April 10: what are the holidays today. Events, name days and birthdays April 10th.


Holidays April 10

International Day of Resistance Movement

The term “resistance movement” is understood to mean the resistance of many countries against the invaders of the Third Reich and its allies during the Second World War. The largest scale anti-Hitler coalition swept Italy, the Soviet Union, France, Poland, Yugoslavia and several other countries. The resistance movement substantially changed the course of the war, bringing closer the inevitable victory over the fascist troops.

The British resistance developed a plan for the introduction of troops into enemy territory. The general headquarters of the national liberation movement was formed in 1941 on the territory of Yugoslavia. A few months later, the number of partisans in the country exceeded eighty thousand people. In Poland, at the center of the resistance movement was the Workers' Party, organized in 1942, and in Bulgaria - the Patriotic Front. The day of the resistance movement is considered an international holiday, as it is annually celebrated by many states - those who opposed the Nazis in World War II.

Memorial Day of St. Hilarion

Rev. Hilarion the New, from his youth, devoted himself to the Lord. Most of his life he lived in retreat. For loyalty and holiness, Hilarion was appointed hegumen of the Pelicite Monastery. The legend says that the miracles performed by the reverend were commensurate with the Eliseevskys: by the will of God, Hilarion could divide the waters, force the thoughts to drive off locusts and other pests from the fields, fill the nets of fishermen with a good catch, expel diseases and evil, and also performed many other miracles.

Saint Hilarion suffered in the year 754 when, during the period of the persecution of icon worshipers, the military leader Lahanodracon attacked the monastery, suddenly bursting into the monastery during the Divine service. The army of the atheists seized forty-two monks, who were subsequently exiled to Ephesus and killed. The monks remaining in the Pelikit monastery were subjected to severe torture and, as a result, died a martyrdom. During these persecutions, Rev. Hilarion also died.

April 10 on the folk calendar

Hilarion - Twist the Shafts

Hilarion the New received his nickname among the people thanks to the warm weather established by this time. People in Russia believed that on April 10 the reverend melts the last snow, which means - it is time to turn the shafts out of the sled and hide them away until the next winter. Also on this day, it was decided to clean the ponds that were freed from ice.

As a rule, coltsfoot began to blossom in the fields and curbs. This flower is very much loved by the people for its valuable healing properties. The leaves of coltsfoot were used to prepare a wide variety of potions. In combination with other medicinal herbs, it was simply an invaluable ingredient in a home medicine cabinet. It was believed that on the Illarionov day, when the first greens emerged, Stepanov’s wreath lost its magic power, which was woven by the whole family on August 15 and hung in a corner of the hut. The wreath was intended to protect the house from demons and ailments.

Historical events of April 10

April 10, 1710 - Entry into force of copyright law

In 1710, Queen Anne of England signed the law (the first in history) on copyright. The content of this document confirmed the rights of the writers to their manuscripts. In addition, the author could only sell his creation for fourteen years, and after that time, the copyright returned to him, and the writer could again find a decent buyer for his masterpiece. This law led England to the rapid development of book publishing, and also had a beneficial effect on periodicals. Soon after England, other bourgeois countries also went. Thus, France adopted the corresponding law in 1777, and a little later, in 1828, copyright reached Russia.

April 10, 1908 - The beginning of one of the largest floods in the history of Moscow

As you know, floods hit the Russian capital more than once. The first written report of such a disaster dates back to 1496, when, after a snowy winter, "the great flood" overtook Moscow. Such "floods" hit the city at regular intervals, especially before the creation of bypass channels. However, they could not stop one of the most powerful floods in Moscow. The spill of the river on April 10, 1908 occurred extremely quickly and took on simply monstrous proportions that exceeded all expectations.

The flood that occurred as a result of the spill of the Yauza and Moscow rivers covered a significant part of the city (according to some estimates, about one fourth of the area). Spilled water rose nine meters above the norm. As a result of the flood, the operation of the public transport existing at that time was completely frozen, and evacuation actions to transport residents were carried out with the help of rafts, boats and tall carts.

April 10, 1981 - Opening of the Memorial Museum of Cosmonautics in Moscow

The Memorial Museum of Cosmonautics in Moscow is one of the most interesting scientific structures of the capital. Its discovery was timed to the 20th anniversary of the flight into outer space of Yuri Gagarin. The idea of ​​creating a space museum belonged to S. Korolev, the chief designer of the Soviet space rocket system. The Memorial Museum presents the first samples of space technology, genuine rocket and spacecraft (as well as their models and duplicates), archival documents, including photo and film materials, spacesuits, equipment and personal belongings of famous Soviet cosmonauts and other works of art that reflect topic of space research. The general exposition is complemented by truly unique exhibits - for example, stuffed dogs of the world-famous Squirrel and Arrow dogs.

Currently, the Memorial Museum is open after a long and thorough reconstruction (2006-2009). During the restoration period, the museum exposition was updated and significantly expanded.

Born on April 10

- Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) - the founder of homeopathy. In the early 19th century, Dr. Hahnemann proposed a new method of "treating the like with the like." In parallel, he was looking for drugs that justified his technique. Many doctors and pharmacists took homeopathy very skeptically, and in 1820, Hahnemann was forbidden to practice it in a clinic. After a little over a year, the doctor moved to Paris, where his technique immediately found wide application and eventually gained worldwide popularity.

- Varvara Aksenkova (1817-1841) - the great actress of the first half of the 19th century. Worked mainly in the Alexandrinsky Theater. Her acting talent admired everyone: Marya Antonovna (The Examiner), Sofia (Woe from Wit) and many other images brought her world fame.

- Ville Lipatov (1927-1976 gg.) - An outstanding Soviet writer. His first stories ("Two in a vest" and "Aircraft Fireman") were published in 1956 in the fashion magazine "Youth", two years later the first book of Lipatov was published. Several works of the writer were filmed.

April 10th

Namely on April 10, representatives of the following names will mark: Ivan, Vasily, Hilarion, Nikolai, Ilya, Stepan, Daria, Mikhail, Makar, Stefan, Lazar.


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