How to cure the flu at home? Effective and reliable ways to treat flu at home: listen to your doctor’s advice


Influenza is an infectious disease that affects the airways.

Today, experts count more than two thousand flu viruses, each of which is different from each other.

How to treat flu at home: regimen and diet

After a person gets the flu, he usually loses his appetite. But it is during this period that vitamins and nutrients are important for the body. After all, the only way he can cope with the disease faster. Following a diet will help you cope with the disease faster. But what products are useful for influenza, and what should be completely abandoned.

Few people know how to treat flu at home, and most importantly how to eat right and what regime to adhere to.

It's no secret that proper nutrition is the key to good health and strong immunity. But many diseases are so insidious that absolutely anyone can get sick with them. They include the flu.

Eating the right and wholesome foods reduces the risk of complications. You will recover much faster and recover.

Another plus from the diet is that you can get rid of such unpleasant symptoms as vomiting, nausea, and fever.

Here is a list of foods that are good to eat:

• eggs;

• fresh fruit juice;

• decoctions made from medicinal herbs;

• lean meat and baked fish;

• nuts and sour cream;

• oranges or tangerines.

It is especially important during the period of illness drink plenty of fluidsIt can be juices, broths, soups or plain water. The thing is that high temperature can provoke the process of dehydration in the body, and this in turn will lead to the development of other diseases.

If you have the flu, you need to consume at least 50 grams of protein per day.

What to do if symptoms like vomiting and nausea appear

Many people with the flu complain that they constantly vomit and feel sick. The first thing your doctor will advise you is to follow a drinking regimen. You can add citrus juice to warm water, and instead of sugar, put honey.

Unacceptable Products

As soon as the first relief comes, many believe that the time has come to eat the old food. However, many products can delay the healing process.

During the period of illness and recovery, completely abandon such products as:

• carbonated drinks, sugar, sweets;

• alcohol, smoking, coffee;

• spicy and fried food;

• butter, milk;

• a large amount of salt.

But the main recommendations on the right menu are best obtained from your doctor, who should be consulted at the first sign of a cold.

Daily routine to stick to

Many patients continue to go to work and lead their previous lifestyle. However, doctors recommend that you take a sick leave and lie down at home. If this condition is not observed, serious complications may occur. Moreover, they can touch even the main organ in our body - the heart.

That is why do not try to move a lot. Listen to your doctor’s advice and take an unplanned weekend.

How to treat flu at home: medication

There are certain drugs, their action is aimed quite narrowly - they completely destroy the flu virus. In the treatment of respiratory infections, medications are ineffective, just like antiviral drugs.

If you have a question, how to treat the flu at home with medication, you can ask any specialist, and he will probably recommend the following medications:

1. Tamiflu. It is indicated for children over one year old and for adults. It is a good tool in the treatment and prevention of influenza. It can be used even by pregnant women, as well as nursing mothers. But there are certain contraindications - renal failure, sensitivity to the components that make up the drug. The drug will be effective only if use is started no later than two days after the onset of symptoms.

2. Relenza. You can take it from the age of five. Unfortunately, the effectiveness of the drug during pregnancy and lactation has not been studied, however, contraindications are known for sure - bronchial disease, intolerance to the components.

In addition to the means described above, the doctor may prescribe other medicines that are more affordable, and most importantly, their effectiveness has been verified and proven:

1. Arbidol. The main action is to prevent influenza A and B viruses from entering the cells. Positive dynamics of recovery is observed.

2. Anaferon - homeopathic medicine. The drug has an antiviral effect. As soon as the first signs of the disease appear, start taking the drug according to the following scheme: in the first two hours, drink one tablet, then 3 more tablets during the day. Starting from the second, you need to drink one tablet a day until a full recovery occurs.

3. Amixin. As a result of taking the drug, the reproduction of the virus is suppressed. Do not take during pregnancy and lactation.

It is advisable to take medicine only as directed by a doctor. Since before this you need to be examined, find out if there are any complications.

How to treat flu at home: folk remedies

Folk remedies for the treatment of influenza have been used for many decades. Their effectiveness is tested and proven by ordinary people. But still, there is no need to harbor the illusion that such methods can have the same effect as medications. The influenza virus is active and aggressive, so folk remedies can not always cope with it, which means you can’t rely on them only.

Before you learn how to treat flu with folk remedies, you need to understand why they are generally used. They can restore the weakened immunity of the patient, saturate his body with the necessary vitamins. The effect will be achieved if folk remedies are used together with medicines.

You need to take note of a few simple recipes that you can cook yourself at home:

• Take 4 egg yolks and rub with sugar until a foam forms. Then slowly stir and gradually pour 0.5 liters of fresh beer, pre-heated. In the mass that you have, add a pinch of cinnamon. Then put it all on the stove, and cook for 5 minutes, without ceasing to stir. But do not bring to a boil. After that, drink a glass of broth, repeat several times a day;

• Take a container and combine in it 2.5 teaspoons of beet juice and 1 teaspoon of honey. The drug is instilled into the nasal passage several drops, up to 4 times a day;

• wash the onion in the husk, fill with water, add 50 grams of sugar there, then put on fire and cook for 30 minutes. Cool well, strain, take 1 tablespoon 5 times a day, about 20 minutes before eating.

Other traditional remedies are also used:

1. Do inhalation with eucalyptus and sage.

2. Drink plenty of fluids - herbal tinctures, raspberry tea.

3. Eat honey, currants, citrus, jam.

These are the most popular and commonly used tools. Before treating the flu at home, still visit a specialist so that the treatment does not cause side effects.

How to treat flu at home in a child

Children get the flu much more often than adults. But the complications and consequences associated with it, each time make parents very worried. How to help your baby, and most importantly, how to cure the flu at home.

Children can get the flu after the first few months of life. Moreover, babies receiving breast milk, get sick much less often.

In adulthood, the baby may complain of a headache, constantly acting up, refusing to eat. His body temperature rises to 39 C only the first two days, then it drops. After some time, nasal congestion occurs, a cough appears.

Do not self-medicate, especially if the child is less than three years old. It is important to show it to the doctor, and then follow all the recommendations. But, nevertheless, there are preventive measures to alleviate the course of the disease:

1. Bed rest. It is better if the first few days your child will lie as long as possible. Thanks to this, complications of organs such as the brain and kidneys will not occur.

2. Diet. If the crumb refuses to eat regular food, try to persuade him to eat fruits and vegetables. It helps to drink plentifully, thanks to it the body copes with intoxication faster. Drinks that contain sugar, it is better to exclude, it reduces immunity.

3. Fighting temperature. If the body temperature rises to 38.5 and above, you must definitely give medications to reduce it, prescribed by your doctor. When the temperature drops, you can use vinegar wipes. At the moment of chills, wrap the baby, provide him with warmth.

4. Try to surround your baby with care and attention. Show him that he is loved. Due to this, internal healing agents that will strengthen the immune system will begin to stand out in the body.

What should not be done

1. If the temperature rises above 38, in no case do not start wrapping the baby.

2. Never lubricate it with balms such as Dr. Mom or an asterisk. From their smell, the baby will suffocate.

3. Never give aspirin. As a result of its action, nose or stomach bleeding may occur.

Now you know how to cure the flu at home. But it is worth repeating once again that treatment should be agreed upon with your doctor.


Watch the video: Home Made Cold and Flu Remedy (June 2024).