Sinusitis - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment


Sinusitis is an inflammation of the maxillary sinus, proceeding in a chronic or acute form. The name of the disease came from the name of the sinus - maxillary, in which inflammatory processes cause the occurrence of sinusitis.

Microorganisms - viruses or bacteria, getting into the maxillary sinus with a blood stream or through the nasopharynx, lead to inflammation of the mucous membrane. Often, such processes are accompanied by the accumulation of purulent formations in the sinus.

Sinusitis is almost always manifested due to repeated colds or a runny nose, the treatment of which was carried out in bad faith. In addition, neglected dental treatment also affects the resulting inflammatory processes.

In addition, they increase the risk of inflammatory processes in the sinuses of a violation of the structure of the nose, often resulting from trauma and polyps in the nose.

Sinusitis - causes of the disease

The main cause of the disease is viruses and bacteria that penetrate the maxillary sinus and cause an inflammatory process.

In acute sinusitis, not the nasal mucosa, edema from the nasal cavity gradually spreads to the mucosa of the maxillary sinus and holes. During which the mucous membrane swells and closes the lumen leading to the nasal cavity. Stopping the entry into the sinus of the air necessary for the normal functioning of the mucous membrane.

Pressure begins to build up, which gradually becomes the cause of the appearing pain, while in the sinus there is an accumulation of mucus resulting from a violation of the outflow process. Which stagnates, gradually takes the form of an inflammatory nature - exudate. It is an excellent environment for the emergence of new and development of existing viruses and bacteria. They produce toxins that are absorbed into the bloodstream and cause symptoms of malaise, decreased appetite, headache, fever, etc. Turning mucus gradually into pus, which has a viscous consistency, clogging the sinus.

While the anastomosis does not work, bacteria continue to multiply by producing toxins, which in turn lead to an increase in purulent mass, gradually filling the sinus. If anti-inflammatory procedures and treatment have not been carried out up to this point, eyelid edema appears, exophthalmos - protrusion of the eyeball forward can occur, as well as the destruction of the maxillary sinus walls and the spread of the purulent inflammatory process on the bone tissue, developing osteomyelitis - inflammation of the upper jaw bone.

Sinusitis - Symptoms

The main symptoms of sinusitis include unpleasant sensations in the nose, nose and within the nasal region, gradually turning into pain. As the inflammatory processes develop, there is an increase in pain symptoms, in the morning less pronounced and growing in the evening. Pain is perceived as a common headache. Difficult nasal breathing is observed. A clear sign of sinusitis is a constant nasal congestion and a nasal voice.

Both halves of the nose are usually affected by the inflammatory process, but there is also alternating congestion. Swelling of the eyelids and cheeks, sometimes wounds and cracks at the entrance to the nose, is observed. Constant runny nose and general malaise.

Sinusitis - diagnosis

Diagnosis of sinusitis includes clinical and paraclinical methods and methods for determining the disease, as well as interviewing the patient, examining the nasal mucosa and studying the manifestations of the disease - wasp congestion, cough, pain. X-ray of the sinuses. Puncture of the maxillary sinus, carried out after consultation with the otolaryngologist.

Sinusitis - treatment methods

In the treatment of the disease, antibacterial drugs and antihistamines are used. A good effect is given by antiseptic washing of the nose with solutions and the method of movement, or better known as the “cuckoo,” as well as ultraviolet radiation in the nasal cavity, UHF on the sinuses, diathermy, sollux, inhalation.


Viktorikriv 11/10/2016
Once I got sinusitis, then I still did not know what kind of disease it was and how it manifests. I got to the hospital every day with punctures - it's terrible that I had to go through. And then six months pass and I again have sinusitis amid weakened immunity. The doctor again sent to the hospital, but this time did not agree to hospitalization, and decided to try another treatment on the advice of a friend who took me to the doctor as a nutritionist, she prescribed treatment and after 2 weeks I am healthy. After that I don’t get to the hospital, I know how to deal with this scourge. Who cares here is the link


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