The treatment of prostatitis in men at home can greatly complicate the disease! We treat prostatitis at home - only with the permission of a doctor!


Men perceive urological diseases as severe discomfort, and the inability to lead a full sexual life.

Many people think about the possibility of treating prostatitis at home, but, unfortunately, they are embarrassed to go to the doctor.

We treat prostatitis in men: symptoms and causes

Before accessing the Internet or asking friends for advice, remember that this is a fairly individual illness. Each person has different causes of his appearance, as well as symptoms. How to recognize a dangerous disease, we will consider below. Prostatitis can occur in two forms - acute and chronic.

Symptoms detected by clinical examination

1. Frequent urination. In a normal, healthy person, the frequency of urination should not exceed 12 times a day. But prostatitis irritates the bladder receptors, which is why the following is observed:

• pollakiuria;

• after the man went to the toilet, there is a feeling that he did not empty the bladder to the end;

• urine output is accompanied by severe pain;

• Often men cannot go to the toilet at all, even with strong urges.

2. Temperature. It occurs only at the stage of purulent prostatitis. In the late stage, body temperature decreases, and reaches the mark of 35-36. This is a dangerous condition.

3. Blood is released along with urine. This is a rare symptom, but despite this, a dangerous sign. Such bleeding is not easy to stop.

4. The feeling of pain. Complicated prostatitis always makes itself felt by constant pain. Moreover, this does not even occur at the time of urination. The cause of this condition is gland irritation.

Laboratory evidence for prostatitis symptoms

These methods are used to accurately be sure of the presence of prostatitis, as well as to determine the severity of the disease.

1. Blood test. With prostatitis, white blood cells and ESR will increase.

2. Urinalysis. Specialists use the three-glass method to identify hidden pus and bacteria at the beginning, middle, or end of a man's urination.

3. Tank blood culture. This method is used only if symptoms of sepsis are observed.

Instrumental methods

1. TRANSPORT. This is a good way to detect prostatitis.

2. X-ray images of the bladder.

Thanks to all of the above methods, it is not difficult to identify the symptoms of prostatitis.

Causes of the disease

1. Complications after illness. These include: bacterial infections, decreased immunity, colds in the pelvic organ, infections of the SPT.

2. Urethral reflux. The prostate cannot prevent urine backflow as before. As a result of this, bacterial seeding of the prostate occurs.

3. Wrong rhythm in sexuality. If a man has sex irregularly, or does not do it at all, and his ejaculation always occurs with a delay, then the likelihood of developing prostatitis is high.

4. Stagnation of venous blood. This condition occurs only with a sedentary lifestyle.

5. Male sex hormones are not produced in sufficient quantities.

But distinguished and acquired causes, their appearance is due to the following:

1. Urethritis. There is inflammation of the urethra. The infection must be treated on time, otherwise it will gradually switch to other organs.

2. The urethra is narrowed, this leads to the fact that the pressure in the urethra rises, and the outflow of urine is disturbed.

3. Injuries in the perineum.

4. Stones formed in the prostate gland.

5. Improper diet and abuse of bad habits.

After discovering at least one symptom of prostatitis, you need not think about the possibility of treating prostatitis in men at home, but go to the doctor as soon as possible. In order to prescribe the correct treatment, it is necessary to establish the cause of the disease.

Treatment of prostatitis in men at home: medications

Before prescribing a patient treatment with drugs, a diagnosis is made:

1. Full clinical examination.

2. Taking the necessary tests for laboratory research.

3. The study and investigation of the prostate gland.

4. Ultrasound.

5. Uroflowmetry.

After the diagnosis is accurately established, the specialist draws up an individual treatment plan. Drug therapy is an important part of the treatment of prostatitis in men.

Drugs are prescribed according to the following scheme:

• fluorochilones;

• amoxiclav or other modern macrolides;

• products based on natural ingredients.

In the complex treatment of prostatitis, phytochemicals are often used.

"LIKOPROFIT®" - a complex of natural components. The components of LIKOPROFIT® selectively accumulate in the tissues of the prostate, reduce the manifestations of inflammation, help strengthen protective functions, protect cells from damage by free radicals and control the process of excessive proliferation of prostate tissue. * Due to the complex and balanced composition, the difficulties associated with urination are eliminated easing pain. (1) The components of "LIKOPROFIT®" against the background of standard therapy effectively affect the main symptoms of chronic prostatitis, contribute to improved urination: reduce the frequency of urination and increase the flow of urine, improve well-being and have a general strengthening effect in patients with chronic prostatitis *

I would like to give an example of how prostatitis is treated in men in America. There is a common antibiotic treatment method. Moreover, they are prescribed even when bacteria from the secretion of the prostate are not secreted.

Now, we will consider in detail what medications you need to treat the disease, if there are no improvements after taking antimicrobial drugs. In this case, specialists should focus on analgesia, as well as eliminate the causes that interfere with the process of urination. To do this, prescribe drugs of the NSAID group, for example, diclofenac.

If you have causeless anxiety and irritability with prostatitis, you need to consult a psychotherapist. Most likely, antidepressants will be prescribed.

Treatment of prostatitis in men at home is possible, only in some cases the patient is hospitalized.

Treatment of prostatitis in men at home: folk remedies

Treatment of prostatitis in men at home is quite effective. The main thing is to have willpower, and not to stop treatment after three days. Since many funds are designed for a minimum of 20 days. Below are the most effective methods.

Pumpkin seeds

Following the opinion of the majority, it can be concluded that treatment with pumpkin seeds is the most effective way. Moreover, it is unnecessary to produce special expenses. Treatment with pumpkin seeds implies their use in an unusual way. So, for example, just eating them, will bring almost no relief.

The first thing you need to do is to get exactly the living pumpkin seeds. Take for this dried or fried type is not worth it. You have to make a special mixture.

Pass the seeds through a meat grinder, and then mix with honey in equal proportions and heat a little. Put in the refrigerator and let it brew for several hours. Then form small tablets from the resulting mass. Every morning, 30 minutes before a meal, eat one tablet. The course of treatment is 20-30 days. But the first result, it will become noticeable after a few days, the pain will gradually begin to subside.

Herbal treatment

The treatment of prostatitis in men at home is really effective. Thanks to folk remedies, you can not only relieve symptoms and eliminate the causes of the disease, but also prevent its occurrence in the future. Herbal treatment has always been popular. Our grandparents knew many useful recipes that could reach our time. Some of them will be considered below:

1. Celandine. Take the leaves of the plant and squeeze the juice. Then dilute it with alcohol in a ratio of 1: 1. You need to drink the drug every day, in the morning before eating. But there is a small nuance, on the first day you need to take one drop, and increase the dose every day, as a result, by the end of the month you will reach 30 drops.

2. Pink radiol. Grate the roots of the plant, separate one tablespoon and pour a glass of boiling water. The composition should be infused for one hour, then strain it. The method of treatment in this way is to drink daily funds in the morning and afternoon, half a glass.

3. Clove. Dry the plant, grind and pour a glass of boiled water. Then you can make alcohol tincture, just dilute the drug in medical alcohol. Take a few drops in the morning before meals.

The benefits of herbal treatment is that there is no chance of side effects. But when treating with alcohol tinctures, it is necessary to take into account the presence of other diseases. So, for example, if, in addition to prostatitis, you have problems with the stomach or intestines, you should refuse to take such tinctures.

Treatment of prostatitis in men: massage, warming up, physiotherapy

In order to cure chronic prostatitis, specialists prescribe prostate massage. The course of treatment is 10 seconds. As a result, it is possible to achieve the following effect:

• duct obstruction is completely restored;

• antibiotics penetrate better into the tissues of the body;

• increases the sensitivity of microflora to drugs;

• improves muscle tone of the prostate and blood supply.

Warming up

Thanks to warming, it is possible to improve blood circulation at the site of the lesion, remove all bacteria, and relax smooth muscles. After several procedures, the pain disappears, swelling subsides.

But this method of treatment is effective only in the early stages of the disease. Use warming with chronic prostatitis. There are several ways to carry out the procedure:

• warm enemas;

• baths or saunas;

• taking hot baths;

• special devices;

• tampons applied rectally.

But, unfortunately, not all doctors have a unanimous opinion about warming, most of them believe that warming will contribute to the development of chlamydia.

One conclusion can be made, the reproductive system in men is quite important and complex, therefore it is not worth it to self-medicate and trust the advice of lay people.


Carrying out physiotherapy procedures favorably affects the male body, namely it allows you to quickly get rid of prostatitis.

Physiotherapeutic techniques have a beneficial effect on many receptors, from which impulses are sent to the nervous system. The pain gradually subsides, swelling subsides, immunity increases. After several courses of treatment, the patient will feel significant relief.

Treatment of prostatitis in men at home will be effective only if all your actions are performed as directed by the doctor. Many events need to be carried out in a comprehensive manner, using not only traditional medicine, but also other methods of treatment. Only in this way will you be able to get rid of an unpleasant ailment as soon as possible.

* Instructions for use of dietary supplement LIKOPROFIT®
1. Spivak L.G. Efficiency and safety of Likoprofit® in patients with chronic prostatitis and prostate adenoma. Urology. 2013, No. 2, pp. 118-122 .;


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