How to twist a hoop: we learn to use a hula-hoop. How to twist the hoop to remove the sides and stomach - will it help?


In childhood, the vast majority of girls learn to twist the hoop.

Do you remember? This lesson was a wonderful pastime in the yard, as well as part of the compulsory program in physical education classes.

In adulthood, those ladies who see flaws in their figure turn to a complex of exercises with hula-hoop.

Today we will learn how to twist the hoop in order to make the figure slim and beautiful.

How to twist the hoop: the benefits and benefits of exercise

Hula hoop training has several advantages:

• the hoop is easy to use and easy to store and transport;

• exercises do not require special training;

• classes can be combined with other exercises;

• rotation of the hoop allows you to quickly adjust the figure.

Classes with a hoop are very useful if they are done correctly!

1. Training with hula hoop allows you to use different muscle groups. Not all professional simulators can simultaneously affect the back, buttocks, hips, abdominal muscles and calves.

2. Parts of the body that come in contact with the hula hoop during exercise receive enhanced blood circulation. This makes it possible to burn fats, and not just "break down" them. Oxygen is intensively supplied to the hips and waist, which gives the body additional energy.

3. This type of cardio training lowers blood pressure and serves as a wonderful prevention of heart attacks and strokes. Hula-hoop has a calming and relaxing effect, increases stress resistance.

4. Performing a set of exercises, you make a kind of massage. This has a positive effect on the functioning of the intestine, namely, it improves its peristalsis.

5. You can come up with interesting exercises, even for children, to attract all family members to a fun activity.

6. When training with a hula hoop, many people notice a raising of emotional spirit. The rotation of the hoop brings a lot of pleasure and causes a lot of positive emotions. External changes in the body increase a person’s self-confidence.

7. As a result of classes with a weight hoop, the body becomes more flexible.

8. Rotational movements with a hula hoop increase the overall tone of the body.


Before you learn how to twist a hoop to remove the sides and stomach, you must make sure that there are no contraindications. Exercises with a hoop for weight loss can not be performed in the following cases:

• pregnancy and the first time after childbirth;

• period of menstruation;

• diseases of joints and organs of the small pelvis, kidneys, liver, ovaries;

• recovery period after injuries to the legs, head and spine.

Choose a hoop

It is not enough to know how to twist the hoop to remove the sides and stomach. It is also important to choose the right sports equipment. Each type of hula hoop brings different results. There are three varieties of this sports equipment:

• regular gymnastic;

• massage;

• weighted.

We are familiar with the usual gymnastic hoop from school. This model is hollow inside, made of metal or plastic. Sports equipment is great for beginners starting to do fitness on their own. A gymnastic hoop allows you to develop rotation skills and can be used at the initial stage of training.

The massage hoop with an increased cross-sectional area is equipped with many balls that have a massage effect on the body. Experts believe that this type of hula-hoop should not be used by beginners. The model is heavy and in the first training sessions can leave numerous bruises all over the body. A massage hoop is chosen by experienced fitness enthusiasts who have managed to thoroughly master the set of exercises with a gymnastic hula hoop.

A weighting hoop weighs between 0.5 and 2 kilograms. It is believed that such a hula hoop gives the best results in losing weight. Its effectiveness is due to the increased load on the muscles. With this hoop you can easily tone the whole body.

When buying a hoop, experts recommend considering your height. When you attach the shell to yourself, it should reach your lower ribs.

How to twist a hoop: rotation technique and methods

Only at first glance, training with a hula hoop may seem easy and boring. In fact, training with a hoop requires good coordination and developed muscle motility from a person. Exercise will be very effective if you use the simulator correctly.

First you need to do a warm-up. It allows you to warm up the body before training. We put our feet shoulder width apart. Raise the hoop overhead. We make inclinations: back and forth, from one side to the other. Now we extend the projectile in front of us, making smooth turns: from side to side.

Slim Waist Exercise

This exercise, when properly and regularly performed, reduces waist circumference. We take the starting position: we put our feet shoulder width apart and slightly bend our knees. The feet during rotation should be slightly outward. We lower the hula-hoop to the waist level and try to set it to rotation. We support the projectile with smooth rhythmic movements, straining the press and slightly pulling in the stomach.

Continuously rotate the hoop in this way from 3 to 5 minutes. The exercise should be performed in several approaches, combining with other methods of rotation.

Planet Rotation Exercise

Hula-hoop classes can be diversified with another very effective exercise. To do this, the legs need to be put a little narrower than the width of the shoulders, and hands should be held behind the head. After making several rotations to the right, you should begin to slowly turn to the right around its axis. There must be at least ten such circles. Then - repeat the same thing in the opposite direction.

Arrow exercise

Position "Arrow" will also help you quickly remove your stomach. We rise to the socks and begin to intensively untwist the hoop. Hands should be extended as far as possible, joining hands. This exercise is quite complicated. Therefore, to achieve the result, it is enough to perform it for 10 minutes a day.

Rotation with walking

When you learn to hold the hoop on your waist for a long time, it will be easy for you to master the following exercise. So, you need to rotate the projectile at a fast pace, making stepping movements in all directions. Aerobic exercise allows you to not only burn fat in problem areas of the waist, but also improve the activity of the heart muscle.

Breath hold rotation

We put our hands behind our heads and begin to rotate the hula-hoop, making smooth movements to the sides. During the exercise, you need to exhale and hold your breath for a few seconds, stretching your stomach as much as possible.

These exercises not only reveal the secret of how to twist the hoop to remove the sides and stomach, but also allow you to make the training with the hoop interesting and diverse.

The basic rules of rotation:

1. During classes, monitor the correct starting position of the body. The back during rotation of the hoop should be perfectly flat, and the legs - brought together. Having placed them, the effect of the exercise "dissipates", and does not concentrate on the sides and waist.

2. To prevent your hands from getting in the way, it’s better to stretch them to the sides, up or hook them behind your head into the lock.

3. Do not connect the chest and pelvis to the exercises, only the stomach should move.

4. For beginners, it is most convenient to perform movements in one direction - clockwise.

How to twist the hoop: professional tips

In order for classes with a hoop to benefit you, it will be useful to take the advice of professionals:

1. For training, choose the time between meals. Exercises are best done at least 2 hours after a meal and 1 hour before a meal. Fulfilling this condition, classes with a hoop will save you from fat, and not from glucose, which was received by the body with food.

2. After exercise, it is useful to drink a glass of clean still water.

3. Full training should last at least 30 minutes. According to experts, in the first 20 minutes of classes with a hoop in the human body, glucose consumption increases rapidly. Further, our body begins to spend reserve energy, getting it from fat reserves.

4. To get started, exercise for about 10 minutes, gradually increasing the training time. After a few weeks, the rotation of the hula hoop will bring maximum results.

5. When practicing with a hoop, strive to put your legs closer to each other. Initially, it will be convenient for you to put your legs slightly wider than your shoulders, and toe socks apart. After mastering the exercises, try to bring them as close as possible, which will reduce muscle tension. In such a stand, energy will be consumed very actively, your body will become fit faster.

6. Turn the hoop and watch your breath. Before class, it is recommended to ventilate the room. Fresh air and deep breathing without delay will saturate the body with oxygen.

7. Rotate the hula-hoop in smooth, calm and uniform movements along a small diameter so as not to injure your back. No need to chat with your whole body. During training, you should be moderately tense.

8. Before rotating the hula-hoop, experts advise doing a little workout.

9. Bruises may appear on the body after the first lessons. You can avoid their appearance by wearing a thick sweater or a wide sports belt.

10. It is very important to do exercises regularly. If you have absolutely no time, make at least a few rotations with a hoop. This will support the results of past classes.

11. Practice your favorite music. The created atmosphere will improve a positive attitude towards an excellent result from classes.

Now you know how to twist the hoop to remove the sides and stomach. Quickly tidy up your body with hula-hoop training even for those who are not helped by diets.


Watch the video: It's Your Choice: Exercises with Hula Hoops (July 2024).