Can pregnant and lactating women drink chicory? Useful properties of the drink and tips for drinking


Since the caffeine contained in coffee has a negative effect on the cardiovascular system of a pregnant woman, doctors recommend finding a replacement for a fragrant drink.

Today we will find out if chicory can be drunk by pregnant and lactating women.

Can pregnant and lactating drink chicory: beneficial properties of the drink

Chicory has always been famous for its unique healing properties. The miraculous herbaceous plant can now be found not only in the wild. It is cultivated for the production of drugs and drinks. Of particular value in chicory has a root rich in B vitamins, acids, iron, pectins, inulin and other valuable organic substances.

The chicory drink resembles coffee both in color and in taste. However, unlike fragrant grains, it has a beneficial effect on the body of the expectant mother and contributes to the normal intrauterine development of the baby.

Beneficial features

During the bearing of the child and during lactation, the mother's body experiences an additional load. Chicory has a positive effect on the functioning of the whole organism, therefore its use is especially recommended for women in such a crucial period of life.

The chicory drink has the following beneficial properties:

• improves blood circulation;

• normalizes blood pressure;

• raises hemoglobin level and is an excellent prophylactic of anemia;

• normalizes metabolism;

• regulates the activity of the stomach, intestines, liver and pancreas;

• removes toxins;

• relieves constipation and heartburn;

• reduces blood sugar;

• acts soothingly, replacing valerian;

• has an antipyretic effect;

• Helps fight insomnia.

Can pregnant and lactating drink chicory: warnings and contraindications

Doctors are convinced that during pregnancy, a drink from chicory root is not only possible, but even necessary. Meanwhile, the use of the drink has limitations, as for other medicinal plants:

• since chicory has a diuretic effect, its excessive use can lead to dehydration;

• the drink contains a large dose of ascorbic acid, so doctors who abuse chicory do not exclude the possibility of an allergic reaction;

• in diseases such as bronchitis and bronchial asthma, chicory can increase coughing. A strong reduction in the abdominal wall negatively affects the uterus and can cause premature termination of pregnancy;

• Also, a healing drink is not recommended for stomach ulcers and diseases of the duodenum.

Can pregnant and lactating drink chicory: a recipe for preventing anemia

During pregnancy, a woman’s hematopoietic and cardiovascular systems are particularly stressed. The heart of the future mother should pump large volumes of blood so that the baby receives the maximum of useful substances. Chicory allows you to facilitate the activity of the heart. A magic drink raises the level of hemoglobin, purifies the blood. A chicory drink is recommended for anemia. Doctors recommend preparing it according to the following recipe: for half a glass of boiled milk you need to take one teaspoon of chicory juice. You need to drink it three times a day.

To make chicory juice, you will need flower buds of the plant and its young shoots. They should be scalded with boiling water, and then chopped. This can be done both in a meat grinder and in a blender. Then - squeeze the juice. The resulting liquid should be boiled for several minutes before use.

How to drink chicory: tips and tricks

Now that we have figured out whether it is possible to drink chicory for pregnant and lactating women, it will not be amiss to learn how to consume a vitamin drink.

1. A drink from chicory acquires a more delicate and delicate taste if you drink it with cream. In this case, it will become more high-calorie.

2. To protect the body from colds and diseases associated with low immunity, it is recommended to drink soluble chicory with lemon and honey.

3. A ready-to-drink drink containing chicory extract and extract from medicinal plants such as blueberries, chamomile, and sea buckthorn is very popular. Of particular value, according to experts, is a soluble product containing chicory and wild rose. These medicinal plants are able to prevent the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes.

4. Liquid chicory is very convenient for consumption. It is produced on the basis of a liquid extract of a healthy plant. This product contains the highest content of valuable components. It is easy to store. It is sold in a glass jar.

The dark brown extract of a thick consistency is diluted with water or warm milk. You can also add honey or sugar. For 200 ml of liquid, you need to take 1/5 teaspoon of chicory.

How to choose and store chicory?

To choose a quality drink, when buying, you should pay attention to the following factors:

1. The composition of the product must be 100% natural. Some manufacturers add artificial flavors and colorings to the composition of the healing drink to diversify its taste. Therefore, always pay attention to the composition indicated on the package.

2. When buying, give preference to chicory in a vacuum package or in a container with a sealed lid.

3. Good soluble chicory in consistency should be lump free, and its color should be uniform.

4. Real chicory has a slightly bitter taste. If it is fresh, then the next time do not buy a drink from this manufacturer.

As for storage, ground chicory or soluble plant powder must be kept in airtight packaging in a dry place. Lumps may appear in the product due to moisture. The drink itself will gradually lose its priceless properties. Liquid chicory extract is easiest to store: in a cool, dark place.

Now you know whether chicory can be drunk by pregnant and lactating women. As you can see, a natural drink is not only an excellent coffee substitute, but also a source of a rich vitamin-mineral complex.


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