How to get rid of scars on the body: tips. Causes of scarring, remedies and medicines for getting rid of them


Such unpleasant cosmetic defects as scars can occur on a person’s skin after healing of burns, injuries, and insect bites.

They can also be the result of acne.

Each of us would like to have an even scar at the place of skin healing, the color of which does not differ from the rest of the skin.

Today we will examine in more detail the varieties of scars on the body, the causes of their occurrence and learn how to get rid of scars.

Scars: causes and types

A scar is a trace resulting from the healing of a deep wound. The following types of scars are available:

1. Keloid scars

These scars protrude above the surface of the skin. Therefore, they are also called tuberous or protruding. The reason for their appearance is an excess of collagen fiber production. Inside the formation of a large amount of tissue, an unhealed wound remains. Meanwhile, in the formation of such scars, elastin is not involved at all.

Such scars often have a dark color and look unaesthetic. In addition, they hurt and itch. But when the damaged upper layer of the skin is restored, the scars acquire a natural skin color and even out.

Keloid scars can most often be observed on the face, neck and shoulders. They often appear against the background of deviations in the functioning of the human immune system. Sometimes such scars are hereditary. Arising in adulthood, they can be associated with age-related or hormonal changes. A scar can appear not only after mistakes made during plastic surgery, but also after a burn, injection or insect bite.

2. Hypopigmentation (white scarring)

Thin white scars on the body appear in those areas of healthy skin where there was previously an open wound that was repeatedly infected and exposed to pathogenic microbes. As a rule, they almost do not lend themselves to traditional methods of treatment. The skin in this case is not able to recover completely. It is depleted and changes in structure. After scraping and polishing, scars can grow. Experts believe that the most effective treatment for this type of scar is to moisturize and reduce collagen production through oxygen deprivation.

3. Atrophic (depressed) scars

This type of scars is a hollow and grooves on the skin. The cause of the “sunken” skin is thinning of the dermis. Atrophic scars occur as a result of acne, burns, smallpox, and injuries. Also a striking example of this type of scars are stretch marks that occur in women during pregnancy.

Depressed scars have a pale color and are characterized by reduced sensitivity. They can be observed in areas where fatty tissue is almost absent. How to get rid of scars, we will find out later.

4. Inverted scars

Scars resemble craters and pits. They usually form after acne and chickenpox. The reason for the formation of "cleaved" scars is the uneven thickening of the epidermis. They are formed as a result of the fact that under the upper layers of the skin an insufficient amount of tissue is formed, which the rash destroys. The severity of the defect depends on the severity and stage of the inflammatory elements.

As you can see, all the scars are traumatic. The following factors affect their education:

• depth and location of the wound;

• genetic location;

• proper healing and wound infection;

• diseases accompanied by metabolic disorders;

• age characteristics of a person;

• exposure to x-ray and ultraviolet radiation.

5. Normotrophic scars

The scar of this species is almost invisible, since it is located on the same level with healthy skin. Such scars are found in people with very thin, delicate and hypersensitive skin. The most minor scratches can leave a scar for many years. Next, we learn how to get rid of scars at home.

Regardless of the type of scar, its formation goes through four stages from the moment of injury:

1. The inflammatory process and epithelization. At this stage, edema resulting from trauma is reduced. The surface of the skin becomes inflamed, and the edges of the wound begin to converge.

2. After 10 days after receiving the wound, granulation of collagen and elastin fibers takes place. The bright pink color of the scar is due to increased blood circulation.

3. In the period from one to three months, blood circulation in the area where the wound is received is reduced. Condensation and pallor of the skin can be observed. During this period, the epidermis should be especially protected from repeated injuries, since they can lead to keloid formations.

4. At the last stage, the final transformation of the scars occurs. The skin tissue turns pale and thicker.

How to get rid of scars: medicines

Modern pharmacology offers many drugs to eliminate scars. About drugs of this kind it is not always possible to meet unambiguously positive reviews. Consider the tools that are most popular.

Scarguard Ointment

The drug is used to treat scars formed on the skin of the face, as well as to prevent their appearance. The ointment has a liquid consistency, so the manufacturer equipped it with a convenient brush. The formula of the product contains vitamins, hydrocortisone and silicone, which, working in a complex, soften scars. The course of treatment depends on the age of the person and the depth of the scar. Usually it is about 6 months.

Cream gel "Sledotsid" Dr. Kirov

A tool based on hyaluronic acid and tea tree extract has proven itself in the treatment of post-acne. The gel perfectly reduces inflammation and activates the regeneration processes in the skin, which helps to prevent the appearance of new scars. The cream also improves skin color. "Sledotsid" is applied to problem areas several times a day and left until completely absorbed.

Gel "Zeraderm Ultra"

The drug is a silicone gel, the action of which is aimed at thinning and softening the scar tissue. The tool has an anti-allergic effect and fights itching perfectly. It contains Vitamin K and E, Coenzyme Q10. The manufacturer Zeraderm Ultra knows how to get rid of scars.

The product is used immediately after removal of the sutures, as well as for the treatment of scars that occurred at the site of burns and injuries or after skin damage with chickenpox or infectious diseases. Apply the gel to scars twice a day. The course can be from several weeks to 6 months.

Silicone gel "Dermatics"

A drug from the American company Advanced Bio-Technologies Inc. gives a wonderful opportunity to get rid of not only new scars, but also from old scars. Also, "Dermatics" improves the appearance of the skin and eliminates itching. The tool is applied in a thin layer to the affected area twice a day for two months.

Ointment "Rescuer" from scars after burns

The active components of the agent activate tissue regeneration and contribute to the speedy healing of injuries. "Rescuer" has an antibacterial, moisturizing, absorbable and analgesic effect. The ointment is excellently absorbed into the skin. It is applied to the washed and dried damaged area with a thick layer under the dressing.

Cream "Clearwin" from spots and scars on the skin

The drug has shown its effectiveness in the fight against stretch marks, scars and age spots. Regular use of the product brings excellent results. The basis of "Clearwin" contains extracts of Indian medicinal plants such as tulasi, turmeric, vacha and him. The cream penetrates deep into the skin and restores it, enriching the cells with oxygen and improving blood microcirculation. Apply the product to the problem area twice a day for three to four weeks.

How to get rid of scars in a child

Scars in children are not always bright and invisible. Very often they stand out against the general background of the skin and bring a lot of inconvenience to the child. This is not only about feelings of tightness and itching, but also about psychological discomfort due to the unpleasant appearance of the scar. Timely treatment of scars in children will help to avoid many problems.

Experts do not recommend using aggressive procedures such as resurfacing or laser correction to treat scarring in children. Scars for young sensitive skin are treated with special gels and ointments.

Gel "Fermenkol"

If the question arose of how to get rid of scars on the baby’s delicate skin, then you should pay attention to Fermenkol gel. This tool is one of the most effective for combating post-traumatic skin defects. The gel can be used at home. It eliminates discomfort and gives connective tissue elasticity.

Such medicines as Alantoin, Heparin Ointment and Kontratubeks have also proven themselves excellently.

Getting rid of scars at home is a painless process that will save the family budget. If self-treatment of scars does not bring the desired result, then you need to see a doctor for help.


Watch the video: Scar and Keloid Management - Andrew Vardanian, MD. UCLAMDCHAT (July 2024).