How to get rid of the smell of burning: the secrets of experienced housewives. We will tell you how to get rid of the smell of burning in an apartment, house or things


In this article we will try to deal with the question: "How to get rid of the smell of burning", to understand why it remains for so long in the room or on clothes, and find ways to solve the problem.

And also consider folk methods that really work, and do not mask the smell for a short time.

The smell of burning is a persistent and “aroma” heavy for the body, which, as you might think, will disappear if you open the window, wash clothes or wash anything that caused the smell to appear.

But how disappointed are people who believe that the problem can be so easily solved.

Cinder is an extremely unpleasant consequence that causes a lot of problems if you do not know how to deal with it. Fortunately, methods exist, and they are effective enough to solve the problem once and for all in the shortest possible time.

The smell of burning: why it does not last so long

To start the fight against the trouble that has arisen, we will deal with the source. Where does the smell of burning appear, we know, but why is it not enough to open the window or use an air freshener?

Firstly, the air is filled with burning material, as a heavy substance, which is really not just transported through the air, but settles on all surfaces around. Moreover, not only surfaces are affected, but also wallpapers, ceilings, curtains and other interior elements that easily absorb ambient odors. In other situations, this is temporary, but in the case of a fire or burnt food, be prepared for the fact that bad luck itself will not be resolved. The main thing is not to rush to throw out furniture and things. Almost everything can be cleaned if properly prepared.

Secondly, cinder is very deeply absorbed into clothes and fabrics, which cannot be avoided with ordinary washing. By the way, many people simply throw away even expensive things, such as fur coats, which is also not worth doing, since it is quite possible to save them if you know how.

Why do aerosols and other excipients not work? To be precise, they work, but not quite by the method that we require. The freshener only masks the smell, temporarily replacing it with a more pleasant one. When the action is over, the problem will return, and breathing harmful substances regularly is dangerous to health.

Attention: When using caustic substances that prevent unpleasant odors, do not forget that the room must be left, and then carefully ventilated so as not to poison yourself and your loved ones. This is especially true for children and people with poor health.

How to get rid of the smell of burning: purchased products

For a modern person, the most obvious answer to the question: "How to get rid of the smell of burning" is to buy a product intended for this. Therefore, we will be the first to analyze this item. Funds can be divided into two main categories, which are the most popular:

1. Liquid-like

2. Aerosols

You can use several tools at the same time, but for this it is still better to know the advantage of each.

Liquid substances intended for mechanical cleaning. For example, after a fire, it is extremely important to wash the room and for this purpose just different detergents are used, eliminating pungent and persistent odors from walls, wallpaper and other things. Most of them are pre-diluted with water and applied carefully and carefully, as you can burn both hands and the interior, depriving it of color. But to avoid this, there are different in chemical composition of the liquid. Having picked the right one, you can process anything, minimizing damage.

Aerosols are used for subsequent processing, after full and thorough cleaning.. Such substances act at the molecular level and do not mask, but destroy the smell, like soap, expelling it from the material. With aerosols, you should not just be careful. They require special attention when using, as part may be dangerous for pets and children. It is better to leave the apartment for a few days and do thorough processing, and then return to an already clean house. Inhaling toxic fumes of aerosols is dangerous and harmful, depending on the severity of the substance, and therefore it is most convenient to simply go on a visit or take a walk until the smell has completely passed.

After the general cleaning, it is very important to throw out all the rags that cleaned the room. They will not succeed in eliminating the burnout, and it makes no sense to do so. But hanging them on the battery, there is a risk of threatening the area of ​​wallpaper near it. As already mentioned, the smell is very pungent and it is easiest to throw away everything left over after cleaning.

How to get rid of the smell of burning: folk remedies and methods

The next option is to use improvised means to overcome an unpleasant odor. And it is also effective, although in some situations, such as a fire, similar methods cannot be dispensed with. But with less large-scale incidents - we try the following:

• Activated charcoal is an excellent remedy for burning, which has a positive effect due to the fact that it absorbs smells well.

• Wet sheets or towels are one of the best ways to help even in case of fire. Previously, the fabric must be moistened in vinegar and hung around the room where the smell is present. Already after a short period of time, the linen absorbs all unnecessary, clearing the air. It remains to air the rooms and enjoy the result.

• Slides of salt or soda are another popular method that helps in many situations. We scatter them without sparing in the corners of the room and wait about a day until the cinder is drawn in.

• A very pleasant and effective way is to mix the cinder with the smell of needles. This has a double effect, due to which the bad smell is first interrupted, replaced by a fresh natural one, and then completely eliminated.

• Herbs give a pleasant aroma. They purify the air and fill it with freshness, as is the case with needles. To do this, it is better to organize a trip to the countryside, where there are more similar flowers and herbs.

Naturally, the question: "How to get rid of the smell of burning" will have an answer depending on the specific situation. In other words, this is a complex work that requires a combination of procedures, where about half will be occupied by cleaning and airing, and the other half will be treated with aerosols or using alternative methods.

Attention: After a serious fire, it is recommended that you repair. Wallpaper is very difficult to clean after smoke, and the best way is to change them to finally solve the problem, and at the same time to refresh the room.

The smell can last a very long time, which depends directly on the severity of the situation. Maybe a week, maybe just a few days. The main thing is to choose the right method of struggle. But this is not all that one may encounter. Cinder remains on clothing. How to deal with this?

How to get rid of the smell of burning from things that can not be washed

In a standard situation, when clothes are saturated with smoke or burning, we resort to the use of soda, soap and other substances that help restore the fabric to its former state. But what to do when a thing cannot be washed? For example, a fur coat, coat, hat and the like. Consider the old and effective option, which helps in almost any situation. But it is worth noting in advance that unfortunate cases, unfortunately, cannot be washed without such a method and you may have to turn to professionals.

So, let's move on to the method. He existed back in the 90s, and we learned from our grandmothers or mothers. Many may recall that newspapers push into shoes or clothing that they take away for a long time. But not everyone knows what the purpose of this procedure is. A newspaper is a material that absorbs odors very well. In the case of shoes, we fill it so that it does not lie down and does not get a somewhat stagnant smell, which, although it will pass over time, will still cause trouble for the first time. By the same principle we are fighting with our problem. We fill all the pockets and possible areas with crumpled pieces, and securely wrap the entire outer part of the item with slightly crushed newspapers. The paper will absorb the burnout for about three days, after which it is necessary to properly ventilate the thing. You can take it several times and sooner or later the effect will be achieved.

As it became clear, getting rid of the smell of burning is not so difficult if you know the enemy in person. In extreme cases, you can always turn to the services of cleaning companies that will solve most problems at a reasonable price and in just a couple of days. But you can start with your own hands. Someone else might not come in handy.


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