Pulpitis - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment


Pulpite called inflammation of the loose fibrous connective tissue of the pulp, developing under the influence of a damaging microbial factor. The clinical manifestations of pulpitis are determined by the duration of the disease, the patient's body resistance and many other factors. Depending on them, pulp inflammation is divided into acute and chronic.

In turn, both acute pulpitis and chronic pulpitis are characterized by a division into various forms. So, acute pulpitis is represented by such forms: hyperemia of the pulp, limited serous pulpitis, diffuse serous pulpitis, purulent traumatic pulpitis. Chronic pulpitis, in turn, is fibrous, gangrenous, hypertrophic (proliferative).

Pulpitis - causes

Most often, pulpitis appears due to exposure to microbes and their toxins that penetrate the pulp from the carious cavity of the tooth. The causative agent of pulpitis, as a rule, is streptococcus, but staphylococci and lactobacilli can also play its role. The disease usually begins with infection of areas that are close to the carious cavity, followed by their penetration deeper into the root pulp.

In addition, the cause of pulpitis can be a tooth injury in the form of a break in a part of the crown, a tooth fracture, as well as a temperature or chemical factor (exposure to acid, alkali, etc.).

Pulpitis - Symptoms

Pulpitis is manifested by spontaneous paroxysmal toothache, which usually occurs under the influence of mechanical, chemical and thermal stimuli.

Pulpitis - diagnosis

Diagnosis of pulpitis is to examine and probe the walls and bottom of the carious cavity. If the information received is insufficient, radiography is prescribed.

If pulpitis is acute, then probing the bottom of the tooth is a very painful procedure. Using temperature samples, especially for cold, a pronounced reaction is determined.

Differential diagnosis of pulpitis is carried out to separate the symptoms of pulpitis from other diseases that have similar signs: periodontitis, sinusitis and pulp gangrene.

Pulpitis - treatment and prevention

For the treatment of pulpitis use:

- conservative (biological) method, which allows to preserve the viability of the pulp; it is effective in reversible inflammatory processes in the pulp, traumatic pulpitis, as well as in case of accidental opening of the tooth cavity;
- the surgical method, when the inflamed pulp is removed, and the root canal of the tooth is filled with filling material.

The main step in the treatment of pulpitis is to cover the bottom of the cavity with therapeutic paste, which has an anti-inflammatory effect and the ability to enhance tissue regeneration. After this, the cavity is closed with a temporary filling, and after a few days, if the patient has no complaints, fill the tooth.

Sometimes with pulpitis, it is advisable and even necessary to provide first aid to the patient. When rendering it, it is useful to remember that with focal and acute general pulpitis, pain can be reduced with the help of heat, and with acute purulent pulpitis - with cold.

To reduce pain during pulpitis prior to examination by a doctor, it is necessary to remove food residues from the cavity of the affected tooth and introduce a cotton ball into it to infuse it with camphor oil, acetylsalicylic acid, analgin or other drugs that have anesthetic effects.

These actions can be supplemented by the ingestion of painkillers, such as analgin, amidopyrine, pyrenomal, etc. However, these actions should be considered simply as helping the patient before being examined by a doctor, and remember that treatment with a dentist is mandatory for pulpitis .

Pulpitis prevention consists, first of all, in regular and proper oral care and timely treatment of caries.


Watch the video: What is Pulpitis (June 2024).