Baby 10 months


At 10 months, the baby became more energetic and quick, and, imitating the elders, trying to be independent, doing everything “as big”. Just try to limit it to something - he expresses his displeasure, is indignant. When you play the game "Where are you?" With him, the baby hides with pleasure and waits for him to be found. And then there is no limit to delight. Sometimes he is shy - he hides his mother’s face, and sometimes he’s cheerful and sociable, “talks” with strangers, feels them, examines them.

He is no longer surprised if you plant him on a pot, tries to take his first independent steps, sits well and moves crawl perfectly. Of course, a bottle of porridge is more convenient for a 10-month-old child, but he can perfectly drink from a cup and eat almost all of his food with adults. In general, playing and observing, the baby gains knowledge, experience, but loves to be encouraged, approved and assisted.

Child development at 10 months (what should be able to)

Over the past month, the baby can gain about 400-450 grams, grow 1.5-2 cm (approximately 72-80 cm). Boys in their eleventh month of life may be slightly larger than girls (a couple of centimeters).

In addition, the baby will already be able to:
- imitate the speech of adults;
- laugh at jokes;
- insert an object into a hole or into another object;
- play with small items, sort them out, stack them;
- get other items with the help of a toy;
- play with big toys - roll the ball, move the car or gurney;
- chew solid food;
- be interested in other kids.

At the request of adults, the baby can perform familiar actions - sit, lie down, roll on its other side, dress or take off clothes, dance. He already knows how to go down the stairs (still by the handle with his mother), he remembers where toys or interesting objects lie. At the table, bites solid foods and chews them. It is interesting that at 10 months, babies can already choose what they like best, and this skill needs to be developed. You can talk with the child - he babbles all the time, imitating the intonations of adults - and loves to be answered to the tone. The more you communicate with him, the sooner he will begin to speak words, and more will learn about real human communication.

Baby Care at 10 Months

So that the child is always in a good mood, you need to do the morning toilet with pleasure. Wash your face, clean your nose, bathe - all activities must be carried out in a playful way. Make sure that the daytime sleep takes place in a calm and quiet environment, so that the baby has a good rest and is not overexcited, or vice versa does not become lethargic and capricious. At 10 months, the children sit firmly enough, got rid of the fear of doing it themselves, so they can be actively accustomed to the potty. It is good if you will accustom the baby to order by playing, and then folding toys in a certain place.

If you will set an example yourself, constantly removing toys, and then ask the baby for help - he will be happy to carry out various tasks. Sometimes he himself takes the initiative, choosing a lesson for himself. He can get used to his duties - to serve his mom things, choose the right book, lay out cutlery. By doing so, it will be easier for you to accustom your child to the regime of the day - he will know what to prepare for a walk, reading a book or sleeping.

Baby nutrition at 10 months

At the tenth month, milk (breast milk or adapted mixture) is fed to the baby 2-3 times a day (200 ml each). The rest of the meals are like adults - this is the first and second, meat, vegetable dishes, mashed potatoes, juices. Of course, far from fried sausages, sausages or hot spices. It is not necessary to force things, it is better to give the baby separate pieces of boiled vegetables and fruits. Most mothers this month gradually wean their baby. It is best to do this at the last feeding - giving the baby kefir instead of breast milk. Teach your child to take food with a spoon. The chewing reflex is practiced on crackers or cookies pieces of fruit, boiled potatoes.

The regimen of the day of the child at 10 months

At night, the baby sleeps about 11 hours. At this age, the daily regimen is almost unchanged. Morning procedures consist of washing with warm water, washing hands, combing hairs. You can stick to a double sleep, but some children sleep once (2.5 hours). Accordingly, the baby’s wakefulness increases, when you can play and work out with him, do massage, exercise. It is very important to spend a lot of time in the fresh air - make sure that the clothes fit the air temperature.

Sleeping or playing in the air has a positive effect on the development of the child. Wet wipes can be alternated with dousing. At a distance of 20-30 cm from the baby's body, send a hose of warm water to it. Start at 36 degrees and gradually lower the temperature. It is good to carry out such procedures after dinner, when the child has slept and is full of vigor and strength. First, you can conduct a gymnastics complex.

Lessons with a child at 10 months (how to develop)

At this age, kids are attracted to various musical instruments, drums, various sound and light toys. They do not really like to sit in the arena themselves and constantly require attention, participation in adult entertainment. Use this time to develop various skills, for example, the “Tunnel” develops perception - make a tunnel out of the box and call the baby. Let him creep towards you and watch how your face changes as you approach.

Another game is a round dance. Dance with a doll, and then invite the baby. If he likes movements, swap him with the doll and dance together, and then give him the doll - and let him teach him how to dance the doll. Stomp your feet, clap your hands - make other dance moves. A simple game develops coordination of movements, is fun and interesting, and after a while the child will be able to dance when communicating with other children.

“Learning to throw” - start a special box into which you can throw different objects - rattles, small balls, voiced unbreakable objects. Move the box to the other side so that the baby stretches, moves objects in the other hand or throws with both hands at the same time. This exercise develops the ability to manipulate, develop motor skills.

Games and toys for children at 10 months

Fine motor skills is also developed by drawing, modeling, sorting out buttons or beans, pouring large grains. Do not leave babies at this time, so that they do not "taste" these objects in taste. Toys that encourage action will bring much more benefit - roll the ball, build a house, assemble a pyramid. Raise the baby in these months - let him put toys "like a mother." Read and view large picture books with them. The kid imitates adults, and remembers many tales by heart.

Let him examine the pictures himself - let him turn the pages - it also helps to develop motor skills. To entertain the baby while waiting, play your favorite counting games with him. Do not forget to wash toys with soap and rinse well. The easiest way to care for rubber and silicone toys. Today, as in antiquity, wooden toys are popular, which must be looked after in the same way. Change toys periodically so that they do not bother, and after a while return them so that the child is interested.

Medical observation at 10 months

Medical supervision at this stage is usual - examination by a pediatrician, assessment of motor and motor skills. As expected, weight, height is measured, hip joints, testicles are examined, a possible hernia is detected. The sign of BCG is evaluated. Consultations of specialized specialists are required only if violations are identified. Additionally, a new action appears - a dentist examination. It's time to examine the presence of a tooth and the condition of the child's oral cavity. Pediatrician examination is carried out on the basis of recommendations of the World Health Organization, with the aim of prevention and close cooperation with the parents of the child of children's specialists.

Useful Tips for Parents

What's inside?

At this age, the baby begins to understand that there are connections between objects. But he still does not know that communications can be invisible - therefore, he examines the telephone receiver with interest after talking with his grandmother or tries to look inside the toy. At this age, children, satisfying their curiosity, often break toys, can consider what a doll or a typewriter consists of. You should not scold the child if he unscrewed the head of the kule. trying to figure out what was inside her - he was just trying to find answers to his questions. the main patience and consistency in the use of the word "not"

Young talent

If a child is familiar with painting with paints or felt-tip pens, he can draw a specific object, confidently leads his finger or pencil on paper. He tears plasticine into small pieces and presses them to the board. Of course, all these actions need to be dealt with with him, taught him how to sculpt, draw, allowed to knead the dough and sculpt dumplings or dumplings with his mother.

Does the baby not creep?

Do not worry if at the current time a normally developing child does not crawl - some originals just do not like it - they immediately get on their feet, communicate more, develop fine motor skills. The child’s personality, individuality manifests itself in different ways, it is quite possible that he will suddenly begin to crawl, having come up with one that he understands. Do not drive the baby, try to understand its pace and adapt to it - as a rule, such children very quickly catch up with their peers, mastering the skills of movement and movement much faster.

Useful fun:

- Let the baby climb on the sofa and climb off it, walk along the support or “by the handle”, the main thing is that he does not break his nose or injure his knee. Protect the baby, lay some pillows near the sofa. Make for him a real obstacle course from a small chair, box, pillow, so that the child scrambles up, tries to get through it.


Alla 05/15/2016
Wonderful article. A lot of useful information.


Watch the video: 10 Months Old: What to Expect - Channel Mum (July 2024).