Solarium: how to sunbathe properly, who cares about ultraviolet light. The best tanning products in the solarium and how to use them correctly


The long-awaited spring has come, and it's time to prepare your legs for short skirts.

And which legs look great? That's right: graceful and tanned!

If the first depends on lifestyle, then tanning can be achieved in cloudy weather.

We use the solarium and check how to sunbathe for the summer vacation.

Man, like most animal organisms on earth, needs sunlight. But the natural charge of vivacity and heat is not always available to us.

Summer does not last long, and life in a metropolis is an eternal rush in which there is not enough time for a beach holiday. Of course, everyone dreams of sunbathing in hot countries, but if you can’t get out into the natural sun, it’s an option to spend a few minutes and get the vitamin D vital for the body artificially.

Solarium: how to sunbathe correctly - indications and contraindications

Such a tan, so desired by fans of the solarium, is obtained as a result of the production of melanin - a natural pigment that is found in the skin, hair and iris of the human eye. Melanins absorb ultraviolet rays and protect the deep layers of the skin from radiation damage, and the presence of melanins in food products contributes to their long-term storage. The so-called skin phototype depends on melanins.

According to the degree of skin susceptibility to ultraviolet radiation, six phototypes are distinguished:

1. Celtic - often with freckles, quickly burns in the sun;

2. fair-skinned European;

3. dark European;

4. Mediterranean or South European;

5. Indonesian or Mid-East;

6. African American.

Each phototype has its own nuances of tanning in the solarium. For the first skin phototype, tanning in a solarium is not recommended at all, since it can also cause burns. For all other types, the type of tanning bed, the duration of the procedure and the necessary cosmetics are selected.

When the tanning bed is useful

First of all, you need to understand whether you can sunbathe, or is it better to preserve the natural color of the skin. There are both indications and undesirable conditions for using the solarium.

Small doses of ultraviolet radiation increase immunity, improve the absorption of oxygen by tissues, and stimulate the adrenal glands.

With the help of a solarium, rickets, acne, eczema, psoriasis, herpes, rheumatism, and a number of other diseases are treated. Ultraviolet rays kill bacteria, after visiting the tanning bed improves mood, relieves stress and nervous tension.

To whom the sunbed is contraindicated

Long-term exposure to ultraviolet radiation causes damage to skin cells and makes it unevenly thicken, which leads to "photoaging" of the skin, premature age-related changes in it.

The skin relief changes, coarser and denser areas appear, the pores expand, the secretion of sebum increases as a protective reaction to ultraviolet radiation. The skin is thinning.

Contraindications to visiting the solarium:

• various inflammatory processes (both skin and systemic);

• oncological diseases (even in remission);

• hypertension;

• diabetes;

• thyroid disease;

• pregnancy;

• menstruation;

• neoplasms in the mammary glands, mastopathy;

• the presence of dangerous moles on the body;

• cardiovascular failure;

• violation of pigmentation (hypomelanosis, vitiligo, etc.);

• taking photosensitizing drugs (oral contraceptives, some antibiotics and antidepressants).

Solarium: how to sunbathe correctly - means "before" and "after"

In the tanning bed, tissue heating and increased sweating occurs. The skin loses moisture and after a tanning bed becomes dry. Therefore, you need to moisturize the skin. The only salvation from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation is special cosmetics. In order to get a tan beautiful, it needs to be “oxidized”. This is achieved with special creams.

Tanning products are divided into categories:

• developers - apply during the first tanning procedures;

• tanning enhancers, stimulants - all of them contain pigment-forming particles, substances that enhance blood flow. Certain products contain substances that already contain pigment (bronzers), and the effect is immediately visible;

• fixatives - used after the procedures, at home, so that the effect of the tanning bed lasts for a long time, and also so that the skin does not dry out.

One of the currently popular means to accelerate the manifestation of tanning is a cream with a tingle effect (it feels like tingling from ants' bites). It enhances blood circulation; it is applied before the procedure, after which the person leaves the solarium all red. This is not a burn - after a short time, the redness disappears and the chocolate color immediately appears. But such a tool should be used only by trained people, and in fair-skinned people it will cause a burn. It also can not be applied to the face and it is better not to use it in a horizontal tanning bed.

According to the optimal ratio of price and quality, the following funds can be allocated:

• Developer, moisturizer Emerald Bay Dark'n Dazed: protects the skin and accelerates the manifestation of tanning. The “caring" composition includes aloe and hemp seed oil. It has a pleasant sweet smell, which does not disappear after the procedure, and the skin does not smell burnt. It is wonderfully suitable for maintaining a tan, economical (a probe is enough for a couple of times), a chocolate skin tone without yellowness is quickly achieved. Can be used for oily skin.

• Amplifier, stimulator of suntan Supre MARQUIS 15x Dark Bronzing formula: it is not cheap, but it differs in quality and a set of pleasant "goodies". Particularly suitable for fair-skinned, when you have to sunbathe often. It is easily applied to the skin of the body, evenly distributed without much difficulty, contains nacre. "Plus" it in the absence of a characteristic smell of burned skin after a session, there remains only a pleasant aroma. The skin after the procedure is not sticky, there are no spots, stains and yellowness.

• Regarding fixers, you can, of course, use special creams and lotions, but a normal nourishing cream or body milk is also quite suitable. Its main task is to prevent the skin from drying out and peeling.

You can choose tanning products with the help of probes. Each sampler is enough for two to three times. This is enough to understand if the remedy is suitable. Many tanning studios sell cream for bottling, which is more convenient and profitable.

Pay attention also to the fact that the product is intended for the face or body. Body cream should never be applied to the face, and vice versa.

It is better to apply cream or lotion in front of the solarium a couple of hours before the session - then the product will evenly cover the skin, there will be no spots and burns.

Solarium: how to sunbathe properly - how long is the first time and subsequent

First of all, when you come to the solarium, you need to consult with a specialist (doctor) to help determine the skin phototype, since it is he who is crucial in choosing the optimal duration of tanning sessions in the solarium and its power.

Lamps in a solarium are 12 times more powerful than natural solar radiation, so just 15 minutes of tanning in a solarium is equal to 4 hours of tanning on a sunny beach. On average, a healthy person without harm to health can be carried out in the solarium up to 50 procedures for 10 minutes per year. At the same time, a break between each visit should be at least 24 hours.

After the winter, you need to start sunbathing in the solarium with a minimum amount of time - from 3 to 5 minutes. When choosing the duration of the procedure, it is better to "under-tan" than to burn out on the first visit. Do not be greedy!

For an accelerated version of intense tanning, a trained person can visit the solarium two to three times a week for two weeks, after which it is enough to go to the solarium once a week for 8-10 minutes to maintain a tan.

The safest and most comfortable tanning bed is horizontal, but the most uniform result can be achieved vertically. Turbosolarium should be used only for prepared, slightly tanned, skin, as the power of such a tanning bed is much higher, and intense radiation can lead to burns.

Beginners and people with fair skin should use a vertical tanning bed. Ultraviolet is evenly distributed and there is no contact with the body.

Unlike a vertical cabin, there are more lamps in the horizontal tanning bed, but they are less powerful, so you can lie down longer. There are 4 lamps for tanning your face - using the remote control you can independently lower their power. Horizontal tanning beds are more designed for relaxation.

In more "advanced" tanning salons, there is an aqua irrigation system - through small nozzles, water is sprayed over the body and carried by a fan, creating the effect of a sea breeze.

Solarium: how to sunbathe correctly - step by step instructions

Do not think that when you come to the salon, they will explain to you all the benefits and harms of a tanning bed and specify all the nuances. As a rule, administrators who have taken technical safety courses while working with the device and who are aware of the effects of UV rays are very superficial in a tanning studio. Therefore, before going to the solarium, do not be too lazy to visit a competent dermatologist who will conduct an examination and give you recommendations (yes, there are such specialists!). This is your health!

The first thing you should ask the operator in the solarium studio is when the last time the lamps in the device changed, it is better if they are worked out no more than for 500-600 hours. It directly depends on whether you spend your money profitably, or give it in vain.

When you come to the tanning bed, rinse off all cosmetics and make-up, as these products may contain both sunscreen components and substances that damage the skin under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. Even perfume components can do harm.

Dermatologists recommend a shower with moisturizers before tanning

When tanning while lying in a horizontal tanning bed, use underwear.

Be sure to protect your chest. Use stikini - stickers on the nipple area with a reflective effect. The opinion that breast cancer can be "earned" in a tanning bed is just a stereotype. Scientists have not found direct evidence of the relationship. Stickers are used in order not to overdry sensitive skin, and so as not to provoke the development of melanoma (skin cancer). All areas of thin skin (lips, genitals) in the tanning bed should also be protected.

Be sure to wear eye-glasses for the eyes issued in the cabin with dark green or dark purple glasses. These are accessories made in the form of eye sockets with a thin elastic band or with a nose bridge. Be sure to wear it, since damage to the retina is initially invisible, but later serious problems can arise.

Contact lens wearers should take them off.

When tanning in the tanning bed, the tattoo fades greatly. If you have colored eyebrows, then you will also need to use protective stickers to maintain color. Use lipstick stickers to protect moles as well.

Do not neglect the hair cap. Hair (especially dyed) under the influence of UV rays in the tanning bed is very dry.

After a tanning bed, do not rush right into the shower, as a tan can take worse. The same applies to peeling - it is better to do it a day before tanning in a solarium.


Watch the video: Is Tanning Healthy? Busting Common Myths About Tanning (June 2024).