Gastric ulcer - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment


Stomach ulcer refers to a number of chronic diseases in which a peptic ulcer is formed on the inner walls of the stomach. Its appearance is due to a violation of the mechanisms that regulate the motor and secretory function of the stomach, a decrease in the protective properties of its mucous membrane.

Sometimes there are several ulcers. The defect tends to relapse. The disease is recorded in both the male and female population with the same frequency.

Ulcer - Causes

The main causes of ulcers are considered to be neuropsychic and physical overwork, stress.

A large role is played by genetic predisposition. If someone in the family has a peptic ulcer, then the next of kin (mother, father, brother, sister) are at risk.

Some medications can trigger the development of a peptic ulcer. These include cardiac and cortisine-containing medications. Hormonal disorders can contribute.

Other risk factors include bad habits (smoking, drinking alcohol immensely), chemical poisoning, poor and irregular eating habits, eating foods with different food additives, and high stomach acidity.

Ulcer Symptoms

Typical symptoms of ulcers are nausea, heartburn, belching, and hunger pains that are localized in the upper left abdomen, often radiating to the back and left shoulder blade, sometimes the pain becomes girdle. As a rule, within half an hour after eating, it subsides, and can appear at night.

You can’t ignore the ulcer! Exacerbation can lead to life-threatening conditions such as stomach cancer, peritonitis, and gastric bleeding. The tumor is formed due to the transformation of cells of the affected ulcer area. Ruptures of blood vessels are responsible for bleeding. Perforation of an ulcer leads to the ingestion of gastric contents into the abdominal cavity, peritonitis (inflammation of the peritoneum) develops.

These conditions are a real threat to human life. Suspicion of any of them requires immediate hospitalization and surgical intervention.

Ulcer Diagnosis

Suspect gastric ulcer can be characteristic symptoms. However, a general examination does not provide enough information, so the doctor resorts to accurate diagnostic methods.

1. The study of gastric secretion - reveals functional disorders of the body.
2. Radiological diagnostics is the most common method.
3. Endoscopic diagnosis is the most accurate method.
4. Blood test.

Ulcer - treatment and prevention

For the treatment of peptic ulcer disease, it is first necessary to follow a diet. Fried, spicy, smoked food is excluded from the diet, it is recommended to take food about 5-6 times a day in small portions, chew it thoroughly. You can’t eat too hot or, on the contrary, too cold food, it should be no more than 40 degrees.

Drug treatment is prescribed to each individually, it all depends on the age of the patient, the severity of the disease, concomitant pathologies, etc. Approximately one third of patients recover, observing a diet and doctor's recommendations.

Alternative therapy for ulcer treatment can be added to the main therapy:

- the use of juice from cabbage and potatoes, take half a liter per day for three weeks;

- Thick juices from licorice and blueberries;

- medicinal infusions of chamomile, mint, lemon balm;

- hot or cold compresses on the abdomen.

In case of severe pain, vomiting with blood, black stool, you must consult a doctor or call an ambulance immediately. These symptoms indicate the development of complications that need surgical treatment.

Prevention of peptic ulcer includes:

- adherence to an active and healthy lifestyle, quitting smoking and drinking alcohol;

- refusal of too spicy, spicy, fatty foods;

- restriction of the use of black tea and coffee;

- avoidance of all forms of stress;

- taking any medications only as directed by a doctor;

- dosing of the work-rest mode, full sleep (at least eight hours).


Nina 04/18/2016
How unpleasant an ulcer looks like. I don’t want to bring it to her. The stomach aches for a long time, perhaps it is necessary to consult a doctor so as not to start :(

Kissa 04/18/2016
Thanks for the valuable tips for peptic ulcer prevention. I have a predisposition, so I especially cherish my stomach!

Assoll 04/18/2016
Once I had to swallow a tube, the procedure was terrible. It is good that only gastritis was revealed. I will definitely be treated so as not to repeat it again.


Watch the video: Real Questions. Stomach Ulcers (June 2024).