How to lose weight after childbirth - useful tips for young mothers


Each young woman seeks to lose weight after childbirth or at least as quickly as possible to regain its former weight. A simple and clear goal can meet many obstacles in its achievement. Taking care of the baby leaves no time for itself, so mothers often can not lose weight quickly. Some continue to gain weight during the first year after giving birth. This is one of the most relevant topics for young mothers, almost daily discussed at playgrounds. There are several proven, effective, and simple recommendations.

Why is a woman recovering from childbirth?

Most women face the problem of overweight after giving birth. Even those who did not complain of a tendency to be overweight and slowed metabolism before giving birth notice that after the same system of nutrition and the amount of food they can not only regain their previous weight, but also gain it.

How to lose weight after childbirth? This is the main question that interests young mothers. To give an answer to it, you need to understand the cause of the increase in body fat. For such a slowdown in metabolism, hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy are responsible. In addition, fluid retention in the body is possible.

Increasingly, the cause of weight gain is a complete immersion in caring for a child. During lactation, as well as after it, the weight of a healthy woman should not increase. On the contrary, by the end of the first year after giving birth, the mother should recover and regain the antenatal weight. After all, 90% of those who gave birth who did not return to their previous weight for a little over a year never return to it.

How to lose weight after childbirth? Where to begin?

Be patient! Postpartum weight loss should not be fast. Pregnancy is a huge stress for the body associated with a change in the hormonal background, a lack of vitamins, and a decrease in physical activity. It is important to know that normal weight loss after childbirth is a gradual, natural decrease in body weight of about 200-400 grams per week. If natural weight loss occurs faster, it is possible that the body is depleted of stress, malnutrition and hormonal imbalance. Hormonal background is fully restored only two years after birth.

Weight loss is best to start with a gradual increase in the number of tonic exercises, walks, normalize sleep, add massage and water treatments. Only after this can you begin to gradually limit your diet. In this case, you must carefully listen to your body. If side effects appear in the form of weakness, irritability, headache, dizziness, coldness, then the restrictions are too severe. In this case, you must immediately expand the diet.

To lose weight after childbirth - breastfeeding!

For the well-being of the baby and the well-being of the mother during breastfeeding, doctors strongly recommend that you refrain from harsh methods of weight loss - fasting, strict and fast diets, pills, liposuction and others. During breastfeeding, you need to follow a diet that helps to set up the baby’s stomach.

These are light soup on the broth, boiled fish and meat, eggs, cereals, dairy products - this is the healthy nutrition of a nursing mother. The main advice is not to eat "for two." The baby will receive all the necessary nutrients from the same fat reserves that were formed in mom during pregnancy. Long breastfeeding contributes to the disappearance of excess weight.

Walk more

Many mothers are too lazy to walk and are limited to the so-called walks on the balcony. Walking with a stroller is not only a benefit for the baby, but also an extra opportunity to do a figure. It is recommended to walk with the baby twice a day, for 2-3 hours. And an hour of intense walking is equivalent to three hours of training on the simulator. For walks it is better to use comfortable shoes. Straighten your back - and go with a quick step!


One of the main causes of excess weight is a lack of physical activity. Even with reduced fat intake, lack of movement leads to weight gain. Fat is consumed during muscle activity. Of course, a small child does not have a long seat in one place. Being engaged in the kid try to give a load to different muscles.

Perform a variety of work, move around the house and the street, and remember that all muscle groups need a load. In addition, wearing a kangaroo is great gymnastics. This exercise is good for posture, helps strengthen the abdominal muscles and back. Increasing the baby’s weight will gradually increase the load, and changing the position of the kangaroo (on the back or on the stomach), you can give a load to different muscle groups.

Proper nutrition will help you lose weight after giving birth

For weight loss after the birth of the baby, it is optimal to eat low-fat foods, as well as limit the amount of sugars. Practice fractional nutrition - frequent meals and small meals. This diet helps to lose weight, allows you to reduce the calorie content of the diet by 15-20%, without reducing the saturating properties and quality of the products. It is recommended that nursing mothers include certain foods in their diet.

Cereals These foods are rich in fiber, which helps reduce waist and abdomen. First of all, this is oatmeal, buckwheat, corn. They give a boost of energy and do not cause flatulence, which can cause increased gas formation in the baby. For a greater weight loss effect and better satiety, it is recommended to add a little bran to such porridge. This is an excellent breakfast that will delay the feeling of hunger, and with regular use it will clear the body of toxins and cholesterol.

Kefir and cottage cheese. It is recommended to consume these low fat foods. They are rich in calcium and do not contain excess calories. Calcium encourages the body to quickly get rid of fat stores. In addition, it is necessary to maintain muscle mass to perform a double load - breastfeeding and weight loss. Dairy products contain probiotics that normalize digestion. Dairy products for newly born mothers are recommended to be consumed at least three times a day.

A fish. Seafood and fish, and in particular fatty varieties, saturate the body with omega-3 fatty acids, which positively affect the work of the heart, as well as the development of the brain and vision in the baby during breastfeeding. It is recommended to eat fish at least twice a week.

Lean meat. Beef contains a lot of zinc and iron - these are the most important minerals for producing breast milk and maintaining energy. When eating poultry, it is better to choose dark meat instead of white. It has more calories, but at the same time more zinc and iron. Meat must be eaten at least three times a week, and preferably more often.

The eggs. For speedy weight loss, it is recommended to eat one egg a day, preferably for lunch or breakfast. Eggs contain a special type of protein that provides satiety for a long time. This avoids unnecessary snacks. In addition, eggs contain a special nutrient - choline, which is very beneficial for the baby.
Spinach. With its very low calorie content, this product is extremely useful. It contains two substances necessary for nursing mothers - magnesium and folic acid. They contribute to the production of blood cells, strengthen muscle and bone mass, collagen production. Spinach is recommended as often as possible.

How do vitamins and minerals help you lose weight after giving birth?

In addition to the tips on how to lose weight after childbirth, it is recommended to include a vitamin-mineral complex in the diet. Moreover, attention should be paid to its composition. Such a complex must necessarily contain elements such as iodine and iron. For weight loss, these multivitamins can be used in a double prophylactic dosage.

In addition, it is possible to limit the calorie content of the diet and normalize the appetite with the help of special cocktails for weight loss. It is recommended to take them at night, as well as before main meals. You can sometimes use cocktails as a light meal. Their use reduces appetite, while maintaining the right amount of nutrients in the body, which is very important for young mothers. You can find these cocktails at the pharmacy. In addition to all this, you should eat food slowly and when you feel full, the rest of the portion can be eaten later.


Katyusha 09/06/2016
But I, too, got scared that I would stay that way. Therefore, after she stopped breastfeeding her baby, she actively engaged in her weight loss. More precisely, as active as possible. I didn’t particularly go in for sports, exercising and stretching during the day, but I didn’t bother, because I have problems with my back ... I also drank reduxin-light, in the composition of KLK, it activates all these metabolic processes, karoch, metabolism improves and the body is easier, and losing weight gradually. After a course of 2 months, she returned to her size, was 48 became 42. She noticeably built, pulled herself up. Now the weight is stable, I hope this will be, at least not more)

Maxim 08.31.2016
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Regards Maxim

Bianca 03/31/2016
The first time I hear that breastfeeding helps to lose weight ... Although this is quite logical. I didn’t suffer for a long time from excess weight, did exercises sometimes, but I didn’t eat high-calorie ... Somehow everything itself resolved ... Such a constitution))

Well you scared me! I'm talking about that. that if you don’t regain your weight within a year after giving birth, then he will not return! I still remember from childhood - a woman neighbor, always slender, fit, left for the third time in the hospital - came huge. And so she lived the rest of the time.

Liana 03/03/2016
Well ... Again, diet))) And so all my life! Before delivery, during. and now after !! It’s time to get used to it already))) In the last months of pregnancy, I ate like a horse, now I slowly drive fat with exercises and diets. It seems - it turns out.


Watch the video: Baby-care Tips and Info for New Moms from Texas Health Resources (July 2024).