vice versa, straightened, a refusal of food is possible. If the pain is too severe, the baby's skin may turn pale.

Of course, mothers think that the stomach of the newborn hurts - signs, reasons, what to do with this condition. First of all, you need to know the possible causes of this condition.

The first thing you can assume is intestinal colic. This phenomenon is not uncommon in young children, especially in the first six months. There is no special treatment for this condition, because after a while it goes away.

But in the first year of life, there may be other causes of abdominal pain.

Food allergy. It begins to appear closer to six months, when mothers begin to introduce complementary foods. In addition to severe abdominal pain, a rash may appear on the body, blood is observed in the feces, and weight gain is very poor. It is necessary to visit a doctor so that he can establish the cause of this condition and prescribe treatment.

Intestinal obstruction. Simply put, this is a twist of the intestines, which in most cases occurs in infants using artificial nutrition. The main characteristic of this cause is the cessation of stool and gas, the vomiting, the body temperature rises. A baby has spasmodic pains in his stomach, and in between, he feels well and can even play.

Lactase deficiency. In the body of the child there is little lactose enzyme, under the influence of which, milk sugar is broken down. Symptoms are somewhat reminiscent of a normal allergy, but the condition is quite dangerous, so you need to call an ambulance.

Teething pain. This may seem surprising to many, but teething can really hurt the stomach. Feces become whitish or grayish in color. After the teeth erupt, everything will pass.

No matter what caused the pain, the baby will feel very bad. It is necessary to relieve his condition.

Belly pain in a newborn - signs, reasons, what to do: first aid

Of course, parents cannot sit quietly and watch how their baby is tormented. Each caring mother wants to somehow help her baby, using the right treatment for this, but, unfortunately, not everyone knows what can be done in such cases and what not.

The simplest thing is to take your crumbs on their hands and try to somehow calm him down. However, the problem cannot be resolved in this way, and it will continue to bother. You can alleviate the condition of the child in other ways:

1. Make a special massage of the tummy, do it only with warm hands, each time after feeding.

2. Before you start feeding, lay the baby for 10-15 minutes on the stomach.

3. Immediately after feeding, put a warm diaper on the bed, and on it the baby, on the tummy. Under the influence of heat, the muscles will calm down and relax.

4. Perform special exercises that your pediatrician can advise.

It is very important to follow these simple rules. This, of course, does not mean that the pain will not bother at all, but still it will be a little easier for the child to bear it.

Belly pain in a newborn - signs, reasons, what to do: treatment

The intestine of the newborn begins its work while still in the womb, but by the time of birth, it is not yet ready to digest food. Many parents are faced with the fact that in the first months, the baby is often worried about the tummy. This happens because food cannot be fully digested.

If suddenly a newborn has a tummy, it is necessary to take all measures in order to improve his well-being. Of course, it is better to consult a pediatrician, but if this is not possible, you can try to eliminate the symptoms of pain yourself.


In order to improve intestinal motility, it is necessary to perform a massage of the abdomen in a clockwise direction. As a result of this, the gas bubble will move to the rectum, and subsequently its exit to the outside.


Put the baby on the back and carefully bend his legs at the knees, leading to the tummy. Try to do this exercise often, especially if the baby has flatulence.

Dill water

Take one spoonful of dill and pour it with a glass of boiling water, let it brew for two hours. After this, strain and drink the baby three times a day, before eating. Dill has a good carminative and antispasmodic effect. Dill can be replaced with a drug like Plantex. Its action is exactly the same as dill, but giving it to a child is much easier.

What else can you do if a baby is bothered by stomach pains:


Espumisan or Sub Simplex have a good carminative effect. They do not cause allergies, which means they are safe. Espumisan is not absorbed into the blood, its action is exclusively local, in the intestine. In a pharmacy, you can buy this medicine in the form of drops, but consult with a specialist about the dosage in advance. You need to take the drug until the symptoms of the disease disappear. Babies are given medication immediately after feeding in order to prevent pain in advance.

Bloating. In the anus of the baby, you can insert a special vent pipe, previously it is sterilized and lubricated with petroleum jelly. The first time such a procedure should be carried out by a pediatrician, and mom can just watch and learn.

With spasmodic pain. Put something warm on your stomach, a heating pad or diaper.

Despite the fact that there are special medications for infants, it is still not recommended to give them without a doctor’s prescription. After all, it is unlikely that you can make a diagnosis yourself.

But, nevertheless, we can highlight some drugs that help improve digestion:

• diarrhea and vomiting. When vomiting and diarrhea occur, the body loses fluid, which means the risk of intoxication increases. It is possible to replenish the water balance and saturate the body with useful substances with the help of such drugs as: Regidron and Gastrolit. First they need to be dissolved in water, and then water the baby according to the instructions;

• gas and bloating due to poisoning. In this case, enterosorbents will help - drugs that absorb all the harmful substances from the stomach and intestines. For example, Smecta or Enterosgel;

• intestinal infection and diarrhea. To restore intestinal microflora, it is necessary to give antimicrobial and immunomodulating drugs. These include Linex, Hilak Forte.

If your baby has a stomachache and you don’t know what to do before the baby arrives, first of all do not try to feed the baby, as in most cases this can aggravate the situation. This is especially true in cases where the child often vomits.

Important! If vomiting and diarrhea do not stop throughout the day, call an ambulance as soon as possible!

With the digestion of your baby, definitely everything is fine if:

• he is gaining weight according to his age;

• after the baby has eaten, he practically does not burp, but at the same time a small amount of milk still comes out;

• after the baby has eaten, he has a very good mood, he is alert, and his tummy is soft;

• mucus, foam are not observed in the stool, it is uniform, without the presence of an unpleasant and pungent odor.

In most cases, which are incomprehensible to you by its manifestation, only the pediatrician can determine what happened and what measures to take. Be sure to call an ambulance if the pain lasts more than one hour, the baby's body temperature rises, he vomits, and the stool is of an incomprehensible color.

Much will depend on how well you behave. The main thing is to remain calm, and always be near the baby, because from the presence of the mother next to the baby it will be much easier.


Watch the video: Instructional Videos for New Moms - Baby Colic Massage (June 2024).