Rainbow Plot


To see a rainbow in the sky is in itself an outlandish event. Most people treat the phenomenon with great optimism, perceiving it as something magical, and necessarily make wishes at the same time. To enhance the effect of the hidden, it is better to read the special plots.

What are the conspiracies on the rainbow?

In Slavic culture, the atmospheric and optical phenomenon associated directly with meteorological conditions has been endowed with magical power since ancient times. The ancestors believed that the rainbow beam served as a link between the earth's firmament and the heavens. Others considered it to be the crossing by which souls fall into another world. Someone endowed the rainbow with negative characteristics, but in most cultures it is perceived as something positive. The iridescent colors also embody a special symbolism:

  1. Red is the wrath of the Lord;
  2. Green - hope;
  3. Yellow - generosity;
  4. Blue - peace;
  5. Violet - greatness;
  6. Blue - mercy, forgiveness;
  7. Orange is love.

You can see a rainbow less often: a special combination of weather conditions is required for it to appear. It is the rarity of the event that carries such appeal to those who believe in miracles. That is why they try not to miss the moment and utter miraculous plots during the presence of a rainbow in the sky.

What are rainbow spells?

  • A conspiracy for well-being and love;
  • A conspiracy on beauty;
  • A conspiracy to make a wish come true.

Choose a ritual for yourself and, having waited for a rainbow, perform it according to the steps below.

Happiness and love

Rainbow plot to gain personal happiness and romantic relationships is considered one of the most effective. And what to do, if with the first point there are big problems? Particularly eager to find a married woman, not yet married, or those whose marriage is not going too well. A love rainbow conspiracy can help.

Rotate fate in the right direction - is it not a challenge for white magic? It is no coincidence that for the ceremony you will need a white dress or a new white shirt. The dress should not be deliberately wedding, take a simple model. Wait for the rainbow, put on the dress and, going outside in it, look towards the sky, whispering:

"I went out under the arch in a dress unmarked. Nebushko is bright, but it is chilly for me alone. Find someone who warms me up!"

After the conspiracy should go to bed, even if it is a clear day. You cannot talk to anyone during the day. In the morning the dress is thrown or burned. Do not forget to say:

"I was married, not for my husband, but for anyone. I am taking a divorce, waiting for a new betrothed!"

If you are just looking for your love, you can omit the second part of the plot and just get rid of the dress. If so be it, your happiness will find you.

Beauty, youth and attractiveness

The eternal sunshine of youth is consonant with the very idea of ​​a rainbow, which is poured with bright colors and is pleasing to the eye. Read the magic spell on the colored yoke to gain freshness and attractiveness you need at dawn, in the early morning hours. Try to get up before dark, wash with clean water (preferably spring water) and proceed to perform the ritual. But if at this moment there is no rainbow in the sky, do not despair. Place and time are not so important: the presence of the most natural phenomenon remains the key element.

So, how to read a conspiracy for beauty on a rainbow? Take off your shoes, stand with both feet on a hard surface (preferably, if it is a wooden floor). Look carefully at the sky, imagine how you step on the color path and say three times:

"I walk on you, barefoot, let my beauty shine. Like you, the rainbow, everyone rejoices with their eyes, so let everyone admire and confess to me in love. So be it! Amen!"

Having finished reading the magic words, wait a few minutes in silence, concentrating on your feelings. Feel the beauty of the rainbow and let it through you. So you will gain confidence and begin an external transformation from within. It is useful to wipe your face with rainwater collected on the day when multi-colored stripes appeared in the sky.

Fulfillment of desires

Catch happiness by the tail (literally) and achieve the desired in life with the help of a rainbow and ... cats. The latter will be your conductor of communication with the magical powers, giving them a request. When a rainbow appears in the sky, take the animal in your arms (the cat can be yours, neighbor or stray), stroke the withers so that it calms down. Looking at the sky, say the following:

"Light from the sun, rain, sail, rainbow magic over the ravine of four roads - fulfill my wish, while your light is on, until the young moon shines in the clear sky!"

Having said the spell, pull the cat off your hands and let it go. With its help, the request will be heard and necessarily executed, unless it carries a negative meaning and is not too selfish.


Watch the video: The Story of Rainbow Six Siege (July 2024).