Neurosis - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment


Neurosis (psychoneurosis or neurotic disorder) is a concept that unites a whole group of diseases associated with functional disorders of the human nervous system against the background of mental stress.

The following types of neurosis are distinguished:

1. Neurasthenia. Patients are usually irritable, they find it difficult to concentrate, they quickly tire.
2. Hysteria. The disease is more common for women. It is characterized by tears, fainting, frequent complaints.
3. Neurosis of obsessive states. It is characterized by causeless fears. At the same time, the patient perfectly understands the illogicality of his own experiences, but cannot get rid of them.

Neurosis - causes

Modern man lives in a society where he cannot do without communicating with people. However, communication does not always bring joy. During the day, people constantly make contact with other people. In addition, each time it is necessary to respond, tune in to the conversation. Such an emotional readjustment (if it happens very often) greatly excites the nervous system. It is for this reason that it is common for people to choose places where there are fewer people.

Another cause of neurosis is lack of exercise. Active mental work in the complete absence of movement and physical development also negatively affects the human nervous system.

Overeating and overweight are another cause of psycho-emotional disorders.

Neurosis - Symptoms

Distinguish between mental and physical symptoms of neurosis.

Mental symptoms:

- emotional distress;
- problems in communicating with people;
- Inadequate self-esteem;
- unstable mood;
- tearfulness;
- anxiety;
- touchiness;
- problems with sleep (sleep anxiety).

Physical symptoms:

- headache, pain in the heart;
- a feeling of fatigue and increased fatigue;
- vegetative-vascular dystonia;
- insomnia;
- loss of appetite;
- vegetative disorders.

Neurosis - diagnosis

Neurosis is diagnosed on the basis of a thorough analysis of the patient's behavior and feelings. An important role is played by the search for the causes of the disease. In addition to examining a psychiatrist, consultations and examinations of a number of other doctors are required, since neurosis can occur against the background of somatic diseases.

Neurosis - treatment and prevention

Treatment of neurosis requires a comprehensive individual approach. First of all, it is necessary to analyze the traumatic situation and reduce or completely eliminate its effect on the patient. The following psychotherapeutic techniques are important in the treatment of neurosis:

- explanatory (explanation of the essence of the disease);
- hypnosis (used for fears and fears of an obsessive nature);
- autogenous training (important for anxiety and autonomic manifestations of neurosis);
- psychoanalytic therapy.

General strengthening therapy, which includes the use of vitamins, physiotherapy, is also important. Of psychotropic drugs, tranquilizers are used, less often small doses of antidepressants (incazan, pyrazidol, azafen) or antipsychotics (meleryl, sonapax, frenolone) are used. The choice of the necessary treatment is carried out depending on the type of neurosis, as well as on the nature of the individual course of the disease. When psychotherapeutic exposure should take into account the real capabilities of the patient, his social status. The formation of new interests and personal goals should not be at variance with the life values ​​of the patient.

An important place is the prevention of neurosis. It includes a number of social and psycho-hygienic activities, the main purpose of which is to relieve emotional stress and physical relaxation of a person.


Dima 08/31/2016
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