April 9th: what are the holidays today. Events, name days and birthdays on April 9th.


Holidays April 9th

Remembrance Day of the Martyrs in Tunisia

On April 9, Tunisia commemorates the Day of Remembrance of the Martyrs, dedicated to the bloody events that occurred on that day of 1938. The holiday is officially established by the authorities and is considered a day off. On April 9, 1938, during a bloody demonstration, thousands of Tunisians sacrificed themselves for the good of their homeland in order to defend their country from colonial France and gain independence. On March 20, 1956, Tunisia was recognized as a sovereign state. On special days, such as the Day of Remembrance of the Martyrs, Tunisians consider it a holy duty to honor the people who defended the honor of their native state and who gave future children independence, a moment of silence.

April 9th ​​in the folk calendar

Matrona Mother Superior, Matrona Semi-roofing

On April 9, the Orthodox honor the memory of St. Matrona of Solun. The saint lived at the turn of the 3rd to 4th centuries in Thessaloniki and was a Jewish slave.

Madame Matrona - Pavtila - in every possible way forced the slave to renounce her faith in Christ, but the saint did not want to renounce Orthodoxy and secretly visited the temple. Having learned about this, Pavtila ordered Matron to be beaten with batons, and after that she left her to die in a dark and cold room. The body of the martyr was dropped from the city wall at the order of the Jew. However, Pattila was no longer destined to live. The legend says that she stumbled, flew after Matron and crashed to death.

In Russia, St. Matron was given two nicknames: Abbess and Semi-roof. The first is associated with the onset of the spring thaw, and, as a result, the surface of the remaining snowdrifts was covered with a solid infusion. And she got the second nickname Matron, because she was considered the patroness of the economy. On this day, as a rule, the saint was asked to give people a good turnip crop, because turnip was one of the main ingredients on the peasant table. On the Matron among the people peered at feathered brothers. If the birds cry and frolic in the evening, then the weather of the next day will be clear. But if they fly above the ground itself - the next week will be dry.

Historical events of April 9

April 9, 1699 - Peter the Great issued a decree on cleanliness in Moscow

In the entire history of the reign of Peter I, he published more than three thousand all kinds of documents. A number of his reforms were aimed at improving the quality of life of people and the improvement of cities. Given that the sanitary condition of Moscow in those days was very deplorable, literally all the streets of the city were dominated by dirt and garbage, the emperor issued a decree on maintaining cleanliness in the capital. The document obliged all residents of Moscow to maintain cleanliness in the city, to monitor residential areas, streets, bridges and lanes. Throwing out any garbage in the streets was punishable by law. Such people were heavily fined, and those who continued to pollute the capital were beaten with rods. The emperor watched the work of the janitors very carefully. Also under Peter, cities began to install sewers and garbage bins. And Muscovites, fearing imperial anger, began to litter much less.

April 9, 1966 - Vatican Cancellation of the Prohibited Books Index

In 1966, the Vatican officially announced the abolition of the so-called Index of Prohibited Books, which included objectionable churches and obsolete publications of early theologians, philosophers, scholars, and other works of writers that did not, in the opinion of church leaders, correspond to truth. The first edition of the Index occurred in 1559 by decree of Pope Paul the Fourth. And his last reprint was in 1948. It consisted of four thousand names of various scriptures. Among the banned were such authors as Spinoza, Giordano Bruno, George Sand, Balzac, Descartes, Emil Zola, Dani Didro and many others.

April 9, 1989 - American D. Engelbart received a cash prize of half a million dollars for the invention of a computer mouse

The invention itself was “born” a little earlier in 1964. The first computer mouse was a small wooden box that was moved around the surface of the table using the built-in wheels. When they later asked Engelbart why he gave such an unusual name to his invention, the American replied that the folded design was very associated with his mouse. So this name is rooted in a computer mouse. In addition, Engelbart admitted that he was not the only creator of the "box", he only submitted an idea and developed a concept, and the device was designed by Bill English.

The team later joined Jeff Roulifson, who managed to significantly improve the design of the mouse and develop special software for it. Thus, three people participated in the computer mouse development project. At present, one of the American universities stores unique documented information on film, where Engelbart demonstrates his invention and shows its amazing possibilities for that time.

Born on April 9

- Leo Kopelev (born in 1912) - a well-known human rights activist, philologist-Germanist. Kopelev argued that the main condition responsible for maintaining life on the planet is tolerance. Since childhood, he spoke three languages ​​- Russian, German and Ukrainian, and at the front he was a sought-after translator. In the spring of 1945 he was introduced to the Order of the Patriotic War of the first degree, but a month later he was arrested, sentenced to ten-year camps.

- Ernst Unknown (born in 1925) - an outstanding sculptor and graphic artist, author of such famous compositions as “Kuzbass Miners”, “Tree of Life”, “Mask of Sorrow” and “Monument to Sergey Diaghilev” (his last work). As a result of the conflict with Khrushchev, Ernst was expelled from the association of artists and deprived of the right to artistic activity. Leaving the Soviet Union, the artist lived in Austria, Sweden, Switzerland, and then - in the United States. An unknown periodically came to the USSR to visit his native places and the sculptural works he created. Ironically, one of the artist’s monuments rests on the grave of his offender N. Khrushchev. Ernst transferred most of his legendary works created outside of Russia to his homeland.

- Jean-Paul Belmondo (born in 1933) - a popular French film actor, the idol of millions of women. After Belmondo played the main role in the film "In the Last Breath", he was proclaimed the key figure in the new French cinema, the personification of the modern acting image. He starred in both the classic films of Truffaut, Rene, de Brock and Melville, as well as in commercial adventure and comedy genres.

April 9th

Name days on April 9th ​​will be celebrated by: Ivan, Matron, Pavel, Theodosius, Makar, Maria, Alexander, Markel, Immanuel (Emmanuel).


Watch the video: Learn Holidays - Truly American Holidays (June 2024).