Leonardo DiCaprio - biography, career, personal life, interesting facts, news


Leonardo DiCaprio was born into a hippie family on November 11, 1974 in the Hollywood slums of Los Angeles. He got his name thanks to the painting by Da Vinci - his mother, while pregnant, was walking around one of the museums in Italy, and the baby easily pushed her when she examined her. On this occasion, the future actor received the name Leonardo.

Parents of Leonardo DiCaprio - Irmelin (worked as a social servant) and George (invented comics) divorced when the boy was not even a year old. But later they both tried to raise the child on equal terms, so as not to deprive him of maternal and paternal care.

For the first time, little Leo appeared in front of the camera at the age of 2.5, when his father brought to a children's television show. At first, the producers were glad that a stormy, colorful child appeared in the frame, but then he was so dispersed that they regretted it. In fact, the boy delivered a lot of trouble to the film crew.

Leonardo DiCaprio studied at an elementary school at the University of Sides, where he also attended acting classes. Then, to receive a more advanced education, he went to Los Angeles. All the time it seemed to him that these lessons were not enough, the desire to participate in performances in front of a lively audience was very great. Therefore, the guy joined the avant-garde troupe called The Mud People and began touring with them in Los Angeles.

Leonardo DiCaprio - the beginning of a stellar career

Soon, Leonardo DiCaprio played in the first real play, enrolling in Los Feliz at the John Marshall School. Already at the age of 15, the guy had a personal agent, as he starred in small documentaries and educational films and commercials. In the same year, he managed to get a small role in the very popular series at that time - “Lassie”, in addition to this, Leo played the role of a teenage alcoholic in “Santa Barbara” and several more roles in various series.

Career Leonardo DiCaprio began to gain momentum, in 1991 the guy starred in the full-length film "Critters 3", as well as in the popular ABS series called "Growing Pains". It was the game in this series that the guy was remembered by the producers - he was approved in the film "The Life of This Boy" for one of the central roles. The film was shot based on the novel of the same name by W. Woolf and such famous actors as Helen Barkin and De Niro participated in it.

Leonardo DiCaprio - gaining popularity

In the same 1993, Leonardo DiCaprio invited to the auditions in his new film “What's Eating Gilbert Grape?” Directed by Lass Halstrom, in which Juliette Lewis and Johnny Depp were to star. At first, Halstrom didn’t like him at all in the photographs, as he seemed overly attractive for playing the role of a demented child, but when he saw how Leonardo DiCaprio got used to the role on the samples, he immediately rejected all doubts. As a result, the critics praised the young actor’s play very highly, and they nominated him in 1994 for the Academy Award. By the way, then Leo was only 19 years old.

Leonardo DiCaprio - The Most Notable Roles

But there are no takeoffs without falls. The very next year, Leonardo DiCaprio was invited to shoot immediately in 3 films, their creators had high hopes for the guy, who were not destined to come true. The movie "Fast and Dead" was coldly received by the audience and received negative press reviews. The actor decided to expand his role and starred in the role of the basketball poet and drug addict in The Basketball Player's Diary and in the role of a gay hero in Complete Eclipse. Despite the great game, not all viewers liked these films.

Leonardo DiCaprio received real popularity among ordinary viewers and a huge army of fans after filming in Romeo and Juliet. Director Lurman transferred the action of the novel in our time. Then the actor was invited to one of the central roles in the famous "Titanic", after the shootings he received such popularity that simply went beyond common sense.

Leonardo DiCaprio - personal life

Like a career, the actor’s personal life has always been of interest to many. Passions of Leonardo DiCaprio have always been the most beautiful women on the planet. Model Helen Christensen from Denmark was his girlfriend in 1990, from 2000 to 2005, he lived with the Brazilian fashion model Gisele Büdchen. In 2006, Leo began an affair with the Israeli fashion model Bar Rafaeli, and in 2009 - with the Russian fashion model Anna Vyalitsyna. In 2010, Leonardo DiCaprio started dating Bar Rafaeli again and it was already getting to the wedding, but something did not work out for them. On the horizon appeared the actress Blake Lively, with whom DiCaprio had an affair from June to October 2011. Since December 2011, he has been dating Erin Heatherton, who advertises Victoria's Secret brand lingerie.

Leonardo DiCaprio - interesting facts from life

Leonardo DiCaprio has considerable apartments in New York and several houses in Los Angeles. He also bought an island in Belize in 2009, where he wants to make an ecological resort. The actor is actively involved in environmental movements, uses a hybrid car, flies regular flights, not charter flights; solar panels were installed in his house. Leonardo DiCaprio donated $ 1 million in 2010 to earthquake victims in Haiti. The actor speaks good German and as a child he often went to his grandmother in Germany. In general, German, Russian and Italian blood flows in his veins.

Leonardo DiCaprio - today

At the moment, Leonardo DiCaprio is busy filming Quentin Tarantino's Liberated Django western, and in August he will again work with director Martin Scorsese. The actor has a pretty busy schedule. In 2013, the shooting of the film "Lenin" is planned, where Leo will play the leader of the world revolution.


Watch the video: Leonardo DiCaprio Biography UPDATE (July 2024).