6 months baby


A tiny lump in 6 months turns into a fully grown man. Although he is also small, he already hears and sees perfectly, he is used to his mother, with her warm smell and to his father, with his gentle hands. He can already actively show emotions - excitement, sadness, joy, fear or pleasure. Are adults ready to go along with the baby in the era of the rodent and the slider?

The kid is standing, sitting, trying to sort out legs with support and take the first steps. At the sight of your dinner plate, he tries to examine its contents. He loves it when you lay it on the floor and place it around the toy. He reaches for them, throws, explores, makes efforts to explore the surrounding space.

Child development at 6 months (what should be able to)

Six months is a kind of anniversary to which the baby "comes" with an average growth of 64-67 cm and a weight of 6800-7200 g. Of course, the individual characteristics of the children are different, deviations can be about two weeks, and this is considered normal. Some babies grow 2-2.5 cm in a month, and gain more weight - up to 7800 grams.

Other than that, baby:
- can sit in pillows or with support, confidently holding his head;
- For some time it can stand on its legs with support;
- lying on his back, pulls the legs in his mouth;
- creeps, moving on the tummy;
- explores toys, shifting them in his hands;
- throws objects and watches them fall;
- trying to get up, holding on to the back of the crib;
- turns in any direction, leans;
- knows his name perfectly, distinguishes between close people and strangers;
- pronounces syllables, sounds, sings and babbles, repeats heard sounds;
- trying to eat with his own hands;
- understands what subjects you are talking about, finds them;
- loves recurring phenomena;
- distinguishes tasty and tasteless food;
- can focus on one subject for a long time;
- takes in his hand completely toys;
- looking for a missing object - turns.

If by the end of the sixth month the child cannot reach the toy and take it in his hand, does not respond to sounds and does not ask for his hands when addressing an adult, do not hide this from the doctor. You may be referred for an examination or advised on any special developmental exercises.

Childcare at 6 months

Try to practice hygiene with your child when it is dry, not freezing, and slightly wrapped. Clean his ears, nose, process the skin, wash, wash after each diaper change. Towels should be made of soft cotton, - gently pat the skin without rubbing. Wipe the folds with napkins if there is no way to wash the baby. At six months, you will have to teach your baby one more procedure - wash your hands before eating, as the baby is very active, picks up a lot of things, and in general - likes to eat with his hands.

Bathing, as before, is carried out every day, at any time. Too active kids are better to bathe in the morning. It is advisable to give bathing a special time in the daily regimen, the main thing is that when bathing the baby is not hungry and has a good mood. Do not leave your child alone in the bathroom, even if there is very little water in the bathroom. Make sure that there is no hypothermia, the water should have a temperature of 37-37.5 º C, and the room should be warm. Prepare everything you need in advance - a towel, soap supplies, washcloths and toys. This month, babies may already have teeth - give them after eating a teaspoon of water so that they can cleanse their mouth of residues.

Particular attention should be paid to the care of the delicate and sensitive skin of a 6-month-old baby, otherwise diaper rash, irritation, rashes and even suppuration cannot be avoided. Maximize the baby's time without diapers and sliders - for open air access. Try to use disposable diapers only when walking and at night. If minor irritations still appear - rinse these places, treat them with antiseptic ointments, a decoction of chamomile or oak bark.

Gymnastics and massage are very useful for everyone, and especially for young children. Continue to do exercises using the complexes recommended by doctors.

Baby nutrition at 6 months

Before breastfeeding, do not forget to clean your baby's nose so that he can breathe freely. Feeding at this time is already necessary, introduce the baby to adult food gradually, play with it, arouse interest and draw attention to food. He can take slices of vegetables and fruits in his mouth, but the main food is porridge or vegetables or fruits, juices, crushed together with a decoction. Solid foods can also change the amount of breast milk or infant formula.

An important rule - a new complementary foods should not be administered within 7 days before vaccination to avoid allergies and strain on the intestines. Give the baby the opportunity to try the contents of the plate with his own hands, then with a spoon.

6 months baby's day regimen

The daily regimen for 6 months does not change - the baby also sleeps several times a day, remains awake for 1-2 hours, and sleeps at night, almost without waking up. 5 single feeding may remain, intervals - about 4 hours. The child’s activity is somewhat increased, he may not sleep even on walks, which should be mandatory procedures. Postpone the walk should be at a temperature of more than 30 degrees, and less than 10 degrees of frost. Bathing - once a day, about 7-10 minutes. If the child is highly excitable - you can add to the bath before going to bed a decoction of herbs - motherwort, valerian, mint, lemon balm. During wakefulness, try to play more with your baby.

Lessons with a child at 6 months (how to develop)

As for physical development - do not force things and push the baby so that he sits and walks ahead of time. The time will come, and he will acquire these skills on his own. Just lay it on the floor more often, place the toys at a short distance - reaching the item will be a great incentive for the baby. Remove from this zone all dangerous objects that could injure the baby, break or it is undesirable to get into the mouth. Be sure to continue massage, exercise on balls, swimming in water, this is necessary for the proper development of the central nervous system, strengthening immunity. At the same time, tell him rhymes, nursery rhymes, occupy his attention so that the kid would be interested.

Games and toys for children at 6 months

Try not to buy toys without a quality certificate, as well as those that fall into your mouth and may break, fix small objects on smooth ribbons. Remember that a six-month-old baby examines objects with his hands, touches, touches them, kneads. Let him touch hard and soft objects, wand, pebble, snow. Speak with the name of the subject. Pay attention to the development of motor skills, buy puzzle toys. At the age of six months, the main toy for the baby is cubes or all kinds of pyramids. Disassemble and collect toys with the baby, play with individual elements.

Moving toys are also interesting, on which you can press buttons, pull the levers, watch the lights come on. Singing musical instruments, drums, maracas, houses with doors - all this helps to develop hearing, eye, logic, skin sensitivity. You can play with the baby’s hands - a small charge, for example, “paint-paint”. You can learn to pet your cat with toys, while saying "good, good." Allow the child to know the world in all its diversity, destroying the pyramid made of cubes with it or tearing the fabric, bending objects.

Medical observation at 6 months

Age 6 months - the time of the control examination of the pediatrician. All senses are checked - hearing, vision, muscle development, speech, a wealth of emotional response. The kid should roll over on the tummy from the back, change the position of the body, hold the head. Lying on his stomach, leaning on the handles, he should be able to grab objects in front of him. The development of speech is humming, babbling. The doctor will verify the child’s ability to sit with support. The mental development of the baby is also assessed - is he interested in toys, does he react to strangers. Narrow specialists examine the child: neurologist, ophthalmologist, otolaryngologist, cardiologist, orthopedist. If hemoglobin drops, blood tests are prescribed, urine analysis checks the condition of the urinary system.

Useful Tips for Parents

So your baby sleeps well

Some babies sleep very sensitively. Some startle, scare themselves. If the baby cannot sleep in diapers, try to put him to sleep on his stomach, it is noticed. What a dream more calm. Exercise, walking in the fresh air, swimming in the bathroom, and hardening also enhance sleep.

First teeth

At this time, the child already has several incisors. They can even knock on a mug. Sometimes, when teeth grow, the temperature rises. The growth period of each teeth is very individual, you should not worry about this. The lower middle incisors appear first, then the upper front teeth. During their growth, salivation increases, there is a desire to gnaw objects, he sucks his lower lip. Often the temperature rises, the appetite may deteriorate. You can alleviate the suffering of a child by giving him a special silicone ring.

Transition to an adult bath

If until now the baby’s bathing took place in the baby bath, then it’s time to go to adult. To accustom the kid to a shared bath can be taking procedures together. The water temperature may be the same as usual. Some parents try to teach the baby swimming, but he can only hold his breath and move a short distance, their physiological development is not yet ready for serious swimming. Do not attach too much importance to this, otherwise the baby may be scared of water, and then this fear will accompany him for a long time.

The word "can not"

In parenting you need to be consistent. You cannot forbid too much, but you must be adamant about security. To reduce the number of prohibitions, inspect the apartment and remove all items that are dangerous - medicines, small buttons, chemicals. Close sockets, shelves and drawers so that the baby cannot pinch fingers. Now remember the main thing - if "not", then it should always be!


Eugene 10.24.2016
“During the first year, the baby will become the owner of 20 teeth” - is this, apparently, a joke? Milk teeth erupt up to 3 years!

Catherine 06/16/2016
Absolutely stupid article !!! Not all children can stand on naga even with support, and sit too! Each kid is individual. Normally, the child should learn to sit in the area of ​​6-8 months, and only stand on legs no earlier than 7 months. A lot of things are indicated here incorrectly!

Elena 01/19/2016
I read and laugh. The one who wrote this opus at least saw a child at 6 months ?? What kind of child at this age is sleeping in diapers? Why is it impossible to keep the baby in diapers? Can take slices of vegetables in the mouth ??? And choking on these slices can also! The main toys are cubes or all kinds of pyramids ??? And in my opinion, the crumbs have not grown to such toys yet, he is not interested. In short, the crap is mostly written.

Julia 01/11/2016
I’m 6 months old today, already sitting, crawling, getting up on his own feet.


Watch the video: Child Development: Your Baby at 6 Months (July 2024).