Doctors recommend that women with PMS eat more greens


American researchers are absolutely sure - women who do not forget to include a large number of green leafy vegetables in their diet reduce the risk of developing PMS (premenstrual syndrome) by 40%. This is the theory voiced by Harvard physicians with the support of colleagues from the University of Massachusetts.

For ten years, scientists monitored the diet of 3,000 women and found that women who received a lot of iron while eating suffered less from PMS. Iron directly affects the production of serotonin, which is responsible for mood. Doctors call the premenstrual syndrome a complex of symptoms that occurs on the eve of menstruation in some women. It is characterized by increased irritability, unmotivated mood swings, nausea and an obsessive headache.

By emphasizing the importance of iron-rich foods, scientists warn that excessively large amounts can harm the body. “Women should avoid consuming more than 45 milligrams daily. This is the top acceptable level. And it’s better to get a doctor’s advice, otherwise hemochromatosis (accumulation in the tissues of the iron), liver cancer, arthritis, diabetes or heart failure may occur, ”recalls study author Elizabeth Burton-Johnson.

Sources of iron are the following products: artichokes, beans, dried fruits, lentils, green beans, peas and leafy vegetables, spinach, cabbage, turnips, liver (pork, beef), caviar (keta, pausa).


Watch the video: Your Menstrual Cycle, Nutrient Levels & Cravings (July 2024).